Magic Meter

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Magic Meters,(TAoLThe Adventure of Link | ALttPA Link to the Past | OoTOcarina of Time | MMMajora's Mask | TWWThe Wind Waker)[1][2] also known as the Magic Gauge,(HWHyrule Warriors)[3] are recurring elements in The Legend of Zelda series.[name references needed]


The Adventure of Link

In The Adventure of Link, the Magic Meter appears as a white bar on the HUD, which decreases when Magic is used. The Magic Meter can be upgraded using Experience or by finding Magic Containers.

A Link to the Past

In A Link to the Past, Link has the Magic Meter in his possession from the start of his adventure; no Item is needed to be found to acquire the Magic Meter. The Magic Meter can be replenished by picking up Magical Decanters found by cutting Grass, destroying Pots, or defeating Enemies. An upgrade for the Magic Meter can be obtained after sprinkling the Li'l Devil with Magic Powder on the shrine next to the Dwarven Swordsmiths' house. Items that deplete the Magic Meter include the Magic Powder, the Bombos Medallion, the Quake Medallion, the Ether Medallion, the Fire Rod, the Ice Rod, the Cane of Somaria, the Cane of Byrna, and the Magic Cape.

Ocarina of Time

In Ocarina of Time, the Magic Meter is given to Link along with the Spin Attack by the Great Fairy of Power near the entrance to the Death Mountain Crater.[4] Using the Spin Attack will drain part of the Magic Meter.[5] The Magic Meter can be replenished by picking up Magic Jars found by cutting Grass, destroying Jar, or defeating Enemies. The Magic Meter starts with a base of 48 Magic Meter. An upgrade for the Magic Meter can be obtained from the Great Fairy of Wisdom in the Death Mountain Crater.[6][2] The upgraded Magic Meter brings the total Magic Meter from 48 to 96. Items that drain the Magic Meter include the Lens of Truth, Farore's Wind, Nayru's Love, Din's Fire, Fire Arrows, Ice Arrows, and Light Arrows.

Majora's Mask

In Majora's Mask, the Magic Meter is given to Deku Link after returning the orange Stray Fairy to the Fairy Fountain in Clock Town.[7] The base Magic Power of the Magic Meter starts at 48. An upgrade for the Magic Meter can be obtained after returning all Stray Fairies in the Snowhead Temple to their respective Fairy's Fountain and after returning all Stray Fairies in the Woodfall Temple to their respective Fairy's Fountain, which doubles the Magic Meter's maximum to 96.

The Wind Waker

In The Wind Waker, Link obtains the Magic Meter along with the Deku Leaf after helping the Great Deku Tree.[8] The Magic Meter can be replenished by picking up Magic Jars found by cutting Grass, destroying Vases, or defeating Enemies. The Magic Meter starts with a base of 16 Magic Power, but this number can be doubled to 36 by a Great Fairy after defeating a Big Octo in the Two-Eye Reef.[9][10] Items that drain the Magic Meter include the Deku Leaf while flying, the Hero's Bow while shooting Fire Arrows or Ice Arrows, the Hurricane Spin, and the Magic Armor.[11][12][13] In The Wind Waker HD, the Magic Armor drains Rupees instead of the Magic Meter.[14]

Other Appearances

Hyrule Warriors

The following section is not part of the Zelda canon and should not be taken as such.

In Hyrule Warriors, the Magic Gauge can only be filled by collecting Magic Jars, or when playing as Young Link and pressing the Strong Attack button to play the "Song of Time."[15] When it is full, Warriors can use the Focus Spirit ability.[16] Focus Spirit increases the Warrior's attack power, speed, and knockback resistance.[17] Different bonuses are granted upon defeating certain number of enemies; reaching those thresholds also refills the Magic Gauge slightly.[17] These bonuses last as long as the Warrior is using Focus Spirit. When the Magic Gauge runs out, the Warrior automatically performs a powerful attack. Focus Spirit can also be ended prematurely by using a Focus Spirit Attack.[18] The Magic Gauge can also be filled by gathering around a Giant Boss with other Warriors and activating Smash Boost Power.[19] While under the effects of Smash Boost Power, the Magic Gauge can be filled by attacking nearby enemies.[20] The Magic Gauge is also used to use Fairy Magic.[21] The amount of the Magic Gauge depleted by Fairy Magic can be changed based on different Fairy Clothing worn by the equipped Companion Fairy.[22]


Screenshot showing a Magic Meter in an early version of Twilight Princess


Names in Other Regions
魔法メーター (Mahō Mētā) (ALttPA Link to the Past)[26]Same as English.
The People's Republic of China
魔法值 (Mófǎ zhí) (OoTOcarina of Time)[27] 
The French Republic
Compteur magique (ALttPA Link to the Past)Same as English.
This table was generated using translation pages.
To request an addition, please contact a staff member with a reference.

See Also



  1. Magic Meter (A Link to the Past & Four Swords manual, pg. 16)
  2. 2.0 2.1 Your Magic Meter is enhanced! — N/A (Ocarina of Time 3D)
  3. Pick up Magic Jars to refill your Magic gauge. — Tutorial (Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition)
  4. Welcome, Link! I am the Great Fairy of Power! I'm going to grant you a sword technique. Receive it now! — Great Fairy of Power (Ocarina of Time 3D)
  5. When you charge power for a Spin Attack, magic power will be consumed. Pay attention to your green Magic Meter! — Great Fairy of Power (Ocarina of Time 3D)
  6. Welcome, Link! I am the Great Fairy of Wisdom! I will grant you an enhancement to your magic power. Receive it now! — Great Fairy of Wisdom (Ocarina of Time 3D)
  7. Tatl, and you, young one of the altered shape... Thank you for returning my broken and shattered body to normal. I am the Great Fairy of Magic. I thought that masked child was helping me, and I grew careless. All I can offer you is this: I shall grant you magic power as a sign of my gratitude. Please accept it! — Great Fairy of Magic (Majora's Mask 3D)
  8. You must use the item I shall bestow upon you and fly through the sky! — Great Deku Tree (The Wind Waker HD)
  9. Oh, waker of the winds... Thanks to you, I have been freed from that beast's foul grasp... As thanks, I shall give you just a little of my power... — Great Fairy (The Wind Waker HD)
  10. Your magic power has increased! You now have twice as much as what you had before! — N/A (The Wind Waker HD)
  11. You can also jump in the air and use your magic power to drift on the currents of the wind! — N/A (The Wind Waker HD)
  12. You learned the Hurricane Spin!
    Hold B Button to build up your power, and then release it to perform a whirling attack with your blade. Remember, it consumes magic power.
    — N/A (The Wind Waker HD)
  13. You got the Magic Armor!
    Use your magic power to create a barrier around you that protects you from enemy attacks!
    — N/A (The Wind Waker)
  14. You got the Magic Armor!
    Use your Rupees to create a barrier around you that protects you from enemy attacks!
    — N/A (The Wind Waker HD)
  15. Pick up Magic Jars to refill your Magic gauge. — Tutorial (Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition)
  16. When your Magic gauge is full, you can use a technique called Focus Spirit. — Tutorial (Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition)
  17. 17.0 17.1 While Focus Spirit is active, attack power and speed increase, incoming knock-back damage is reduced, and defeating certain number of enemies will yield various special bonuses. — Tutorial (Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition)
  18. Press A Button while under the effects of Focus Spirit to completely consume your Magic gauge, allowing you to use a Focus Spirit Attack that topples opponents, exposing Weak Points. — Tutorial (Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition)
  19. If two playable warriors get together, 50% of their Magic gauges will instantly fill! — Tutorial (Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition)
  20. Plus, you will be able to refill the Magic gauge just by attacking enemies! — Tutorial (Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition)
  21. Press Right Stick Press when the icon below the Magic gauge is glowing to deplete the gauge and trigger powerful Fairy Magic! — Tutorial (Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition)
  22. Each fairy clothing item has one effect that will change either the amount of damage inflicted by Fairy Magic or the amount of Magic Power used. — Tutorial (Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition)
  23. "But what's the MAIN difference? Perhaps magic, since you can only use it when Link is an adult." —Shigeru Miyamoto (The Z-Files.)
  24. Nintendo, Wii U - The Legend of Zelda - Gameplay First Look from The Game Awards , YouTube, published December 5, 2014, retrieved June 16, 2016.
  25. TheStrawhatNO, Green Chu Jelly (LoZ: Twilight Princess) , YouTube, published September 27, 2012.
  26. A Link to the Past manual, pg. 14
  27. Ocarina of Time manual, iQue version, pg. 13