Tulin's Power of Wind

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Tulin's Power of Wind,(TotKTears of the Kingdom)[1] also known as Tulin's Gust,(TotKTears of the Kingdom)[2] or Tulin's Tornado,(HWAoCHyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)[3] is a recurring ability in The Legend of Zelda series.


Tears of the Kingdom

When activated, Tulin creates a brief but powerful gust of wind behind Link's position. While its main purpose is to increase the horizontal distance that he can travel with the Paraglider, it can also be used to propel sails and blow away smaller enemies.

Other Appearances

Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity

The following section is not part of the Zelda canon and should not be taken as such.

During the "Hero Worship" Movie, which plays at the end of the "EX Searching Hyrule Forest" Scenario, Tulin attempts to replicate Revali's Gale with a move he calls Tulin's Tornado.[3] However, he becomes dizzy and ends up falling back towards the ground.


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See Also


  1. Tulin's Power of Wind
    When Tulin's aura is charged, he can create a stream of wind that blows straight forward. This can be used for bursts of speed while paragliding.
    — Game Screen (Tears of the Kingdom)
  2. Tulin's Gusts
    You can use the gusts Tulin generates for many things, such as sailing on rafts or blowing away light enemies and objects.
    — Tips and Tricks (Tears of the Kingdom)
  3. 3.0 3.1 Tulin's Tornado! — Tulin (Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)