Phantom Zant

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Phantom Zant is the mini-boss of the Palace of Twilight in Twilight Princess.[1]


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If we waste time dealing with this, we’ll never find Zant! Don't bother yourself with those little nuisances! Attack Zant's image!

Phantom Zant is encountered twice in the Palace of Twilight. It throws balls of dark matter that spawn various Twilight monsters, such as Shadow Keese, Shadow Deku Babas, and Shadow Beasts. After Link defeats all the spawned monsters, or the monsters have remained for long enough, Phantom Zant will continue to warp around the room. Eventually, it will temporarily stop to spawn more monsters. It is at this time that Link is able to attack it. After defeating Phantom Zant, Link will be able to obtain a Sol, which he must return to the entrance of the palace.

Other Appearances

The following section is not part of the Zelda canon and should not be taken as such.

Hyrule Warriors

Phantom Zant appears as part of Zant's Special Attack by charging up a huge darkness ball above his enemies and then slamming it down to the ground at them. Phantom Zant also appears as Zant's Twilight Map standard outfit.


  • Both Phantom Zant and Death Sword share a unique mini-boss theme.
  • Phantom Zant’s appearance resembles a hologram though he can still interact with solid objects.


Names in Other Regions
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  1. Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 197
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