Faron Highroad

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The Faron Highroad,[1] also stylized as the Faron High Road,[2] is a recurring location in The Legend of Zelda series. The Faron Highroad goes unnamed in Tears of the Kingdom.

Features and Overview

Breath of the Wild

Faron Highroad is an expansive road that begins in the Taobab Grassland in the Gerudo Highlands, continues into the Faron Grasslands and West Necluda, then ends at Lurelin Village in East Necluda.[1][3][note 1] It passes through the Oseira Plains, Nautelle Wetlands, Darybon Plains, Harfin Valley, Fural Plain, Faron Woods, Pagos Woods, Floria River, Sarjon Bridge, Sarjon Woods, Floria Bridge, Ebara Forest, and Atun Valley before ending at Lurelin Village. Several encampments can be found along the Faron Highroad, such as the Mounted Archery Camp, Highland Stable, and Lakeside Stable.

The travelers Chumin, his Donkey, Letty, Spinch, and his Horse who is also named Spinch frequent the Faron Highroad between Highland Stable and Lurelin Village. Other travelers can be found on smaller portions of the Highroad. Between Highland Stable and Lakeside Stable, Link can encounter Meeshy and Totsuna. Beedle can also be found along the Faron Highroad near Highland Stable and Lakeside Stable. Finally, Regan is found along the Faron Highroad near a broken down Busted Wagon in Atun Valley, where he is being attacked by a Blue Bokoblin. When Link saves him, he will receive Meals and Rupees as a reward.[8]

Kass can be encountered playing his bandoneon along the Faron Highroad in the Pagos Woods.[9] When Link approaches, Kass will greet him.[10] He reveals that he knows an "Ancient Song" pertaining to the area, which he offers to play for Link.[11] The "Ancient Song" describes a Dragon in the forest, where an Ancient Shrine can be found.[12] After listening to Kass, the Shrine Quest "The Serpent's Jaws" will begin.

After the Main Quest "Seek Out Impa" has been completed, a Traveler can be found along the Faron Highroad in Atun Valley. As Link passes by, they will beckon him closer with the promise of wares to buy.[13] When Link speaks to them, they claim to have Mighty Bananas for sale.[14][15] If Link agrees to shop, the Traveler will speak highly of their wares.[16][17] One bundle of Mighty Bananas costs 99 Rupees.[18] When Link makes a purchase, the Traveler will thank him and encourage him to buy more.[19][20][21] Link can also choose to buy all 99 bunches of Mighty Bananas in stock, for a total of 9,801 Rupee.[22] Should Link agree to this deal, the Traveler calls him a Banana fan.[23] Afterwards, Link will be unable to buy Mighty Bananas.[24] Following their transaction, the Traveler says they would like for Link to come back later, though they reveal this to be a lie.[25] Alternatively, if Link refuses to buy any Mighty Bananas, the Travele} will be shocked and demand that he make a purchase.[26] If Link again refuses, the Traveler accuses him of hating Bananas.[27] At the end of their encounter, the Traveler changes their tune, revealing that they are part of the Yiga Clan.[28][29] They will then turn into a Yiga Footsoldier carrying either a Vicious Sickle or a Demon Carver, and they will then proceed to attack Link.




Tears of the Kingdom


Names in Other Regions
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See Also


  1. In Creating a Champion, the Faron Highroad is depicted as existing entirely within the Faron Region.[4] However, this contradicts the game's file data, which depicts parts of the Highroad as being part of the Gerudo Highlands, West Necluda, and East Necluda.[5][6][7] Therefore, this is not considered Canon.


  1. 1.0 1.1 I heard that, way out west in the Taobab Grasslands, along the Faron Highroad, there's a giant horse roaming. — Spinch (Breath of the Wild)
  2. Everywhere I go, all I'm hearing about is this giant horse... Everyone's saying if you take the Faron High Road out west, you'll find a giant horse in the Taobab Grassland. — Spinch (Breath of the Wild)
  3. If you keep following the Faron Highroad to the east, you'll reach Lurelin Village. The fish there... So good! — Totsuna (Breath of the Wild)
  4. Creating a Champion, Dark Horse Books, pg. 331
  5. Gerudo Highlands — System (Breath of the Wild)
  6. West Necluda — System (Breath of the Wild)
  7. East Necluda — System (Breath of the Wild)
  8. You sure saved my neck... Too bad I got nothing to pay you back with but pocket lint. Oh, and this, I guess. — Regan (Breath of the Wild)
  9. The forest dragon... — Kass (Breath of the Wild)
  10. A visitor? So deep in the forest? Ah, we meet again! I trust you're keeping well? — Kass (Breath of the Wild)
  11. I know a song about this place. Would you like to hear the ancient verse passed down in this region? — Kass (Breath of the Wild)
  12. Where the forest dragon splays its jaws,
    A shrine sleeps with noble cause.
    — Kass (Breath of the Wild)
  13. Step right up and buy 'em! — Traveler (Breath of the Wild)
  14. Step right up—don't be shy! Check out my find bananas! They're available... to buy! So yellow, they'll make you yell "oh!" So fresh, you'll think there's a tree around the corner. And they taste—like a dream! Stay right there and buy a pair! — Traveler (Breath of the Wild)
  15. Come on down, young man! Looking to buy bananas this time? You can! Just take a look at these fine bananas! Buy them up quick before you've missed your chance! — Traveler (Breath of the Wild)
  16. [I'll buy!] These bananas are my pride and joy! — Traveler (Breath of the Wild)
  17. Sweet, delicious, wonderful bananas! Step right up, and buy 'em right up! — Traveler (Breath of the Wild)
  18. Just one? That'll be 99 rupees, then. Buy 'em right up! — Traveler (Breath of the Wild)
  19. Thanky-thanky-thank-a you. — Traveler (Breath of the Wild)
  20. Even the bananas are happy now! — Traveler (Breath of the Wild)
  21. I bet you want more, don't you? — Traveler (Breath of the Wild)
  22. [I'll take 'em all!] All the bananas?! I don't know what to say! So then...99 will run you 9,801 rupees. What a sale! — Traveler (Breath of the Wild)
  23. [I'll buy!] You really are a banana fan, aren't you? — Traveler (Breath of the Wild)
  24. No bananas left, all thanks to you! — Traveler (Breath of the Wild)
  25. Well then... I hope you come back later... That's a lie as slippery as a banana peel. — Traveler (Breath of the Wild)
  26. [I'll pass.] Pass? Pass?! It would be a mistake to pass on these amazing, wonderful, fantastic bananas! Listen, here's how it works: I sell; you buy! Stop holding up the show, and do your part! — Traveler (Breath of the Wild)
  27. ...What—do you hate bananas? — Traveler (Breath of the Wild)
  28. I will take your life! — Traveler (Breath of the Wild)
  29. For the bana—I mean, for the boss! — Traveler (Breath of the Wild)
East Necluda
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Ancient Shrines
Bodies of Water
Shrines of Light
Gerudo Highlands
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Ancient Shrines
Ice Fields
Shrines of Light