Great-Horned Rhinoceros

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Great-Horned Rhinoceros are Creatures in Breath of the Wild.[1]


Hyrule Compendium Entry
025  (025Master Mode) Great-Horned Rhinoceros
This animal's horn is a whopping half the size of its body. Although originally members of arid-region rhinoceroses, these migrated to colder climates and adapted to live in snowy mountains. Their hides are particularly thick, and their horns can cause some serious damage, so only experienced hunters should track these.
Common Locations
Hebra Mountains
Gerudo Highlands
Recoverable Materials
Raw Prime Meat Raw Gourmet Meat

Great-Horned Rhinoceros live in the Hebra Mountains and the Gerudo Highlands in Hyrule Kingdom where they are well adapted to their cold environment, having evolved from arid-region rhinoceros who migrated to Freezing Climates.[2] They have a particularly thick, dark blue hides with a lighter blue underbelly, and two curved horns on their snouts, the longest of which is half the length of its own body.[2] Due to the potential deadliness of this horn and the fact that they are aggressive towards people, they are only hunted by experienced hunters.[2]

Like most Creatures, they can be killed for Foods, dropping either Raw Prime Meat or Raw Gourmet Meat when killed. Bokoblins will occasionally hunt Great-Horned Rhinoceros.


Names in Other Regions
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See Also


  1. Great-Horned Rhinoceros — Hyrule Compendium (Breath of the Wild)
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 This animal's horn is a whopping half the size of its body. Although originally members of arid-region rhinoceroses, these migrated to colder climates and adapted to live in snowy mountains. Their hides are particularly thick, and their horns can cause some serious damage, so only experienced hunters should track these. — Hyrule Compendium (Breath of the Wild)