Man of Smiles

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The Man of Smiles is a character in Phantom Hourglass.[1]


The Man of Smiles owns a boat that travels the Northeastern Sea. Upon visiting his boat, the door will close behind Link, and several enemies will appear. Defeating all of the enemies will cause the door to open and the Man of Smiles to enter. The first time Link visits his boat, the Man of Smiles gives him the Hero's New Clothes, the first item of the game's Trading Sequence. If Link visits him a second time, he will give Link the Prize Postcard. Link is able to do this indefinitely.


Names in Other Regions
えがおのおとな (Egao no Otona)[4] 
The French Republic
L'homme aux sourires[6]Same as English.
  • L'Homme Souriant[9]
  • l'Homme aux Sourires[8]
  • Smiling Man
  • Same as English.
The Federal Republic of Germany
Der Mann des Lächelns[5]Same as English.
The Italian Republic
  • Felice[7]
  • Uomo sorridente
  • Smiling Man
Latin America
SpanishLALatin American
  • El hombre de las Sonrisas[3]
  • El Hombre de las Sonrisas[2]
  • Same as English.
  • Same as English.
The Kingdom of Spain
El hombre de las sonrisas[10]Same as English.
This table was generated using translation pages.
To request an addition, please contact a staff member with a reference.



  1. Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 283
  2. ¡Oh! ¿Por casualidad me recuerdas?
    ¡El Hombre de las Sonrisas, ese soy yo!
    — Man of Smiles (Phantom Hourglass, Latin American Spanish version)
  3. ¿Qué? ¿Yo? Mi nombre es...
    Bah, no merece la pena decirlo. En serio.
    El hombre de las Sonrisas. Así es como me gustaría que me llamaran todos.
    — Man of Smiles (Phantom Hourglass, Latin American Spanish version)
  4. おっと
    ボクのことは 覚えてるかな?
    — Man of Smiles (Phantom Hourglass, Japanese version)
  5. Was? Ich? Mein Name ist...
    Nun, er ist nicht der Rede wert, ehrlich.
    "Der Mann des Lächelns" So möchte ich gerne genannt werden.
    — Man of Smiles (Phantom Hourglass, German version)
  6. Pardon? Moi? Je me nomme...
    Bah, je ne suis personne d'important.
    "L'homme aux sourires". C'est comme cela que je voudrais qu'on m'appelle.
    — Man of Smiles (Phantom Hourglass, European French version)
  7. Cosa? Io? Io mi chiamo...
    Il mio nome non è importante, comunque...
    Sono Felice, l'uomo sorridente. È così che vorrei che la gente mi chiamasse.
    — Man of Smiles (Phantom Hourglass, Italian version)
  8. Oh! Ah!
    Te souviens-tu de moi?
    Je suis l'Homme aux Sourires! À la fois mon nom et ma raison d'être!
    — Man of Smiles (Phantom Hourglass, Canadian French version)
  9. Pardon? Moi? Je me nomme...
    Bah, je ne suis personne d'important.
    "L'Homme Souriant." Tu m'appeles de même.
    — Man of Smiles (Phantom Hourglass, Canadian French version)
  10. ¿Qué? ¿Yo? Mi nombre es...
    Bah, no merece la pena decirlo. En serio.
    El hombre de las sonrisas. Así es como me gustaría que todos me llamasen.
    — Man of Smiles (Phantom Hourglass, European Spanish version)