North Tabantha Snowfield

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The North Tabantha Snowfield,(BotWBreath of the Wild | TotKTears of the Kingdom)[1][2] also known as the N. Tabantha Snowfield,(BotWBreath of the Wild)[3] is a recurring location in The Legend of Zelda series.

Features and Overview

Breath of the Wild

N. Tabantha Snowfield is located in the Tabantha Tundra, along the northern border of Hyrule Kingdom. It is a flat expanse that is covered by Snow, surrounded by the Hebra Mountains and Mount Drena. The North Lomei Labyrinth is also accessible through the Snowfield. Sha Gehma Shrine is situated in the northern part of the Snowfield, in addition to two abandoned Monster Strongholds. As part of a Freezing Climate, Link requires at least two levels of Cold Resistance in order to traverse the N. Tabantha Snowfield without taking damage.

During the "Stalhorse: Pictured!" Side Quest, Juannelle directs Link to the N. Tabantha Snowfield, claiming to have heard rumors about Stalhorses being found there.[1]

Two Treasure Chests are located on the N. Tabantha Snowfield. One is a metal Chest inside the northernmost abandoned Monster Stronghold, which holds a Kite Shield. The other is also a metal Chest, this time situated in the northwestern corner of the Snowfield, and it contains a Forest Dweller's Bow.

A total of three Korok Seed Puzzles can be found on the N. Tabantha Snowfield. The first is an Archery Puzzle, marked by a Pinwheel on a hill in the Snowfield's northwestern corner. The second is a Jar in a felled Cedar Tree on the eastern side of the Snowfield, which Link can destroy using Archery or Remote Bombs. The third Puzzle is a Rock Pattern on a hill west of the North Lomei Labyrinth. Whenever Link solves one of these Puzzles, a Korok will appear and give him a Korok Seed.[4]


Minor Enemies



Tears of the Kingdom

Related Quests


Names in Other Regions
  • 北タバンタ雪原 (Kita Tabanta Setsugen) (BotWBreath of the Wild)
  • (きた)タバンタ雪原(せつげん) (Kita Tabanta Setsugen) (TotKTears of the Kingdom)
  • North Tabanta Snowfield
The Republic of ChinaThe Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of ChinaThe Macao Special Administrative Region of China
北塔邦撻雪原 (Běitǎbāng Tà Xuěyuán) (TotKTears of the Kingdom) 
The People's Republic of China
北塔邦挞雪原 (Běitǎbāng Tà Xuěyuán) (TotKTears of the Kingdom) 
The Kingdom of the Netherlands
Tabantha-vlakte (noord) (BotWBreath of the Wild)[5]Tabantha Plain (North)
The French Republic
Prairie gelée - Nord (TotKTears of the Kingdom) 
Prairie gelée - Nord (TotKTears of the Kingdom) 
The Federal Republic of Germany
Nord-Tabanta-Schneefeld (TotKTears of the Kingdom) 
The Italian Republic
Nevaio di Colbacco nord (TotKTears of the Kingdom) 
The Republic of Korea
북타반타 설원 (TotKTears of the Kingdom) 
Latin America
SpanishLALatin American
Estepa de Tabanta norte (BotWBreath of the Wild)[6]Northern Tabanta Steppe
The Kingdom of Spain
Estepa de Tabanta norte (TotKTears of the Kingdom) 
This table was generated using translation pages.
To request an addition, please contact a staff member with a reference.


See Also


  1. 1.0 1.1 Good answer! There's a rumor it can be found with Stalkoblins in the North Tabantha Snowfield. Some have reported it aaaaall the way on the other side of the snow field to the east, right in front of those bizarre ruins. — Juannelle (Breath of the Wild)
  2. North Tabantha Snowfield — Map (Tears of the Kingdom)
  3. N. Tabantha Snowfield — Map (Breath of the Wild)
  4. Yahaha! You found me! — Korok (Breath of the Wild)
  5. Tabantha-vlakte (noord) — Map (Breath of the Wild)
  6. Estepa de Tabanta norte — Map (Breath of the Wild)