Forbidden City Entry

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Forbidden City Entry

Forbidden City Entry screenshot from Breath of the Wild
Quest Giver Benja
Location Gerudo Town
Reward Access to Gerudo Town
Previous QuestNext Quest
"Seek Out Impa""Divine Beast Vah Naboris"
"Medicinal Molduga"
"The Secret Club's Secret"
"The Seven Heroines"
"Tools of the Trade"

"Forbidden City Entry" is a Main Quest in Breath of the Wild.[1]


If Link tries to enter Gerudo Town, the guards will stop him, as men are not allowed inside.[2] However, he can find a Hylian man named Benja nearby, where he is watching the main entrance. When asked if he is spying, Benja will become flustered and refute the claim.[3] He explains that he is the leader of a Merchant caravan that has been stalled at Kara Kara Bazaar.[4] Link asks once again if he is spying, Benja insists that he is conducting research.[5] Through his research, Benja has found information on sneaking into Gerudo Town.[6] If Link asks about this information, Benja will gladly share his tale.[7]

Benja has been attempted to access Gerudo Town for almost a week with no success,[8] but then he heard about a man who managed to slip inside.[9] He has heard rumors that this man travels between Kara Kara Bazaar and Gerudo Town.[10] Therefore, he has been waiting at the entrance to Gerudo Town to try and spot him.[11] Once he is done speaking, the Main Quest will begin.

To find the rumored man, Link must go to the Kara Kara Bazaar and ask around about a suspicious male Merchant. If Link asks Maike about the man, she suggests that he asks one of the Hylian merchants at the Bazaar instead.[12] If Link asks Emri about the man, she tells him that she can recall a female Merchant who frequents the General Store in the Kara Kara Bazaar Inn.[13] If Link asks Robsten about the man, he also recalls seeing a Hylian girl at the General Store.[14] If Link asks Ripp about the man, she recalls a particular female Merchant at the Kara Kara Bazaar Inn who wore Gerudo clothes.[15][16] Ripp reasons that the Merchant is probably still at the Bazaar because Divine Beast Vah Naboris is scaring people from traveling.[17] If Link goes to the General Store and asks Shaillu about a sneaky guy, she mentions a Hylian girl who likes to relax on the roof.[18]

On the roof of the Kara Kara Bazaar Inn, Link can find the mysterious Hylian woman, who turns out to be a Merchant named Vilia.[19] She claims not to know anyting about a man sneaking into Gerudo Town and apologizes for not being able to help.[20] When Link investigates her more closely, she becomes embarrassed.[21] If Link compliments her beauty, Vilia says that her clothing only enhances her looks.[22][note 1] She offers to sell Link the Gerudo Outfit for 600 Rupees, which she promises will make people see him differently.[24] After buying it, Link changes into the Gerudo clothing as Vilia looks away.[25]

When Vilia sees Link in his new clothes, she says that Link is a "good-lookin' gal" and doubts that anyone would suspect that he is a man.[26] Vilia also explains that the Gerudo Outfit helps with the scorching Temperatures in the Gerudo Desert,[27] referring to its heat-resistant Set Bonus. While wearing the full Outfit, Link appears to be female to everyone and can walk into Gerudo Town undisturbed. After walking into the Town, the Main Quest will be completed.


Stage Description
1 You heard of a man at the Kara Kara Bazaar who found a way to sneak into Gerudo Town, a place men are forbidden from entering.

Try and locate some people who know his whereabouts.
2 You were able to find the man who snuck into Gerudo Town, and you got a Gerudo outfit from him.

Put that on and you'll be able to pass for a woman while you're wearing it...
Complete You snuck into Gerudo Town successfully!

You were able to fool the town guards by disguising yourself in a Gerudo outfit.


Names in Other Regions
潜入!男子禁制の街 (Sen'nyū! Danshi kinsei no machi) 
The Republic of ChinaThe Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of ChinaThe Macao Special Administrative Region of China
潛入!男子禁入的小鎮 (Qiánrù! Nánzǐ jìn rù de xiǎo zhèn) 
The Kingdom of the Netherlands
Verboden voor mannen![28]Forbidden for Men!
The French Republic
Infiltrer la cité des femmes 
The Federal Republic of Germany
Männer verboten! 
The Italian Republic
La cittadella proibita 
The Republic of Korea
잠입!금남의 마을 (Jamip! Geumnamui maeul) 
The Russian Federation
«Запретный город» («Zapretnyy gorod») 
Latin America
SpanishLALatin American
Misión de infiltración 
This table was generated using translation pages.
To request an addition, please contact a staff member with a reference.

See Also


  1. If Link accuses Vilia of being a man, she will dismiss his claims and send him away.[23]


  1. Forbidden City Entry
    Gerudo Town
    — Adventure Log (Breath of the Wild)
  2. Freeze! Where do you think you're going?! Not into town—that's for sure! No voe allowed. Off with you! — Dorrah (Breath of the Wild)
  3. [Are you spying?] What?! N-no! I'm not a spy! — Benja (Breath of the Wild)
  4. I'm a merchant! I may not look like it, but I'm actually the leader of a caravan! I've traveled all the way here, but this town doesn't allow men to go in. So...that's why I...had — Benja (Breath of the Wild)
  5. [Are you spying?] It's research! RESEARCH! — Benja (Breath of the Wild)
  6. And think what you want, but I've finally found some key info on how to sneak into Gerudo Town! — Benja (Breath of the Wild)
  7. [What info?] Heheheh... Well, allow me to share with heroic tale! — Benja (Breath of the Wild)
  8. It's been close to a week now... The guards have kicked me out more times than I can count... I almost gave up hope... — Benja (Breath of the Wild)
  9. HOWEVER!! I have learned only recently of a man that slipped into this well-guarded town! — Benja (Breath of the Wild)
  10. I heard that man is frequently traveling between Kara Kara Bazaar and Gerudo Town. — Benja (Breath of the Wild)
  11. I've been waiting here, trying to spot him as he travels! — Benja (Breath of the Wild)
  12. Anyway, there are Hylian merchants here, too. Why don't you go ask one of them? — Maike (Breath of the Wild)
  13. Still... Yeah, I can think of someone... That one vai merchant in full Gerudo garb... She frequents the general store a lot. — Emri (Breath of the Wild)
  14. There was that pretty Hylian gal at the general store. It's unusual to see a Hylian girl dressed like a Gerudo... — Robsten (Breath of the Wild)
  15. Although... Now that you mention it, one merchant in particular did stand out to me. — Ripp (Breath of the Wild)
  16. I saw a Hylian vai merchant at the inn before. She was wearing traditional Gerudo clothes, which caught my eye. — Ripp (Breath of the Wild)
  17. She's probably still around town; that Divine Beast is scaring a lot of people out of traveling. — Ripp (Breath of the Wild)
  18. There's a Hylian vai who likes to relax on the roof. Though in the afternoon, it's probably too hot up there. — Shaillu (Breath of the Wild)
  19. Oh, my. What a lovely young lad you are. Do you need something from me? — Vilia (Breath of the Wild)
  20. What's that? You've heard about a man who snuck into Gerudo Town? Oh, I don't know anything about him... Sorry I couldn't be more help. — Vilia (Breath of the Wild)
  21. Heehee... You're making my cheeks warm looking at me like that. — Vilia (Breath of the Wild)
  22. [You're very beautiful!] Oh, such a nice thing to say! And I'm sure you'd agree that these clothes only help my looks, right? — Vilia (Breath of the Wild)
  23. Oh, my! You sure say the funniest things, young man. Anyway, if you don't need anything, you should be off, then. — Vilia (Breath of the Wild)
  24. Now that I think about it, this style would look quite fetching on you... I'd have to charge you, of course, but I bet people would see you completely differently if you wore them! What do you think? Do you want to buy them for...600 rupees? — Vilia (Breath of the Wild)
  25. Heehee... I have the perfect outfit for you! Go ahead and change into it right now. Don't worry. I'll look away... — Vilia (Breath of the Wild)
  26. ♪Eeeeeeeee!♪ You look adorable!! Ahhh heeheehee... Just as I thought! You make for quite a good-lookin' gal. That's a traditional Gerudo outfit. It's such a striking look around here, I doubt anyone would even suspect that you're a man! — Vilia (Breath of the Wild)
  27. On top of that, it breathes so well that it's sure to help you deal with the desert heat... At least a little! — Vilia (Breath of the Wild)
  28. Verboden voor mannen! — Adventure Log (Breath of the Wild)