A New Signature Food

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A New Signature Food

A New Signature Food screenshot from Tears of the Kingdom
Quest Giver Reede
Location Hateno Village
Next Quest
"The Mayoral Election"

"A New Signature Food" is a Side Adventure in Tears of the Kingdom.[1]



Stage Description
1 Reede wants to make the food that his grandfather created with another villager into a new village staple. However, all he remembers about it is its creamy, melty mouthfeel and its unique, pungent aroma.

Reede things smelling that aroma again might jog his memory.
Complete It seems Reede's grandfather has worked with another villager to make Hateno cheese. Convinced it will seal his victory in the mayoral election, Reede decides to market it as Hateno Village's new signature stable. From now on, you can buy Hateno cheese not just at Hateno Pasture but also at Hateno Village's general store and from merchants on the roads.


Names in Other Regions
The People's Republic of China
用新名产振兴村子! (Yòng xīn míng chǎn zhènxīng cūnzi!)[2] 
The French Republic
Tout un fromage ![3]French idiom meaning "to kick up a fuss about something"
This table was generated using translation pages.
To request an addition, please contact a staff member with a reference.

See Also


  1. A New Signature Food
    Hateno Village
    — Adventure Log (Tears of the Kingdom)
  2. 用新名产振兴村子! — Adventure Log (Tears of the Kingdom, Simplified Chinese version)
  3. Tout un fromage ! — Adventure Log (Tears of the Kingdom)