
From Zelda Wiki, the Zelda encyclopedia
Not to be confused with Kaepora Gaebora.

Gabora is a character in Majora's Mask.[1]


Gabora lives with Zubora in the Mountain Village in the Mountain Smithy. The perpetual winter of Snowhead froze their hearth,[2] threatening their business.[3] Link can help them by melting the ice using Hot Spring Water, a Fire Arrow,[4] or bringing spring back to the mountains by completing the Snowhead Temple.[5] With their help, Link can upgrade his Kokiri Sword.[6] However, Gold Dust is needed to make the most powerful Sword.[7]

The hulking Gabora,[8] who is referred to as a "Deku Stick" by his business partner,[9] seems to be the one who does all the forging while his superior relaxes and drinks a warm beverage. Despite his size, he does not seem to mind being ordered around constantly.[10]



Gabora's name could possibly be a reference to Kaepora Gaebora.

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  1. Art & Artifacts, Dark Horse Books, pg. 197 (MMMajora's Mask)
  2. Unfortunately, we're not doing any business right now. It's because of this abnormal cold snap we've been having. See? Our hearth has been frozen over! — Zubora (Majora's Mask)
  3. The way things are going now, I won't be able to do any business until spring... — Zubora (Majora's Mask)
  4. Eh? What's that? You say if we had hot water, we could melt the ice off the hearth? — Zubora (Majora's Mask)
  5. You've gotta understand, I have to melt this ice off my hearth before I can go to work. Come back in the spring after the ice melts. — Zubora (Majora's Mask)
  6. Now then, let me take a look at your sword. Hmmm... All right...To reforge your sword, it will cost you 100 Rupees. It'll be ready at sunrise. — Zubora (Majora's Mask)
  7. This is a secret, but I'll let you in on it...If you bring me some gold dust, I can forge you the strongest of swords... It'll never lose its edge. It's the strongest. The strongest... — Zubora (Majora's Mask)
  8. That huge fellow is my assistant, Gabora. He's all brawn and about as smart as a Deku Stick. — Zubora (Majora's Mask)
  9. Don't act like you know what you're talking about, you Deku Stick! — Zubora (Majora's Mask)
  10. Gabora, fetch our customer some coffee, quick-like. [...] Gabora, forget about the coffee!! — Zubora (Majora's Mask)
  11. Enciclopedia di Hyrule, Magazzini Salani, pg. 244
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