Ordon Woods

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Ordon Woods is a location in Twilight Princess.[1]


Ordon Woods is a small forest situated just north of Ordon Village, containing the Ordon Spring which serves as the home of the Spirit of Light, Ordona. North of the Ordon Spring is a rope bridge, spanning across a large gorge, connecting the Ordona Province to the Faron Province, thus leading to the much larger Faron Woods. With the exception of the Bulblin attack, the Ordon Woods is notable in that it is one of the few non-village places in the game that is free of Enemies.

Despite it being a small location, the woods serve an important purpose in the game since it is here that Link learns about the four Spirits of Light that guard Hyrule as well as Zant's intentions to rule the world.[2] Moreover, Link also learns the second Hidden Skill in the game here: the Shield Attack.


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  1. Ordon Woods — Map (Twilight Princess HD)
  2. [...]The blight will not stop with Hyrule. Before long, the entire world of light will fall into the hands of the king who rules the twilight. To save this land from the king of twilight, the lost light must be recovered. The three light spirits who have lost their light must be revived. [...] Unless... If you were to return to Faron Woods where you were first transformed... If you were to revive the light spirit... There, by the power of the light spirit, you may find the means to regain your other state of being... — Ordona (Twilight Princess)