West Passage

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The West Passage is a recurring location in The Legend of Zelda series.[1][2]

Features and Overview

Breath of the Wild

The West Passage is a defunct tunnel system that is part of the Hyrule Castle Underground. The entrance of the West Passage is marked by several Luminous Stone Deposits, and it can be found near the Water of the Hyrule Castle Moat, west of the Hyrule Castle Gate. The entrance contains several Wooden Boxes and Barrels, an unlit Cooking Pot, and a lit Torch. A Cracked Wall separates the entrance and the Passage, which contains Mine Cart Tracks that Link can traverse on a Mine Cart.

At the other end of the Tracks, Link will find another cavernous chamber. There is a Hot Spring here, and a sloped ledge above this Spring leads further into a tunnel that ends in a Cracked Wall made out of stone tiles. If destroyed, it will open up a passage to Lockup and the Water Pump Room. The second chamber of the West Passage was a Guardian excavation site, as evidenced by the five half-buried Fallen Guardians found throughout. A Bird nest with two Eggs inside sits in front of the north Fallen Guardian.

Inside the West Passage, Link can find a number of Wooden Boxes, which can be destroyed for supplies. While the majority of the Boxes yield Arrows or Apples, one next to the start of the Mine Cart Tracks with a Barrel on top of it can be destroyed for three or four Hyrule Herbs, both varieties of Carrot, either type of Radish, Swift Violets, Mighty Thistles, Armoranths, or Blue Nightshades.



Treasure Chests

Treasure Chest

In the entrance to the Passage, next to the Cracked Wall

Treasure ChestContentsNotes

In the entrance to the Passage, next to the Cracked Wall

Korok Seeds


From placing a Bird Egg in the center pool in front of one of three Stone Statues by the Hot Spring


From placing a Bird Egg in the center pool in front of one of three Stone Statues by the Hot Spring

Tears of the Kingdom

As in Breath of the Wild, the West Passage composes part of the Hyrule Castle Underground in Hyrule Field. Due to the Upheaval, it has suffered several cave-ins. Its entrance is now partially blocked by a Cracked Wall, and the tracks are blocked by Hard Sediment.



 Monster Outpost in the northern section


Treasure Chests

Treasure Chest
-0365, 0748, 0014

Concealed by a cluster of Wooden Boxes and Barrels in the southern segment

Treasure ChestContentsCoordinatesNotes
-0365, 0748, 0014

Concealed by a cluster of Wooden Boxes and Barrels in the southern segment


Names in Other Regions
  • 西坑道 (Nishi Kōdō) (BotWBreath of the Wild)
  • 西坑道(にしこうどう) (Nishi Kōdō) (TotKTears of the Kingdom)
  • West Tunnel
The Republic of ChinaThe Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of ChinaThe Macao Special Administrative Region of China
西坑道 (Xī Kēngdào) (TotKTears of the Kingdom) 
The People's Republic of China
西坑道 (Xī Kēngdào) (TotKTears of the Kingdom) 
The Kingdom of the Netherlands
Westelijke passage (BotWBreath of the Wild)[3]Western Passage
The French Republic
Galerie ouest (TotKTears of the Kingdom) 
Galerie Ouest (TotKTears of the Kingdom) 
The Federal Republic of Germany
Weststollen (TotKTears of the Kingdom) 
The Italian Republic
Passaggio ovest (TotKTears of the Kingdom) 
The Republic of Korea
서쪽 갱도 (TotKTears of the Kingdom) 
Latin America
SpanishLALatin American
Galería oeste (BotWBreath of the Wild)[4]West Gallery
The Kingdom of Spain
Galería oeste (TotKTears of the Kingdom) 
This table was generated using translation pages.
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See Also


  1. West Passage — Map (Breath of the Wild)
  2. West Passage — Map (Tears of the Kingdom)
  3. Westelijke passage — Map (Breath of the Wild)
  4. Galería oeste — N/A (Breath of the Wild)