Tiger Scroll

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The Tiger Scrolls are Items in The Minish Cap.[1]


The Tiger Scrolls are given to Link by five of the Blade Brothers, after Link successfully learns a new Sword Technique. They allow Link to review the directions for a Technique if he ever forgets how to perform it. The character stamped on the scroll reads Bu (Art of War).

Although the Tiger Scrolls are treated as key Items, only the Spin Attack is necessary to complete the game.

List of Tiger Scrolls

Spin Attack

Main article: Spin Attack

The Spin Attack allows Link to charge his sword and then release, causing him to spin around in a circle. It is learned from Swiftblade once Link returns from Deepwood Shrine. The charging time can be shortened by training with Scarblade.

The Hyrule Town guards will not allow Link to venture towards Mount Crenel until he learns the Spin Attack.

Rock Breaker

Main article: Rock Breaker

The Rock Breaker allows Link to break Jar and throwable Rocks by striking them with his sword. It is learned from Swiftblade once Link obtains the White Sword.

Roll Attack

Main article: Roll Attack

The Roll Attack allows Link to perform a forward thrust by using his sword just as he comes up at any point in a roll. If Link successfully strikes an enemy, he will execute a Spin Slash. It is learned from Grayblade once Link obtains the White Sword. The move also appears in Twilight Princess; however, it does not need to be learned, and does not have a name.

Dash Attack

Main article: Dash Attack

The Dash Attack allows Link to dash with his sword out by equipping both his sword and Pegasus Boots, and then using the boots. It is learned from Swiftblade once Link obtains the Pegasus Boots.

Peril Beam

Main article: Peril Beam

The Peril Beam allows Link to fire a beam from his sword when at critical health. It is learned from Waveblade once Link obtains the Flippers.

Sword Beam

Main article: Sword Beam

The Sword Beam allows Link to fire a beam from his sword when at full health. It is learned from Grimblade once Link obtains the Flame Lantern.

Down Thrust

Main article: Down Thrust

The Down Thrust allows Link to perform a downward thrust by using his sword just as he reaches the height of a jump with the Roc's Cape. It is learned from Swiftblade once Link obtains the Roc's Cape. It bears a resemblance to the Jump Slash.

Great Spin Attack

Main article: Great Spin Attack

The Great Spin Attack allows Link to perform continuous Spin Attacks by repeatedly using his sword while executing a Spin Attack. It is learned from Swiftblade I once Link obtains all of the other seven Tiger Scrolls. The timespan of the technique can be lengthened by training with Greatblade.


See here for the translations for each individual Tiger Scroll.

Names in Other Regions
This table was generated using translation pages.
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  1. Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 141