Sign of the Shadow

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Sign of the Shadow

Link shooting an arrow at the sun as it crests Gerudo Tower
Quest Giver Kass
Location Gerudo Tower
Reward Sasa Kai Shrine

"Sign of the Shadow" is a Shrine Quest in Breath of the Wild.[1]


At the top of Gerudo Tower, Link encounters Kass playing his accordion.[2] At Kass will be deep in thought with himself.[3] However, when he notices Link, he apologizes and explains he was busy with a song his teacher, the Court Poet, wrote for the fallen hero.[4] The Court Poet was always hopeful that the hero would return, even after so long.[5] Someday, Kass wishes to be able to perform the song for the hero, and so he continues to practice.[6]

Realizing he has been talking for a while, Kass asks Link if he would like to hear an "Ancient Song" pertaining to the area.[7] If Link agrees to listen, Kass will begin to sing.[8] The lyrics describe shooting an Arrow towards the sky when the sun is to the northwest.[9] Though Kass does not understand the meaning behind them, he knows his teacher left a secret in the song.[10] He wishes Link luck on his path.[11] With this, the Shrine Quest begins.

Southeast of Gerudo Tower, Link will find a Pedestal, which he must stand on. Once the sun or moon passes behind the Tower, he must shoot an Arrow towards it. This will cause Sasa Kai Shrine to rise from the ground,[12] completing the Shrine Quest.


Stage Description
1 "As light shines from the northwest skies,
From the tower's shadow an arrow flies.
Pierce heaven's light to reveal the prize."

Solving the riddle of the ancient song that Kass sang for you at Gerudo Tower is likely to reveal a shrine.
Complete "As light shines from the northwest skies, From the tower's shadow an arrow flies. Pierce heaven's light to reveal the prize."

When the light was in the northwest, you saw Gerudo Tower cast a shadow upon a pedestal. After firing an arrow toward the light from the top of that pedestal, a shrine appeared!



Names in Other Regions
影が示す先に (Kage ga shimesu saki ni) 
The Republic of ChinaThe Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of ChinaThe Macao Special Administrative Region of China
去影子指示的地方 (Qù yǐngzi zhǐshì dì dìfāng) 
The Kingdom of the Netherlands
De schaduw van de toren[15]The Shadow of the Tower
The French Republic
Le signe de l'ombre 
The Federal Republic of Germany
Worauf der Schatten weist 
The Italian Republic
Dove indica l'ombraWhere the shadow indicates
The Republic of Korea
그림자가 가리키는 곳에 (Geurimjaga garikineun gose) 
The Russian Federation
«Куда укажет тень» («Kuda ukazhet tenʹ») 
Latin America
SpanishLALatin American
La sombra de la torre 
This table was generated using translation pages.
To request an addition, please contact a staff member with a reference.


See Also


  1. Sign of the Shadow
    Gerudo Tower
    — Adventure Log (Breath of the Wild)
  2. ♪Hmmm hm hmmm...♪ — Kass (Breath of the Wild)
  3. What if... No, but then... — Kass (Breath of the Wild)
  4. Hmm? Mm? Ah, forgive me. I was lost in a song written by my late teacher. He wrote it for the hero who fell to the calamity 100 years ago... — Kass (Breath of the Wild)
  5. So much time has passed, and yet the hero has not yet returned. But my teacher always kept faith. — Kass (Breath of the Wild)
  6. I hope to play the song for the hero someday, so I practice it often. — Kass (Breath of the Wild)
  7. Oh, forgive me. It seems I've prattled on... I know a song about this place. Would you like to hear the ancient verse passed down in this region? — Kass (Breath of the Wild)
  8. [Let's hear it.] Excellent! Without further ado... — Kass (Breath of the Wild)
  9. As light shines from the northwest skies,
    From the tower’s shadow an arrow flies.
    Pierce heaven’s light to reveal the prize.
    — Kass (Breath of the Wild)
  10. I still don't quite understand the lyrics, but knowing my teacher, they're the key to revealing a secret. — Kass (Breath of the Wild)
  11. Best of luck, and may the light illuminate your path. — Kass (Breath of the Wild)
  12. When the light was in the northwest, you saw Gerudo Tower cast a shadow upon a pedestal. After firing an arrow toward the light from the top of that pedestal, a shrine appeared! — Adventure Log (Breath of the Wild)
  13. "The ancient song of Gerudo Tower." — Kass's Journal (Breath of the Wild)
  14. I've heard word there is an ancient song about a tall structure called Gerudo Tower. I don't know where this Gerudo Tower is, but mysterious towers have popped up all around Hyrule recently. This Gerudo Tower may be the tower that appeared in the Gerudo region. — Kass's Journal (Breath of the Wild)
  15. De schaduw van de toren — Adventure Log (Breath of the Wild)