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Food,(TLoZThe Legend of Zelda | BotWBreath of the Wild | TotKTears of the Kingdom | HWHyrule Warriors)[1][2][3][4] also known as Enemy Bait,(TLoZThe Legend of Zelda)[5] is a recurring Item in The Legend of Zelda series.
Link can use this bait to lure the enemy and bump them off as they come to eat it. But watch out! This doesn't work for some of the enemy.should be: enemies.sicThis is not an error. This word was misspelled in the original source.
Artwork of Food being used to distract some Octoroks from The Legend of Zelda
Food is an item that Link can purchase from Shops in The Legend of Zelda. It normally costs 100 Rupees, but the Shop that also sells the Blue Ring sells Food for 60 Rupees. Link can equip and use Food to place it on the ground. This will attract certain enemies to the Food, allowing Link to attack or walk past them while distracted.[6] The only enemies that are attracted to Food are Octoroks, Moblins, Vires, and Goriyas. Link can only place down one piece of Food at a time. However, after about 10 seconds, the Food will disappear and Link is able to place down another one.
In certain Dungeons, Link will encounter a hungry Goriya who will not let him pass to the next room until given Food. These Goriyas are found once in the First Quest within Level 7 as well as Level 3 and Level 8 of the Second Quest. In Level-7, Link must pass the hungry Goriya in order to reach the end of the Dungeon. The Goriya in Level-3 of the Second Quest guards a room full of hostile red Goriyas. If Link defeats all of them, he is rewarded with the Magical Boomerang. The Goriya in Level-8 of the Second Quest guards a path that is the only way of reaching the room that contains the Magical Key. After giving Food to a Goriya, it is gone from Link's inventory until another is purchased.
A Link to the Past
Apples cam be found by using the Pegasus Boots to crash into certain trees, such as one between Kakariko Village and Lost Woods. They are functionally identical to Hearts, but as a high number of them are guaranteed to drop each time you enter the screen they are a convenient way to replenish Link's health when reloading a save file.
In Breath of the Wild, Food is a type of consumable item that Link uses to restore health and receive special Added Effects. Edible Materials can be eaten raw, heated up, or frozen. Up to five Materials can also be combined together and cooked in a Cooking Pot. Only certain Materials combined can yield useful Food, and the potency of a Food's effects (e.g. the amount of Hearts or Stamina recovered) differs based on how many Materials Link used in the recipe. Failed combinations yield Dubious Food or Rock-Hard Food, which only restore minimal Hearts.
Fruits, vegetables, nuts, mushrooms, meats, and other cooking materials should be combined together to create successful dishes. Combining Monster Parts or Critters with normal food items will usually result in Dubious Food unless the recipe contains both Critters and Monster Parts. Adding Wood or Ores will always result in Rock-Hard Food regardless of what other ingredients are used. If a Fairy is used as an "ingredient" when cooking a Meal, it will use its magic to aid the cooking process, significantly increasing the amount of Hearts recovered. Elixirs will also provide Link with Added Effects and can replenish health. They are made by cooking critters together with Monster Parts in a Cooking Pot. Each Meal or Elixir made in a Cooking Pot, including duplicates, occupies its own slot in the Inventory.
Roasted Food is created by directly subjecting Ingredients to high heat. Roasted Foods have 150% the heart restoration value over the raw Material but do not provide any Added Effects or buffs. Likewise, Frozen Food is created by directly subjecting raw Meat to freezing temperatures. A one-minute Low-level Heat Resistance boost is added to all Frozen food. Unlike Meals cooked in Cooking Pots, Roasted and Frozen Foods can stack in Link's Inventory up to a maximum of 999.
Food Effects
In Breath of the Wild, certain ingredients carry different effects that are applied to food when it is cooked in a Cooking Pot. These effects are granted to the player at the time when food is consumed. Most of these effects have a time limit before they run out. These timed effects cannot be stacked, meaning that when a player has one effect active and eats a food with a different, or even the same effect, the previously active effect will be replaced. Hearty and Enduring effects do not stack either, but if multiple meals are consumed, instead of cancelling the previous effect, the strongest one will remain active (for example, consuming a +4 Hearty meal and then a +3 will only grant 4 temporary hearts instead of 7) until the extra hearts/stamina sections are used up. Finally there is the Stamina-recovering Energizing effect, which, like Heart recovery, is an instantaneous effect only. While effects from Food do not stack, they can be combined with the Added Effects granted by certain pieces of Armor.
The various effects granted by Food are as follows:
Time Limit
Temporarily increases your maximum Hearts.
Instantly refills some of your Stamina Wheel.
Temporarily increases your Stamina limit.
Temporarily increases your movement speed.
Grants a fireproof effect, which prevents your body from catching fire.
Increases your ability to sneak. Grants a low/mid/high-level stealth boost.
Grants XLow/Mid/High-level heat resistance.
Adding more of the same ingredient with a timed effect to the cooking pot causes the timed effect on the resulting food to last longer.
Adding multiple different ingredients with the same timed effect to the cooking pot causes the timed effect on the resulting food to last longer and can also result in that food having a mid or high-level effect rather than the base low-level effect.
Adding more than one of the same ingredient or multiple different ingredients with the same non-timed effect to the cooking pot causes the resulting food to have a stronger effect than it would have had with just one ingredient with that effect.
In general, having a variety of ingredients with the same effect produces stronger bonuses than using all of the same ingredient with that effect.
Combining ingredients with different effects will not cause the resulting food to have multiple effects. Instead, the resulting food will have only the most prominent effect present. If all ingredients cancel each other out, the resulting food won't have any special effect at all. If this happens in an Elixir recipe, Dubious Food will be created instead.
Materials with matching Effects (i.e. "Chilly") will stack duration, and may increase the effect level (from low to mid or high). Adding Materials without Effects will add to the duration.
In Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity, Food serve as the replacement for the Apothecary's Mixtures from the Hyrule Warriors games. By using specific Materials to prepare these meals within the Cooking submenu after selecting a Scenario or Challenge map, they grant stackable passive effects that help Warriors in combat maps. They last until deployment, and are not consumed if players have to reset the battle.
The menu options can be expanded by either clearing Cooking Quest or beating Scenario battles. Certain Quests can also expand how much slots for food players can make, up to three.
These names, though from official English sources, are not considered Canon by Zelda Wiki as they contradict a name or names from a higher-priority source.
↑Link can use this bait to lure the enemy and bump them off as they come to eat it. But watch out! This doesn't work for some of the enemy.should be: enemies. [sicThis is not an error. This word was misspelled in the original source.] (The Legend of Zelda manual, pg. 25)
↑"Monster Bait Monster Bait is the adventurer's term for any hunk of meat used to distract or bribe a potential enemy." — The Great Hyrule Encyclopedia (web archive), (archive), retrieved January 22, 2022.