1 row is stored for this page
Field | Field type | Value |
_creationDate | Datetime | 2024-08-05 9:55:22 PM |
_modificationDate | Datetime | 2024-10-21 4:42:49 PM |
_creator | String | Croxodile |
_categories | List of String, delimiter: | | |
_numRevisions | Integer | 11 |
_isRedirect | Boolean | No |
_pageID | Integer | 176,185 |
_pageName | Page | Frog Ring |
_pageTitle | String | Frog Ring
_pageNamespace | Integer | 0 |
3 rows are stored for this page
Field | Field type | Value |
category | String | Items |
canon | List of String, delimiter: , | EoW |
nonCanon | List of String, delimiter: , | |
Field | Field type | Value |
category | String | Accessories |
canon | List of String, delimiter: , | |
nonCanon | List of String, delimiter: , | |
Field | Field type | Value |
category | String | Rings |
canon | List of String, delimiter: , | |
nonCanon | List of String, delimiter: , | |
1 row is stored for this page
Field | Field type | Value |
games | List of String, delimiter: , | Series • EoW |
term | Wikitext | Frog Ring
plural | Wikitext | |