Guardian Potion

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Guardian Potions are Items in Skyward Sword.[1]

Location and Uses

Guardian Potions can be bought at the Potion Shop for 200 Rupees.[2] They can be stored in empty Bottles and halve any damage received when drank.[3] Guardian Potions can be upgraded at the potion shop by infusing them with various Bugs, preventing any damage for three minutes.[4]




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  1. That is a Guardian Potion.
    This stuff makes you feel invincible! It's a potion that reduces the damage you take for a little bit of time.
    — Luv (Skyward Sword HD)
  2. This kind of potion doesn't come cheap though. It's 200 Rupees. How about it? — Luv (Skyward Sword)
  3. You got a Guardian Potion! This mysterious potion halves any damage you receive! The effect lasts for three minutes. — N/A (Skyward Sword)
  4. You got a Guardian Potion +! This mighty potion prevents you from sustaining any damage for three minutes! — N/A (Skyward Sword)