Adventure Map/Valley of Seers (Hyrule Warriors)
Valley of Seers appears eight times on the Adventure Map in Hyrule Warriors.
Battle B-12 has the chosen warrior team up with Ruto to quickly fight a duo of Gohmas. The player starts just outside the eastern gate to South Temple while Ruto starts inside South Temple with a group of Hylian Soldiers. Both of the Gohmas start in the north-east and north-west corners of the map. Ruto, initially, will not move until the player engages one of the Gohmas, then Ruto will advance to the remaining Gohma. To help complete the mission, three Transport Troops will appear at the start of the battle, each carrying items that can help the player. The Transport Troops appear east of South Temple, west of South Temple across the bridge, and north of South Temple. They respectively carry a large Magic Jar, a huge Triforce Fragment, and a big Heart. Once the warrior has felled both Gohmas before the ten minutes are up, the battle will be won.
Battle B-13 is in the form of a quiz that has the chosen warrior fight enemies from the Era of the Hero of Time. The warrior will first need to reach the nearby West Ruins. There, the warrior will be given a question in the form of a mission, which is to defeat one of the two enemies that appear in conjunction with the question. The warrior "answers" the question by defeating one of these enemies. Whether the warrior answers the question correct or not depends on the enemy defeated. For example, the first question asks the warrior to defeat the "passionate brother," which the warrior would need to defeat either Darunia or Impa to answers. The answer, in this case, being Darunia. If the warrior answers correctly, the enemy will be defeated and a KO is given. If not, the attacked enemy will retreat before it is felled. Either way, the gates in the base will open and the warrior will need to advance to the next keep indicated on the mini-map. The warrior will need to answer all three questions to complete the battle, with the grade rewarded determined by the number of KOs the warrior gains, the highest rank requiring all three questions to be answered correctly.
Keep | Question | Enemies |
West Ruins | Defeat the passionate brother! | Darunia |
Impa | ||
West Keep | Defeat the musician! | Sheik |
Ghirahim | ||
Eastern Room | Defeat the aquatic one! | Ruto |
Sheik |
Battle C-2 has the player control Link as he fights the warriors from the Era of the Hero of Twilight. Sheik leads the Allied Forces against the Enemy Forces led by Midna, each residing in their respective bases. Link starts at the intersection to the left of Western Room while Impa starts just outside Western Room's east gate. Agitha and Zant, of the Enemy Forces, start east of East Keep and north of West Temple respectively. The Allied Forces control Eastern Room, Western Room, and Ruins Summit, the latter being the Allied Base. Midna's Forces control the remaining keeps, with South Temple being the Enemy Base. At the beginning of the battle, both Agitha and Zant will immediately target the Allied Base. Link will need to keep the Allied Base safe from the two along with completing the first given mission of capturing three specific enemy keeps: West Temple, East Temple, and West Ruins. Zant, as well as Midna, can be easily defeated with any of Link's Light-elemental weapons, but Agitha will resist their attacks due to being a light-elemental warrior so it is all up to preference whether to take the extra time to defeat Agitha with a Light-elemental weapon, or use any of Link's other weapons to deal neutral damage to the three warriors for the sake of keeping the Allied Base safe. If Link is powerful enough, he can not worry about Agitha and let Impa keep her at bay while Link takes the required keeps and dispatches Zant and Midna. As Zant and the West Temple are the closest to Link, he should defeat Zant first and then capture the enemy keep there. After the first enemy base is captured, a Darknut Fortifier Captains will appear north of the Fairy Fountain and another at the top of the stairs right of South Temple. Both will advance to nearby keeps to strengthen them. The one that appears outside the Fairy Fountain can be ignored as it will target one of the two nearby keeps that don't need to be captured to complete the mission. The one in the south will target one of the two keeps that do need to be captured. Link can now defeat Agitha, who should be near or inside Western Room, if needed. He now needs to capture the keep that the southern Fortifier Captain is advancing to and defat it and capture the base he's advancing to. With two keeps captured, Midna will order the enemy parties north of the Fairy Fountain to charge towards the Allied Base. She will also summon a Darknut Summoner in a random keep that will summon Bulblins at Link's location. Link will need to keep an eye on the Allied Forces' territory and intervene the Enemy Forces if it starts to get overwhelmed while he finished the mission. Once Link captures the final keep, the mission will be complete and the gates to the Enemy Base will open. Midna can then be fought and defeated to win the battle.
Fortifier Captain
Battle D-13 is a major battle against Ruto's Forces. The Allied Forces, led by Darunia, occupy both Western Room and Eastern Room as well as the Ruins Summit that is used as their Base. The chosen warrior starts at the intersection behind Western Room, while Darunia guards the north-eastern grounds near the bridge and Lana patrols the Allied Base. The Enemy Forces occupy the remaining Keeps, with their base stationed in South Temple. Wizzro also fights for the Enemy Forces and starts on the other side of the north-east beidge, opposing the Allied Darunia. The warrior is instructed to defeat three specific Aeralfos captains in the Enemy Forces. One Aeralfos starts nearby the warrior, just south of West Temple. The second Aeralfos is in the central area between the Fairy Fountain and the stairs leading up to the temple. The last is in the south-east area beneath East Ruins. All three will advance towards the Allied Base from their starting points. In the meantime, Darunia and Wizzro will do battle on the bridge. The warrior will need to monitor Darunia while progressing through the battle or defeat Wizzro as soon as possible, as Darunia's defeat will become an instant loss for the Allied Forces. When the three captains are slain, the warrior will now need to acquire the Big Key needed to open the Enemy Base. The key is within Fairy Fountain, which is protected by a Darkness Barrier. The barrier can be dispelled with the Fiary of Darkness that is held captive in West Keep. With the key acquired, the warrior can face Ruto and defeat her. Ruto will make a last-ditch effort to win the battle and summon a Gohma outside the Allied Base. The warrior will need to vanquish the Gohma to win the battle.
Battle F-8 limits the player to using Lana as she participates in a weapon-related quiz. Lana will need to first progress into the nearby West Ruins, where she will be given a question in the form of a mission. When she first enters the keep, the gate will close behind her and two enemies will appear along with the mission. The mission has Lana defeat the one enemy that is wielding the correct weapon that the mission itself describes. When Lana defeats one enemy, whether she guesses correctly or not, the other will retreat and the gates to the keep will open. She then can proceed to West Keep where she will have to answer another question, and then to Eastern Room for the final question. After the final question is answered, the battle will be complete and the rank she obtains will be determined by the number of "correct answers" given
Keep | Question | Enemies |
West Ruins | Defeat the sword wielder! | Darknut |
Shield Moblin | ||
West Keep | Defeat the axe wielder! | Stalmaster |
Darknut | ||
Eastern Room | Defeat the spear wielder! | Shield Moblin |
Darknut |
Battle F-11 is a timed battle that has the chosen warrior fight groups of enemies until they amass 400 total KOs within 10 minutes. The warrior starts to the right of South Temple, while a Darknut-led enemy party starts across the western bridge and a group led by a Dinolfos starts near the gate to the closed-off West Ruins. The Dinolfos will rally the enemy troops, raising their morale, after two-and-a-half minutes elapsed from when the sub-mission to defeat it is given at the start of the battle. When the warrior accumulates 101 KOs, two more Daknut-led parties will appear above the wooden bridge to the east and to the west of South Temple before the western bridge. A King Dodongo will also appear up in the north-west that will target the warrior. After a total of 201 KOs, Lana will appear on the far eastern side of the map, along with another group led by a Darknut between the chasms in the east. Another sub-mission to defeat Lana is given, where Lana will rally the Enemy Forces after two minutes and thirty seconds after the sub-mission is given. Once the warrior reaches 301 total KOs, the last groups of enemies will appear: Two Darknuts in the open area above South Temple and a second King Dodongo in the nort-west corner of the map. To assist the warrior with their mission, Transport Troops will appear when 3 and 6 total minutes elapse. One will appear on the west side of the western bridge and the other near the gated West Ruins. Once the warrior reaches 400 total KOs, the battle is complete.
Transport Troop
Battle F-15 has Ganondorf fight for the Allied Forces against Sheik, who controls an army of Big Poes. The Allied Forces do not have control any of the map's keeps, so their leader, Ruto, rests at the large open area above South Temple, while the player-controlled Ganondorf starts at South Temple's eastern area, at the top of the ramp. At the start of the battle, Ganondorf is tasked with rescuing two stranded Allied parties between Western Room and Eastern Room. To do so, he needs to breech a couple enemy-owned keeps to open the gates that bar him from the stranded captains. At the start, Ganondorf will need to capture either East Temple or West Ruins. By doing so, all the gates on the lower part of the map will open, giving Ganondorf access to Western Room and Eastern Room. An Item Transporter will appear in East Temple that carries treasure that can be relinquished by felling it. The stairway up the middle of the northern temple is gated off so Ganondorf will need to access the temple from either the east or west side. The enemy party that resides in the unclaimed keep will march out and target Ruto. When either the next two keeps are captured, the remaining gates will open and the Allied captains can now be rescued. Darunia and a Hylian Captain both need to be rescued by defeating the two Big Poes that target each of them. Once the parties have been rescued, the Enemy Base in the Fairy Fountain. At this time, Ruto will stubbornly advance to Sheik, despite being weak to her Lightning-elemental attacks. Ganondorf will now need to defeat Sheik and, by doing so, claim victory for the Allied Forces.
Item Transporter
Battle H-2 limits the available warriors to only Zelda, who is not limited on her choice of weapon. Its preferred that she uses the Baton weapon as it matches the recommended element of Lighting. The battle pits the Allied, Enemy, and Rogue Forces against each other. Fi leads the Allied Forces and starts with control of East Temple, West Keep, and the Fairy Fountain, the latter of which is designated as the base. Ghirahim dominates the Ruins Summit, where the base for the Enemy Forces lies, along with the nearby Eastern and Western Rooms and East Keep. The Rogue Forces claim the remaining bases, including the West Ruins that the leader Fiery Aeralfos claims as their base. Zelda starts south of East Temple while the allied Lana guards the area north of the same keep. Volga and Wizzro fight for Ghirahim and the rest of the Enemy Forces. Wizzro starts at the intersection west of Western Room and Volga starts before the bridge on the opposite side of the map. When the battle begins, Zelda is tasked with defeating a valued enemy captain to weaken their respective army and gain access to their respective base. She will need to defeat either Wizzro from the Enemy Forces, or a Fiery Aeralfos that starts right across from where Zelda first begins the battle, both of which start with high morale. The Enemy Forces will attempt to gain the upper hand by summoning two Gibdo Messengers to advance to nearby keeps. If any of them reach their destination, they will retreat and two high-morale Gibdos will appear in that keep, which will march to the Allied Base. Once Zelda fells one of the captains, their respective base will open and they will summon powerful captains, also with boosted morale, that will target the Allied Base until the captain has been defeated. As Zelda continues to fight the weakened army, the other opposing army will continue to increase their captains' morale. Once one of the opposing Forces have been dismantled, the remaining army will focus their attention on bringing down the Allied Base, along with the remnants of the fallen army. Now Zelda can defeat the remaining captain that will open the other opposing base. If the Rogue Forces are dispatched first, then Wizzro will be among the other captains that will directly assault the Allied Base. As Wizzro is a warrior of darkness and Fi being a warrior of light, they're weak to each others attacks, meaning that Fi can be easily defeated by Wizzro and vice-versa. It's preferred to defeat Wizzro and the Enemy leader first before fighting the Rogue Forces so as to not put any pressure onto Fi while Zelda deals with the leaders. When both leader are defeated, the battle is complete.