Above the mouth of the Cave is a grassy ledge with a pair of Torches on it. There is a thin path leading up to this ledge on the north side of the Docks. In between the Torches sits a pedestal with a Great Flameblade embedded in it. On the higher level of the Dock, Link can find several lit stationary Torches surrounding a single unlit one. If Link ignites this stationary Torch, Saas Ko'sah Shrine will emerge from the ground nearby.
The following section is not part of the Zelda canon and should not be taken as such.
The Docks are part of the Hyrule CastleStage in Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity. The Docks appear similar to their Breath of the Wild counterpart, but with fast-flowing Water that has four defeated Guardians partially submerged in it. Broken Barrels and intact Wooden Boxes sit inside the Cave, and some of the Braziers have been broken, lighting parts of the ground on Fire. The ledge at the entrance is inaccessible and covered in green Grass. The upper layer remains mostly the same apart from two broken Braziers.