History of the Zora, Addendum 1

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The History of the Zora, Addendum 1,[1] entitled King Dorephan Stands His Ground,[1] is an Object in Breath of the Wild.

Location and Uses

The History of the Zora, Addendum 1 is a Stone Monument found upon the peak of Ruto Mountain. It is an addition to the original Monument commission made by The Gifted Stonemason, who believed King Dorephan and Sidon deserved to have their achievements remembered.[2] As is the case with the other Monuments, Link must read this one to complete the Side Quest "Zora Stone Monuments".[3]

According to the Stone Monument, one hundred years after King Dorephan ascended to the throne, a Guardian entered Zora's Domain from Upland Zorana.[4] Though the soldiers struggled against it, King Dorephan was able to throw it into a ravine.[5] The Guardian shattered into pieces, and since then, the trust and respect the Zora held for their king grew.[6] King Dorephan still bears the scar from this battle.[7]


History of the Zora, Addendum 1
King Dorephan Stands His Ground

Around 100 years after King Dorephan ascended to the throne, a stray Guardian crossed Upland Zorana into our domain.

The Guardian seemed unstoppable. Our best soldiers' spears barely left a scratch on its metal hull.

It was then that our King Dorephan, without a thought for his own safety, came out to face the Guardian himself.

With supernatural strength, he lifted the Guardian and hurled it into a ravine.

The impact of the fall left the Guardian in pieces, and it was never to trouble another Zora ever again.

The citizens celebrated the king's valor. From then on, their trust and respect for him grew beyond compare.

You can still see the scar he earned that day on his forehead—a token of his triumph.



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See Also


  1. 1.0 1.1 History of the Zora, Addendum 1
    King Dorephan Stands His Ground
    — History of the Zora, Addendum 1 (Breath of the Wild)
  2. While I was at it, I thought...why not add two of my own? And so I created one for King Dorephan and one for Prince Sidon. True, this is outside the scope of my commission... But I believe their triumphs deserve as much! But why stop at that... — Memoir of a Gifted Stonemason (Breath of the Wild)
  3. After hearing Jiahto's request, you agreed to search for the stone monuments in the area surrounding Zora's Domain.

    Not counting the monument in Zora's Domain, there are 10 to find in total.
    — Adventure Log (Breath of the Wild)
  4. Around 100 years after King Dorephan ascended to the throne, a stray Guardian crossed Upland Zorana into our domain. — History of the Zora, Addendum 1 (Breath of the Wild)
  5. The Guardian seemed unstoppable. Our best soldiers' spears barely left a scratch on its metal hull. It was then that our King Dorephan, without a thought for his own safety, came out to face the Guardian himself. With supernatural strength, he lifted the Guardian and hurled it into a ravine. — History of the Zora, Addendum 1 (Breath of the Wild)
  6. The citizens celebrated the king's valor. From then on, their trust and respect for him grew beyond compare. — History of the Zora, Addendum 1 (Breath of the Wild)
  7. You can still see the scar he earned that day on his forehead—a token of his triumph. — History of the Zora, Addendum 1 (Breath of the Wild)