NES Remix

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NES Remix is a video game compilation for the Wii U, released in 2013 as a download-only title.[1][2] It features 16 classic NES games, including The Legend of Zelda, which are played as a series of miniature challenges. A sequel, NES Remix 2 was released in 2014, followed by a 2-in-1 retail release, NES Remix Pack, and a Nintendo 3DS version containing the "best of" both games, Ultimate NES Remix.


In NES Remix, players can choose from a variety of classic games for the Nintendo Entertainment System. Rather than playing them in their entirety, these games are given a curated set of Stages that can be selected from a main menu. Stages consist of one or more challenges that must be completed consecutively; these challenges are short excerpts of gameplay that can last from several seconds to several minutes, giving players a sampling of various moments and types of gameplay. Of the 16 games included in NES Remix, 12 become available to be played in this manner as they are unlocked. In addition, there are two sets of "Remix" Stages that present unique challenges, such as combining elements of two different games, adding new graphical effects, or creating scenarios that are not otherwise possible in the original games. A set of "Bonus" Stages features even more challenges, some of which include the four additional NES games that do not have their own sets of Stages.

After playing a single, introductory Remix Stage based on Super Mario Bros., six NES games become unlocked and available to play. Every Stage is given a time limit and/or a "Life" counter, which is the number of times a challenge can be failed before the player must restart or use a "continue". Upon completing a Stage, the player is graded from one Star to three Stars, or the best possible grade of three Stars with rainbow-colored outlines, based on the speed of completion and whether or not any continues were used. New games, as well as extra Remix or Bonus Stages, are unlocked by accumulating these Stars. The Legend of Zelda is the first game to unlock after the initial six, once 100 Stars have been collected.

The player can also collect Bits, which are another type of score-keeping. Unlike Stars, they can be earned even when a Stage is cleared repeatedly. Each Stage has a base number of Bits awarded, which is multiplied by the number of Stars earned (rainbow Stars count as four), as well as bonus amounts of Bits for first-time clears and "perfect" clears (no Life is lost). Setting a new completion-time record also nets 15 Bits. When certain milestone numbers of Bits are collected, a new Miiverse Stamp is unlocked.


The following Stages feature content from The Legend of Zelda. Note that "Life" refers to the number of chances given to complete the Stage, rather than Link's actual Life Gauge.

There is no Zelda content in the "Remix I" Stages.

The Legend of Zelda

The Legend of Zelda and its first Stage are unlocked by collecting 100 Stars. There are 17 Stages for this game, with 53 challenges in total. Each subsequent Stage is unlocked by simply playing the Stage before it.

Stage # Details
1 Challenges: 5
1Stage 1-12Stage 1-23Stage 1-34Stage 1-45Stage 1-5

1. Take the sword!

2. Defeat all the enemies!

3. Restore your life gauge!

4. Buy somethin' will ya!

5. Enter the dungeon!
Time: 100
Bits: 15 Stage Clear (multiplied by number of Stars)
80 1st-Time Clear bonus
10 Perfect bonus
Stage # Details
2 Challenges: 3
1Stage 2-12Stage 2-23Stage 2-3

1. Get the key!

2. Collect the key without taking damage!

3. Collect the key without taking damage!
Life: 3
Bits: 15 Stage Clear (multiplied by number of Stars)
80 1st-Time Clear bonus
10 Perfect bonus
Stage # Details
3 Challenges: 1

Collect Rupees, and then buy an item!
Time: 300
Life: 3
Bits: 22.5 Stage Clear (multiplied by number of Stars; rounded up)
120 1st-Time Clear bonus
15 Perfect bonus
Notes: It may be quicker to enter the Shop two screens west and two north, and purchase Bombs for 20 Rupees.
Stage # Details
4 Challenges: 3
1Stage 4-12Stage 4-23Stage 4-3

1. Open the door!

2. Use a bomb to blow a hole, and then go through!

3. Go down the stairs!
Life: 3
Bits: 15 Stage Clear (multiplied by number of Stars)
80 1st-Time Clear bonus
10 Perfect bonus
Notes: Stage 4-1: Push the Block in any direction.
Stage 4-3: Push the leftmost Block up or down.
Stage # Details
5 Challenges: 1

Get the Triforce fragment without taking damage!
Life: 3
Bits: 15 Stage Clear (multiplied by number of Stars)
80 1st-Time Clear bonus
10 Perfect bonus
Stage # Details
6 Challenges: 3
1Stage 6-12Stage 6-23Stage 6-3

1. Defeat all the enemies without taking damage!

2. Defeat all the enemies without taking damage!

3. Defeat all the enemies without taking damage!
Life: 3
Bits: 22.5 Stage Clear (multiplied by number of Stars; rounded up)
120 1st-Time Clear bonus
15 Perfect bonus
Notes: Link has no Sword in this Stage.
Stage # Details
7 Challenges: 5
1Stage 7-12Stage 7-23Stage 7-34Stage 7-45Stage 7-5

1. Find the hidden entrance and go in!

2. Find the hidden entrance and go in!

3. Find the hidden entrance and go in!

4. Find the hidden entrance and go in!

5. Get the Rupees in the hidden room!
Time: 240
Bits: 22.5 Stage Clear (multiplied by number of Stars; rounded up)
120 1st-Time Clear bonus
15 Perfect bonus
Notes: Stage 7-2: Bomb the north wall, just left of center.
Stage 7-4: Burn the lower-right of the group of four bushes.
Stage 7-5: Burn the lower-right green bush.
Stage # Details
8 Challenges: 1

Defeat Dodongo!
Life: 3
Bits: 22.5 Stage Clear (multiplied by number of Stars; rounded up)
120 1st-Time Clear bonus
15 Perfect bonus
Stage # Details
9 Challenges: 3
1Stage 9-12Stage 9-23Stage 9-3

1. Defeat all the enemies without taking damage!

2. Defeat all the enemies without taking damage!

3. Find and defeat the real one!
Life: 3
Bits: 22.5 Stage Clear (multiplied by number of Stars; rounded up)
120 1st-Time Clear bonus
15 Perfect bonus
Notes: Stage 9-3: The "real" Ghini starts in the lower-right corner.
Stage # Details
10 Challenges: 6
1Stage 10-12Stage 10-23Stage 10-34Stage 10-45Stage 10-56Stage 10-6

1. Collect the second Triforce fragment!

2. Get the White Sword!

3. Get the raft!

4. Collect the third Triforce fragment!

5. Enter the dungeon!

5. Collect the fourth Triforce fragment!
Life: 3
Bits: 22.5 Stage Clear (multiplied by number of Stars; rounded up)
120 1st-Time Clear bonus
15 Perfect bonus
Stage # Details
11 Challenges: 3
1Stage 11-12Stage 11-23Stage 11-3

1. Defeat all the enemies without taking damage!

2. Defeat all the enemies without taking damage!

3. Defeat all the enemies without taking damage!
Life: 3
Bits: 22.5 Stage Clear (multiplied by number of Stars; rounded up)
120 1st-Time Clear bonus
15 Perfect bonus
Notes: Stage 11-1: Link can walk the left, upper, and right edges of this room; the rest is blocked by a body of water.
Stage 11-2: This room has narrow bodies of water that Link can cross using the Stepladder.
Stage 11-3: This room has several diagonal rows of Blocks.
Stage # Details
12 Challenges: 1

Fully restore your life gauge without taking damage!
Time: 300
Life: 3
Bits: 22.5 Stage Clear (multiplied by number of Stars; rounded up)
120 1st-Time Clear bonus
15 Perfect bonus
Stage # Details
13 Challenges: 2
1Stage 13-12Stage 13-2

1. Get the ring!

2. Get the ring!
Life: 3
Bits: 22.5 Stage Clear (multiplied by number of Stars; rounded up)
120 1st-Time Clear bonus
15 Perfect bonus
Notes: Stage 13-1: Push the top-center Armos.
Stage 13-2: Defeat the Wizzrobes, then push the leftmost Block up or down.
Stage # Details
14 Challenges: 3
1Stage 14-12Stage 14-23Stage 14-3

1. Defeat the powerful enemies!

2. Defeat the powerful enemies!

3. Defeat the powerful enemies!
Life: 3
Bits: 22.5 Stage Clear (multiplied by number of Stars; rounded up)
120 1st-Time Clear bonus
15 Perfect bonus
Stage # Details
15 Challenges: 6
1Stage 15-12Stage 15-23Stage 15-34Stage 15-45Stage 15-56Stage 15-6

1. Get the Magical Sword!

2. Receive a hint!

3. Enter the dungeon!

4. Get the recorder!

5. Collect the fifth Triforce fragment!

6. Collect the sixth Triforce fragment!
Life: 3
Bits: 22.5 Stage Clear (multiplied by number of Stars; rounded up)
120 1st-Time Clear bonus
15 Perfect bonus
Notes: Stage 15-2: Pay the Old Woman 20 Rupees.
Stage 15-3: Go east, then north four times.
Stage 15-4: Defeat the Darknuts, then push the Block in any direction.
Stage 15-5: Use the Recorder first.
Stage # Details
16 Challenges: 1

Make your way to the boss's lair!
Time: 300
Life: 3
Bits: 22.5 Stage Clear (multiplied by number of Stars; rounded up)
120 1st-Time Clear bonus
15 Perfect bonus
Stage # Details
17 Challenges: 6
1Stage 17-12Stage 17-23Stage 17-34Stage 17-45Stage 17-56Stage 17-6

1. Collect the seventh Triforce fragment!

2. Find the hidden entrance and go in!

3. Collect the eighth Triforce fragment!

4. Find the hidden entrance and go in!

5. Get the Silver Arrows!

6. Rescue Princess Zelda!
Life: 3
Bits: 30 Stage Clear (multiplied by number of Stars)
160 1st-Time Clear bonus
20 Perfect bonus
Notes: Stage 17-2: Burn the bush in the narrow path.
Stage 17-4: Bomb the bottom of the left mountain peak.

Remix II

"Remix II" and its first three Stages are unlocked by collecting 155 Stars; another three Stages are unlocked for every 15 or 20 Stars thereafter. Only two of its 25 Stages contain The Legend of Zelda content.

Stage # Details
1 Stars required: 155
1Stage 1-12Stage 1-2

1. Enter the mysterious passageway!

2. Rescue the fair maiden!
Challenges: 2
Life: 6
Bits: 30 Stage Clear (multiplied by number of Stars)
200 1st-Time Clear bonus
20 Perfect bonus
Notes: Stage 1-1: The screen gradually pixelates.
Stage 1-2: Link must complete the first level from Donkey Kong. He is unable to jump.
Stage # Details
20 Stars required: 265
1Stage 2-12Stage 2-2

1. Enter the mysterious passageway!

2. Rescue the fair maiden!
Challenges: 2
Life: 3
Bits: 30 Stage Clear (multiplied by number of Stars)
200 1st-Time Clear bonus
20 Perfect bonus
Notes: Stage 20-1: The screen gradually pixelates.
Stage 20-2: Link must complete the final level from Donkey Kong. He is again unable to jump.


"Bonus" and its first Stage are unlocked by collecting 310 Stars; another Stage is unlocked for every 10 Stars thereafter. Three of its 25 Stages contain The Legend of Zelda content.

Stage # Details
2 Stars required: 320
1Stage 2-12Stage 2-23Stage 2-34Stage 2-4

1. (Second Quest) Enter the dungeon!

2. (Second Quest) Enter the next room!

3. (Second Quest) Leave a heart and go!

4. (Second Quest) Defeat all the enemies!
Challenges: 4
Life: 3
Bits: 30 Stage Clear (multiplied by number of Stars)
160 1st-Time Clear bonus
20 Perfect bonus
Notes: Stage 2-1: Push the top-center Armos.
Stage 2-2: Walk through the south wall.
Stage # Details
17 Stars required: 470

1. Defeat Gohma with your very last arrow!
Challenges: 1 of 4 This Stage has four Challenges, but only one of them contains The Legend of Zelda content.
Life: 6
Bits: 37.5 Stage Clear (multiplied by number of Stars; rounded up)
200 1st-Time Clear bonus
25 Perfect bonus
Stage # Details
18 Stars required: 480

Defeat Manhandla with a bomb!
Challenges: 1
Life: 3
Bits: 37.5 Stage Clear (multiplied by number of Stars; rounded up)
200 1st-Time Clear bonus
25 Perfect bonus

Miiverse Integration

The game's menu, displaying a Miiverse post for The Legend of Zelda Stages.

Prior to the closure of Miiverse in November 2017, NES Remix featured optional integration with the service. When selecting a Stage on the game's menu, a post about that Stage from another Miiverse user (either text, or a black-and-white drawing) would be displayed on the right-hand side of the screen, along with that user's best completion time for the Stage, when applicable. By pressing the Right Control Stick, different posts could be shown. Tapping an icon in the upper-right corner of the post added a "Yeah!" (like), while a green speech-balloon icon in the menu's bottom-right corner allowed the player to write their own Miiverse post about that Stage.

NES Remix contains 100 Miiverse Stamps which can be used while making posts. Ten of them are available by default, while the other 90 are unlocked by reaching certain amounts of the total Bits collected by the player. Collected Stamps can be viewed by pressing the Y button on the game's menu.

List of Zelda Stamps
Subject Depicted
Bits Required
Subject Depicted
Bits Required
Subject Depicted
Bits Required
Subject Depicted
Bits Required
Subject Depicted
Bits Required
Subject Depicted
Bits Required
Subject Depicted
Old Man
Bits Required
Subject Depicted
Bits Required
Subject Depicted
Bits Required
Subject Depicted
Bits Required
Subject Depicted
Bits Required
Subject Depicted
Bits Required
Subject Depicted
Bits Required
Subject Depicted
Bits Required
Subject Depicted
Bits Required
Subject Depicted
Bits Required
StampSubject DepictedBits Required
Old Man

Note: Obtained in between the Block and Fairy Stamps at 18,000 Bits is a Bomb Stamp; however, it is based on the sprite from Wrecking Crew. Obtained at 21,000 Bits is a Stamp of an Ingot from Clu Clu Land, which appears as a horizontal-facing Rupee.


Names in Other Regions
Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese ファミコンリミックス (Famikon Rimikksu) Famicom Remix



  1. "Release date: 18/12/2013"NES™ Remix | Wii U download software , Nintendo, retrieved June 8, 2024.
  2. "Best over 200 stages based on much-loved Nintendo classics in NES™ Remix, only on Nintendo eShop on Wii U!"NES™ Remix | Wii U download software , Nintendo, retrieved June 8, 2024.