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This article is about the recurring ability used manually in The Legend of Zelda series. For other uses of jumping, see Jump (Disambiguation).

Jump is a recurring ability in The Legend of Zelda series.[1][2][3][name references needed] This ability also appears in Link's Awakening, Oracle of Seasons, Oracle of Ages, Four Swords, Four Swords Adventures and The Minish Cap in the form of an effect of the Roc's Feather and Roc's Cape.


The Adventure of Link

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The Adventure of Link instruction booklet
Using this magic increases Link's jumping power. He can even climb to heights he could not reach with a normal jump.

Due to the change from a top-down perspective in The Legend of Zelda to a side-scrolling perspective in The Adventure of Link, the Jumping ability was introduced, alongside a dedicated Jump button. Jumping can be performed by Link any time the Jump button is pressed, as long as he is standing on solid ground. Jumping can be used to cross pits, reach higher places and avoid Enemies.

After learning the Down Thrust and Jump Thrust, Link can execute the Down Thrust by holding "down" while Jumping and must hold "up" while Jumping to execute the Up Thrust.

The Jump Spell makes Link Jump twice as high as before, allowing access to areas that would be otherwise unreachable.[4] The Spell also increases the maximum horizontal distance of Link's Jumps, allowing easier access over large pits.

The Wind Waker

While Link cannot manually Jump in The Wind Waker, he can do so while sailing in the King of Red Lions by pressing the R button.[5] Jumping at sea is useful for avoiding upright Barrels and Bomb Barrels, as well as fast-approaching Enemies such as Gyorgs.

Jumping also allows Link to quickly move the boat's tiller, allowing for sharp turns upon landing in the water.[6]

Phantom Hourglass

In Phantom Hourglass, the SS Linebeck can be made to Jump by tapping the the Jump Arrow at the bottom of the lower screen.[7] Unlike the King of Red Lions, Linebeck's ship can Jump even when it's not in motion. Jumping is useful for avoiding objects such as Bomb Barrels, Sea Traps, and torpedoes from Jolene's ship.

Breath of the Wild

Being absent in every game since The Adventure of Link, the ability of manually Jumping returns in Breath of the Wild. In addition to Jumping while Sprinting Link can also Jump while clinging to a wall and gain elevation at the cost of Stamina. Alternatively, Link can leap off walls by pushing back instead of forward. Link can also Jump while Shield Surfing.

While Targeting, pressing the Jump button will cause Link to do a Side Hop if moving left or right, a Backflip if moving backwards or a forward hop if moving forwards. If this is performed the moment before Link is struck with a melee attack, he will perform a Perfect Dodge. Other moves that Link can transition into from a Jump include the Jump Attack, Shield Surf, and Paraglide.

Tears of the Kingdom

Echoes of Wisdom


Names in Other Regions
  • ジャンプ (Janpu) (TAoLThe Adventure of Link)[9]
  • JUMP (TAoLThe Adventure of Link)
  • ジャンプ (EoWEchoes of Wisdom)
  • Jump
The Republic of ChinaThe Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of ChinaThe Macao Special Administrative Region of China
跳躍 (EoWEchoes of Wisdom) 
The People's Republic of China
  • 跳跃魔法 (Tiào yuè mó fǎ) (TAoLThe Adventure of Link)[11]
  • 跳跃 (EoWEchoes of Wisdom)
  • Jump Magic
The Kingdom of the Netherlands
Springen (BotWBreath of the Wild | EoWEchoes of Wisdom)[12] 
The French Republic
  • Jump (TAoLThe Adventure of Link)[10]
  • Sauter (EoWEchoes of Wisdom)
Sauter (EoWEchoes of Wisdom) 
The Federal Republic of Germany
Springen (EoWEchoes of Wisdom) 
The Italian Republic
  • Salto (TAoLThe Adventure of Link)[8]
  • Salta (BotWBreath of the Wild | EoWEchoes of Wisdom)
  • Jump
The Republic of Korea
점프 (EoWEchoes of Wisdom) 
The Federative Republic of Brazil
Saltar (EoWEchoes of Wisdom) 
The Russian Federation
Прыгать (EoWEchoes of Wisdom) 
Latin America
SpanishLALatin American
Saltar (EoWEchoes of Wisdom) 
The Kingdom of Spain
Saltar (BotWBreath of the Wild | EoWEchoes of Wisdom) 
This table was generated using translation pages.
To request an addition, please contact a staff member with a reference.

Other Names

These names, though from official English sources, are not considered Canon by Zelda Wiki as they contradict a name or names from a higher-priority source.
Applies to
Superseded by
Jump Spell[14]
Applies to
Superseded by

See Also


  1. Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 108 (TAoLThe Adventure of Link)
  2. Jump — System (Breath of the Wild)
  3. Jump — System (Tears of the Kingdom)
  4. Using this magic increases Link's jumping power. He can even climb to heights he could not reach with a normal jump. (The Adventure of Link manual, pg. 43–44)
  5. Lemme ask you something, fry... Have you been using R Button to make your boat jump? Well? Have you? — Fishman (The Wind Waker)
  6. Anyway, what you can do is tilt Arrow LeftControl Stick Left & RightArrow Right to move your tiller just as you land... That's how you make a sharp turn. If you didn't know that, why don't you try it out? — Fishman (The Wind Waker)
  7. We can't attack it, so we have only one option: make the ship jump over it! Tap the Jump Arrow at the screen's bottom to jump, but only at the right time! — Linebeck (Phantom Hourglass)
  8. The Adventure of Link Italian manual, Virtual Console version, pg. 6
  9. ジャンプ
    (The Adventure of Link manual, pg. 46)
  10. Encyclopedia, Les Éditions Soleil, pg. 108
  11. 塞尔达传说:百科全书, New Star Press, pg. 108
  12. Springen — System (Breath of the Wild)
  13. Art & Artifacts, Dark Horse Books, pg. 386 (TAoLThe Adventure of Link)
  14. "Jump Spell
    During Link's quest to recover the six shards of the Magic Crystal, Link frequently used the power of magical Spells. Link used the Jump Spell to reach places he previously could not."
    The Great Hyrule Encyclopedia , Zelda.com (archive), retrieved January 22, 2022.