Marot Mart

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Marot Mart is a recurring location in The Legend of Zelda series.[1][2]

Features and Overview

Breath of the Wild

Marot Mart is a shopping center in Zora's Domain named after its proprietor, Marot. It refers to the combination of the Coral Reef General Store, which is operated by Cleff, and the Hammerhead.[3][4] The latter is run by Dento, who is Marot's grandfather.[5] Marot has also come up with a theme song for the center, the lyrics of which consist of repeating Marot Mart.[6]


Tears of the Kingdom



Names in Other Regions
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See Also


  1. Good day! ♪Welcome to Marot Mart!♪ This is where you'll find our general store, the Coral Reef. Our workshop, the Hammerhead, is also here. you need something else? — Marot (Breath of the Wild)
  2. Welcome to Marot Mart! Here you'll find our general goods store and workshop. Our convenient general goods store, the Coral Reef, has procured a bunch of yummy fish! And our esteemed workshop, the Hammerhead, is open and ready to craft some incredible weapons! — Marot (Tears of the Kingdom)
  3. [Marot Mart?] ♪Yep!♪ The general store and the workshop... They're the best shops EVER! And together they're caaaaalled... — Marot (Breath of the Wild)
  4. [The general store?] Our general store has been in business for over 100 years. It has a long and honorable history. The shopkeep, Cleff, is really serious. But his younger sister, Tona, is head over fins for Prince Sidon! Kee hee! — Marot (Breath of the Wild)
  5. [The workshop?] The old man in the workshop, his name is Dento... He's my grandpa! He's the one who fixed Mipha's weapon, the Lightscale Trident. — Marot (Breath of the Wild)
  6. ♪Marot Mart!♪ ♪Marot Maaaaaart! La de da de daaa!♪ ♪LA DEE DAAAAA!♪ That's my theme song! Isn't it cute?! — Marot (Breath of the Wild)
Zora's Domain
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