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Blizzards are a recurring Weather mechanic in The Legend of Zelda series.(FSAFour Swords Adventures | TotKTears of the Kingdom)[1][2] Blizzards go unnamed in Breath of the Wild and Echoes of Wisdom.


Four Swords Adventures

Blizzards occur in certain areas of Frozen Hyrule. While present, Snow falls and harsh gusts of Wind that cover the screen and damage the Links if they are not in a Cave intermittently appear.

Breath of the Wild

Blizzards are a common Weather event in Freezing Climates, particularly on Mount Lanayru, the Hebra Mountains, and the Gerudo Highlands. During a Blizzard, heavy amounts of Snow fall from the sky. Visibility is reduced during this time, though they are not impossible to navigate.

Tears of the Kingdom

Blizzards are still frequent within Freezing Climates, especially in relation to Mount Lanayru, the Hebra Mountains, and the Gerudo Highlands. As a result of Colgera's presence in the Hebra Mountains Sky, a large Blizzard has appeared over a majority of the Hebra Region. Blizzard also occur when Link faces a Frost Gleeok.

Echoes of Wisdom

Blizzards occur on Hebra Mountain, causing Freezing Climates as a result of their presence. Initially, the entire Mountain is subject to a Blizzard, but it eventually shifts to only cover its lowest level during the Main Quest "Rift on Holy Mount Lanayru".


Names in Other Regions
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See Also


  1. - Blizzard Warning! -
    Take care not to stroll out too far during blizzard conditions! If you're exposed too long, your strength will fade away. Be careful!
    — Sign (Four Swords Adventures)
  2. Do you have to go somewhere, Link? I'll keep looking into whatever's going on with Princess Zelda and the blizzard while you're away. But soar back when you can! — Tulin (Tears of the Kingdom)
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