Schule Donavitch

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Schule Donavitch is a character in Link's Awakening.[2][note 1]


Schule Donavitch is an artist who lives in the Animal Village, where he can be found in his studio painting the portrait of the Hippo Model.[4] He is also the sculptor of "The Mourning Mermaid" found near Martha's Bay,[5] but admits that it is unfinished.[6] Martha the Mermaid mentions that she had posed for Schule's sculpture, and also claims that he had asked for her Scale.[7] If Link obtains the Scale and shows it to Schule, he will tell him that he is too preoccupied with his latest work and asks that he add the Scale to his sculpture in his stead.[8] If Link has obtained the Magnifying Lens and speaks with Schule, he asks what he is looking at with the Lens and demands that he stop.[9]

Schule Donavitch's brother is Sale, the owner of Sale's House O' Bananas on Toronbo Shores.[1]


  • In the German version of Link's Awakening, Sale mentions that his brother is collecting old toothbrushes.[10]
  • In the French version of Link's Awakening, Sale mentions that Schule Donavitch is the younger brother.[11]


Schule's German name, Kroko Dilius, is a pun, as the pronunciation is equal to KrokodiliusKrokodil is German for crocodile. In the French version, his name is Sven Donavitch, while his signature name on "The Mourning Mermaid" is Alligodali, which is a cross between the word "Alligator" and the name of the famous artist, Salvador Dalí.

  Names in Other Regions  
シュール・ドナピッチ (Shūru Donapitchi) (LALink's Awakening) 
Alligodali (LALink's Awakening | LADXLink's Awakening DX)[14]Portmanteau of Alligator and Salvador Dali.
  • Kroko Dilius (LALink's Awakening)
  • Kroko Dillus (LADXLink's Awakening DX)[13]
  • Croco Dilius
  • Schule Donavitch (LALink's Awakening)[12]
  • Schule Donavitch (LADXLink's Awakening DX)[12]
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  1. Schule Donavitch was also referred to as the Art Alligator in The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening—Nintendo Player's Guide by Nintendo of America.[3] However, because Encyclopedia takes precedence, this term is not considered Canon.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Welcome to Sale's House O' Bananas! I'm Sale, this is my house! Actually, my hobby is collecting rare and unusual canned food. My brother is an artist, so I guess strange hobbies run in the family! — Sale (Link's Awakening DX)
  2. Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 233 (LALink's Awakening)
  3. The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening—Nintendo Player's Guide, Nintendo of America, pg. 46
  4. Leave me alone! I'm trying to sit still so Schule can paint my portrait! — Hippo Model (Link's Awakening DX)
  5. THE MOURNING MERMAID By SCHULE ? ...A scale is missing... — Mermaid Statue (Link's Awakening DX)
  6. Ya, I am Schule Donavitch! Zee mermaid statue by zee bay iz my masterpiece! ... To tell you zee truth, zis werk iz not complete! Zee art, it'z... difficult for you to grasp, iz it not? — Schule Donavitch (Link's Awakening DX)
  7. An artist once asked me to pose for him, and he wanted a scale, too... Can the legend of the Magnifying Lens be true...? — Martha (Link's Awakening DX)
  8. Iz zat zee Mermaid scale? I can't use it now. I have to werk on zis drawing. You should go finish zee mermaid statue for me. — Schule Donavitch (Link's Awakening DX)
  9. Ach! Vat are you looking at vith zat magnifying lens? Stop it at vonce! — Schule Donavitch (Link's Awakening DX)
  10. Nebenbei sammle ich Dosenfutter aller Art. Naja, ein seltsames Hobby... Stimmt! Aber mein Bruder sammelt alte Zahnbürsten... Das liegt wohl an den Genen...Secondarily, I am collecting canned food of all kinds. Well, a strange hobby... I agree! But my brother collects old toothbrushes... This probably lies in the genes... — Sale (Link's Awakening)
  11. Mon frère cadet est un artiste.My younger brother is an artist. — Sale (Link's Awakening)
  12. 12.0 12.1 Enciclopedia di Hyrule, Magazzini Salani, pg. 233
  13. Encyclopedia, TOKYOPOP, pg. 233
  14. Encyclopedia, Les Éditions Soleil, pg. 233
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