Dead Hand's Hand

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Dead Hand's Hands are enemies in Ocarina of Time.[1][2]


Descriptionshide ▲
Ocarina of TimeOcarina of Time 3D
Dead Hand's Hands
If it grabs you, tap any button to escape!
Dead Hand's Hand
If it grabs you, rapidly tap A Button to escape!

Dead Hand will summon Dead Hand's Hands to aid him in his fight against Link. He can summon an infinite number of them.[3]


Names in Other Regions
The French Republic
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See Also


  1. Dead Hand's Hands
    If it grabs you, tap any button to escape!
    — Navi (Ocarina of Time)
  2. Dead Hand's Hand
    If it grabs you, rapidly tap A Button to escape!
    — Navi (Ocarina of Time 3D)
  3. Dead Hand
    Watch out for its infinite hands! Aim for its head!
    — Navi (Ocarina of Time)
  4. Poigneur
    S'il t'empoigne, appuie à plusieurs reprises sur A Button pour te dégager !
    — Navi (Ocarina of Time 3D)
Hand Enemies
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