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Stalhorses,(BotWBreath of the Wild | TotKTears of the Kingdom)[1][2] also known as Bony Horses,(BotWBreath of the Wild)[3] and Skeletal Horses,(TotKTears of the Kingdom)[4] are recurring Creatures in The Legend of Zelda series.


Breath of the Wild

Hyrule Compendium Entry
005  (005Master Mode) Stalhorse
This skeletal horse is ridden by monsters. It was once a regular horse, but Ganon's power revived it from death. It cannot maintain its bone structure in the daytime.
Common Locations
Hebra Mountains
Akkala Highlands
Recoverable Materials

A Stalhorse is an undead skeletal Horse reanimated by Ganon's magic.[5] However, Stalhorses behave and function like regular Horses and pose no threat to Link. They only appear at night, as they cannot maintain their bone structure during the day.[5] If a Stalhorse is present as the sun rises, it will fall to pieces and disappear. They are usually encountered with Stalkoblins or Bokoblins riding on their backs.

Despite its lack of stomach, Stalhorses can eat both Carrots and Apples like a living Horse, though they cannot be registered at a Stable. If Link tries to register a one at a Stable, the Stable owner will call it a monster and refuse to board it, as it might eat the other Horses.[6] However this is apparently superstition, as Stalhorses are shown to behave identically to their living counterparts. Stalhorses will not harm any Horses tamed by Link, and wild Horses will not flee when they detect them. Domesticated livestock such as Hateno Cows, Highland Sheep, White Goats, and Hylian Retrievers will flee from Stalhorses due to their monstrous appearance. Wearing the Radiant Set or Phantom Ganon Set causes Stalhorses to run at high speeds when ridden.

Stalhorses serve a role in the "Stalhorse: Pictured!" Side Quest. If Juannelle is spoken to at Snowfield Stable, she will state that she has heard there is a Stalhorse is in the area, but it is too cold for her to search for it.[7] Juannelle will offer to give Link a reward if he brings her some notes or a Picture of the Stalhorse.[8] Based on the rumor, she advises Link to try and find a Stalhorse, along with its Stalkoblin rider in the N. Tabantha Snowfield,[9] but she states that a Picture of a Stalhorse from any location would work. If a Picture of the Stalhorse is shown to Juannelle, she will be startled by its appearance, saying that it looks like a Monster.[10] She then rewards Link with a Silver Rupee and the Side Quest is complete.[11]

If Link speaks to Baddek while he is on his way to Serenne Stable from the Breach of Demise, he mentions that he once rode a boney Horse that he encountered in the Tabantha Tundra, recalling that it was a surprisingly comfortable mount.[12] Like Konba, Baddek considers the Stalhorse to be a type of Horse.

Tears of the Kingdom

Hyrule Compendium Entry
6  Stalhorse
A skeletal horse often ridden by monsters. These animals, which used to be ordinary horses, are said to be revived in areas where there is a high gloom concentration. They can only maintain their forms in darkness, and they have the remarkable ability to run atop gloom.
Common Locations
Faron Grasslands
Hyrule Ridge

Stalhorses reappear in Tears of the Kingdom. They are once again skeletal Horses ridden by Monsters, and are revived in locations where Gloom is highly concentrated.[13] They can be found in areas with large amounts of Gloom, such as the Depths, or in select locations on the Surface at night.[14] Stalhorses can only maintain their forms in Darkness, disintegrating when exposed to sunlight.[13] They can safely be ridden over patches of Gloom.[13]



Names in Other Regions
スタルホース (Stalhorse)[15] 
The Republic of ChinaThe Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of ChinaThe Macao Special Administrative Region of China
骷髏馬 (Kūlóu mǎ) 
The People's Republic of China
骷髅马 (Kūlóumǎ) 
The Kingdom of the Netherlands
SkeletpaardSkeleton Horse
The French Republic
The Federal Republic of Germany
The Italian Republic
Stal-loneWord pun based on "Stallion"
The Republic of Korea
스탈호스 (Seutalhoseu) 
The Russian Federation
Сталлошадь (Stalloshadʹ) 
Latin America
SpanishLALatin American
The Kingdom of Spain
Caballo esquelético 
This table was generated using translation pages.
To request an addition, please contact a staff member with a reference.

See Also


  1. Stalhorse — Hyrule Compendium (Breath of the Wild)
  2. Stalhorse — Hyrule Compendium (Tears of the Kingdom)
  3. Wha—? This is the bony horse? That Stalhorse... It's a monster! The sight of this is going to haunt my dreams for weeks... But the picture is still amazing! — Juannelle (Breath of the Wild)
  4. Toffa, the horse guard at Outskirt Stable, is eager to see a skeletal horse he's heard about. — Adventure Log (Tears of the Kingdom)
  5. 5.0 5.1 This skeletal horse is ridden by monsters. It was once a regular horse, but Ganon's power revived it from death. It cannot maintain its bone structure in the daytime. — Hyrule Compendium (Breath of the Wild)
  6. What in Hylia's name?! That's a monster, not a horse! Sorry, but we can't board that... thing here. It might eat the other horses. — Varke (Breath of the Wild)
  7. I heard there was a Stalhorse in this area, but I can't take it any longer! It's too cold to look anymore! — Juannelle (Breath of the Wild)
  8. Can you handle this task for me? I'll even reward you! All I need is a picture! Or some notes! — Juannelle (Breath of the Wild)
  9. There's a rumor that it can be found with Stalkoblins in the North Tabantha Snowfield. — Juannelle (Breath of the Wild)
  10. Wha-? This is the bony horse? That Stalhorse... It's a monster! — Juannelle (Breath of the Wild)
  11. Here's your reward, just as I promised! — Juannelle (Breath of the Wild)
  12. I love every little thing about horses. I love their fur, the way they smell, their bones even. Speaking of bones, I once rode a horse made of nothing but bones! No lie! It was way up in the snowy mountains. Was I scared, you ask? Nope. I could never be scared of a horse. That bony horse ran really well, and it was actually a surprisingly comfortable ride. — Baddek (Breath of the Wild)
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 A skeletal horse often ridden by monsters. These animals, which used to be ordinary horses, are said to be revived in areas where there is a high gloom concentration. They can only maintain their forms in darkness, and they have the remarkable ability to run atop gloom. — Hyrule Compendium (Tears of the Kingdom)
  14. At night, it appears... The Stalhorse...running atop the gloom... — Malanya (Tears of the Kingdom)
  15. 005 スタルホース — Hyrule Compendium (Breath of the Wild)
Skeletal Undead
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