File-Selection Screen

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The File-Selection Screen,(TLoZThe Legend of Zelda | TWWHDThe Wind Waker HD | STSpirit Tracks | ALBWA Link Between Worlds)[1][2][3][4] also known as the Select Screen,(TAoLThe Adventure of Link)[5] the Player Select Screen,(ALttPA Link to the Past | LALink's Awakening)[6][7][8] the File Select Screen,(OoTOcarina of Time)[9] the File Selection Screen,(MMMajora's Mask | OoSOracle of Seasons | OoAOracle of Ages)[10][11][12] the File Selection,(FSAEFour Swords Anniversary Edition)[13] the Select Game Screen,(FSAFour Swords Adventures)[14] the File Selection Menu,(PHPhantom Hourglass)[15] the Quest Logs,(SSSkyward Sword)[16] the File Menu,(FPTRRFreshly-Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland)[17] and the Player Select,(LCTLink's Crossbow Training)[18] is a recurring interface in The Legend of Zelda series. The File-Selection Screen goes unnamed in Link's Awakening for Nintendo Switch, Ocarina of Time 3D, Majora's Mask 3D, Four Swords, The Minish Cap, Twilight Princess, Skyward Sword, Zelda's Adventure, and Cadence of Hyrule.


The Legend of Zelda

The Adventure of Link

A Link to the Past

Each Saved game in the Game Boy Advance version of A Link to the Past stores the player's progress for both A Link to the Past and Four Swords, therefore the collection features a combined File-Selection Screen for both games.

Link's Awakening

Ocarina of Time

The File Select Screen in Ocarina of Time features a cloudy night sky visible behind the menu. Three saved games can be selected, with each one displaying only the player's chosen name for Link. Copying, deleting, and further options are available below the saved games.

When a saved game is selected, it then expands to show the number of times Link has fallen in battle (achieved Game Over), the size of his Life Energy, and icons denoting the Spiritual Stones and Sage Medallions he has collected.

Ocarina of Time 3D

In Ocarina of Time 3D, the three saved games are displayed on the bottom screen, while the top screen shows a daytime sky, which gradually changes to night and back to day. Each of the three saves displays the player's chosen name for Link, the size of his Life Gauge, which Spiritual Stones and Sage Medallions he has collected, and the date and time of the saved game according to the Nintendo 3DS clock. The options to copy or delete a saved game now appear after one has been selected.

If Master Quest has been unlocked, then the player selects a "Normal" or Master Quest mode before the File Select Screen appears, meaning that each mode gets its own File Select Screen and set of saved games. In addition, the top screen will display a rotating statue of Link in a particular pose, with a brief description of the mode.

Majora's Mask

The File Selection Screen in Majora's Mask has a similar appearance to that in Ocarina of Time, though with the night sky taking on more of an early dawn coloring. Only two saved games can be selected,[note 1] each displaying only the player's chosen name for Link, with an additional Owl icon if the game was saved using an Owl Statue. Copying, deleting, and further options are available below the saved games.

When a saved game is selected, it then expands to show Link's Life Energy—the number of Heart Containers and Pieces of Heart—as well as his current amount of Rupees and Masks, and which Boss remains he has obtained. If an Owl Statue icon is present, it will show the in-game day and time of the saved game.

Majora's Mask 3D

In Majora's Mask 3D, the number of saved games has been increased back to three. Selected from the bottom screen, each one displays the player's chosen name for Link, the number of his Heart Containers, which of the four Transformation Masks and four Boss remains he has obtained, and the date and time of the saved game according to the Nintendo 3DS clock. The options to copy or delete a saved game not appear after one has been selected.

During the File Selection Screen, the top screen displays many additional details about the selected saved game, including the total number of Masks collected, the current Pieces of Heart (out of four), the in-game day and time, which Songs have been learned, Link's current Sword, Shield, Quiver and Bomb Bag, and the location of the saved game.

Oracle of Seasons

Oracle of Ages

Four Swords Anniversary Edition

The Wind Waker

The File-Selection in The Wind Waker appears on a waving, translucent piece of map paper in front of a sky background. The sky gradually cycles through day and night; its starting brightness is based on the GameCube's internal clock. The three saved games are listed as "Quest Logs" and only display the player's chosen name for Link and the date and time it was saved. In the PAL version, an option to change the game's language is listed below the Quest Logs.

After selecting a Quest Log, it expands to show the size of Link's Life Energy, and icons denoting the Triforce Shards and Goddess Pearls he has collected. The options to copy or delete the Quest Log appear after one has been selected.

A saved game in the Second Quest is indicated by a Triforce icon beside the "Quest Log" number, and the text panels being yellow instead of green. When starting the Second Quest for the first time, the player is given the option to change Link's name.

The Wind Waker HD

The File-Selection Screen in The Wind Waker HD is similar to that of The Wind Waker, though the location of each Quest Log is shown along with Link's chosen name and the date and time it was saved. Before the Quest Logs appear, the player can select whether to play using a GamePad or a Pro Controller. Entering Link's name is performed on the GamePad, if it is selected.

Four Swords Adventures

The Minish Cap

Holding the L Button on the File-Selection Screen while pressing the Control Pad allows the Link on the selected file to face different directions.

Twilight Princess

Phantom Hourglass

In Phantom Hourglass, the File Selection Menu appears on the bottom screen, while the game's title logo appears on the top screen. Only two saved games can be selected. The options to copy or delete a saved game appear after one has been selected.

Each saved game on the File Selection Menu displays the player's chosen name for Link, the size of his Life Gauge, and icons denoting the Spirits rescued, the Pure Metals obtained, and the Phantom Sword. No additional information is shown after selecting a game, though the player can then choose between continuing the adventure and playing Battle Mode.

Spirit Tracks

In Spirit Tracks, the File-Selection Screen appears on the bottom screen; only two saved games can be selected. The options to copy or delete a saved game appear after one has been selected. The top screen displays a scrolling mural, featuring stone carvings of various Enemies, Characters and Items that Link encounters on his adventure.

Each saved game on the File-Selection Screen displays the player's chosen name for Link, the size of his Life Gauge, and which of the five Seals have been obtained. No additional information is shown after selecting a game, though the player can then choose between continuing the adventure and playing Battle Mode.

Skyward Sword

A Link Between Worlds

The File-Selection Screen in A Link Between Worlds is a continuation of the game's title screen, as opposed to a subsequent menu. The bottom screen of the Nintendo 3DS displays the player's chosen name for Link and the size of his Hearts for each of the three saved games. A blue diamond around the file number indicates that the saved game is in Hero Mode. The top screen displays an isometric overhead view of the selected saved game's location, which slowly pans around to show much of the area, while the lower border of the top screen lists the location's name, the amount of Rupees Link has collected, and which Sword, Tunic, and Shield he possesses.

The options to copy or delete a saved game appear after one has been selected. In addition the bottom screen will then display which Pendants of Virtue have been obtained, or, if Link has reached Lorule, which Paintings of the Seven Sages have been recovered.

Other Appearances

Zelda's Adventure

The following section is not part of the Zelda canon and should not be taken as such.

Freshly-Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland

The following section is not part of the Zelda canon and should not be taken as such.

Link's Crossbow Training

The following section is not part of the Zelda canon and should not be taken as such.

The Player Select menu can be accessed by choosing any option on the Title Screen.[19] Choosing Score Attack or Practice will move to the Player Select menu immediately, while Multiplayer will show the How Many Players? menu before showing the Player Select menu.[20] In the Player Select menu, eight save file slots sit in two rows; four slots on the top and four slots on the bottom. Here, the player can choose which save file they want to use.[21] Once a save file is selected, the player will be taken to the Level Select menu if they are in the Score Attack mode. In the Multiplayer and Practice modes, they will be taken to the Stage Select menu. If the player chooses a slot that has not yet been filled in, they will be taken to the Player Registration. In Multiplayer, the player chooses each save file of the player. Each save file selected will be bordered by a colored square, along with a label which marks the number of player.[22] The first border is blue, the second is red, the third is green, and the fourth is yellow. Once all the players are selected, the player will be prompted to confirm their selections.[23] Selecting "Yes" will take the player to the Stage Select menu, while selecting "No" will take them back to the Player Select menu to reselect their players. The Erase File option in the bottom right corner allows the player to erase any existing save files. In only the Score Attack and Practice modes, the Top Players option appears in the top right corner of the Player Select menu. Selecting this will show the player which save file has the highest scores on every Level, and if they are on Practice, it will show them the high scores for every Stage. To exit the Player Select menu, the player can select the option in the bottom left corner.

Cadence of Hyrule

The following section is not part of the Zelda canon and should not be taken as such.


Names in Other Regions
The Kingdom of the Netherlands
Scherm voor File Selection (ALBWA Link Between Worlds)[24]
The French Republic
Écran de sélection du fichier (ALBWA Link Between Worlds)[24]
  • Écran de sélection du fichier (ALBWA Link Between Worlds)
  • Écran de Sélection du Joueur (LCTLink's Crossbow Training)[26]
The Federal Republic of Germany
Dateiauswahlbildschirm (ALBWA Link Between Worlds)[24]
The Italian Republic
  • file (ALBWA Link Between Worlds)
  • Schermo di selezione file (ALBWA Link Between Worlds)[24]
The Portuguese Republic
  • Ecrã seleção de ficheiro (ALBWA Link Between Worlds)[24]
  • Ecrã File Selection (ALBWA Link Between Worlds)[24]
The Russian Federation
  • Экрану выбор файла (Ekranu vybor fayla) (ALBWA Link Between Worlds)[24]
  • Экрану (Ekranu) Select a file (ALBWA Link Between Worlds)[24]
Latin America
SpanishLALatin American
  • Selección de archivo (ALBWA Link Between Worlds)[24]
  • Pantalla de Selección de Jugador (LCTLink's Crossbow Training)[25]
The Kingdom of Spain
Selección de archivo (ALBWA Link Between Worlds)
This table was generated using translation pages.
To request an addition, please contact a staff member with a reference.

Other Names

These names, though from official English sources, are not considered Canon by Zelda Wiki as they contradict a name or names from a higher-priority source.
Applies to
Superseded by
NameApplies toSourceSuperseded by


See Also


  1. Three in the Japanese version


  1. The Legend of Zelda manual, Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console version, pg. 5
  2. The Wind Waker HD manual, pg. 6
  3. Spirit Tracks manual, pg. 13
  4. A Link Between Worlds manual, pg. 4
  5. The Adventure of Link manual, Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console version, pg. 5
  6. A Link to the Past manual, pg. 9
  7. Link's Awakening manual, pg. 6
  8. Link's Awakening DX manual, pg. 8
  9. Ocarina of Time manual, pg. 9
  10. Majora's Mask manual, pg. 8
  11. Oracle of Seasons manual, pg. 12
  12. Oracle of Ages manual, pg. 12
  13. Four Swords Anniversary Edition manual, pg. 4
  14. Four Swords Adventures manual, pg. 24
  15. Phantom Hourglass manual, pg. 8
  16. Quest Logs — N/A (Skyward Sword HD)
  17. Freshly-Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland manual, pg. 11
  18. Player Select — Player Select (Link's Crossbow Training)
  19. Once you’ve chosen a game mode, the Player Select screen will appear. (Link's Crossbow Training manual, pg. 4)
  20. If you’re playing a multiplayer match, you will first choose the number of players. (Link's Crossbow Training manual, pg. 4)
  21. Select a profile to use. (Link's Crossbow Training manual, pg. 4)
  22. P1 — Player Select (Link's Crossbow Training)
  23. Are these players OK? — Player Select (Link's Crossbow Training)
  24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 24.4 24.5 24.6 24.7 24.8 A Link Between Worlds manual, pg. 4
  25. Pantalla de Selección de Jugador (Link's Crossbow Training manual, pg. 24)
  26. Écran de Sélection du Joueur (Link's Crossbow Training manual, pg. 14)
  27. The Wind Waker manual, pg. 10