Nayru's Charm

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The Nayru's Charm is an Item in The Minish Cap.[1]

Location and Uses

After Fusing Kinstone Pieces with Farore, Gorman will arrive at Hyrule Town and search for a young woman to rent out a Vacant House from him. After this, Link can Fuse Kinstone Pieces with Bremor to inspire Mutoh to build a second Vacant House. If Link gives either of the Houses to Nayru, she will offer to fill one of his Empty Bottles with Nayru's Charm.[2]

Nayru's Charm turns Link's tunic blue and boosts his defense.[3]


Names in Other Regions
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  • If Link uses Nayru's Charm while in Mama's Cafe, his tunic will turn orange.[4]


See Also


  1. Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 132
  2. If you have an empty bottle, I can put one of my homemade charms inside! Just ask anytime! — Nayru (The Minish Cap)
  3. You got Nayru's Charm! Your guard will be strengthened for a while! — N/A (The Minish Cap)
  4. curlyw42, Minish Cap Glitch - Orange Tunic , YouTube, published January 27, 2013, retrieved July 21, 2015.
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The Wind Waker
The Minish Cap
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Cadence of Hyrule