None Shall Pass?

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None Shall Pass?

Quest Giver Zooki
Location Korok Forest
Reward Sakunbomar Shrine

"None Shall Pass?" is a Shrine Quest in Tears of the Kingdom.[1]



Stage Description
1 According to Zooki, he once went deep into the forest and found something similar to a shrine. But now there are monsters about, so he's keeping watch to prevent Koroks from going there.

Since you're not a Korok, though, it should be fine to enter.
2 You located what looks like a shrine inside the forest. Perhaps this was the place Zooki was talking about. It seems that you can enter the Shrine of Light if you offer up a crystal.

Follow the ray of light, and offer up the crystal at the shrine.
Complete You offered up the crystal that came from the Stone Talus, and a Shrine of Light appeared.

Enter the shrine in order to acquire the Light of Blessing.


Names in Other Regions
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See Also


  1. None Shall Pass?
    Korok Forest
    — Adventure Log (Tears of the Kingdom)