Outpost Chest

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Outpost Chests are recurring Objects in The Legend of Zelda series.(BotWBreath of the Wild)[1] Outpost Chests go unnamed in Tears of the Kingdom and Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity.

Location and Uses

Breath of the Wild

Outpost Chests are Treasure Chests found in Monster Strongholds. They resemble skulls with purple, glowing eyes and can only be opened when all of their associated Enemies have been defeated. They will emit a yellow light when they can be opened. This effect remains even when Enemies reappear in a Monster Strongholds.

Tears of the Kingdom

Outpost Chests are unique Treasure Chests that can be found in Enemy camps. Both Construct camps and Monster Strongholds may contain their own versions of Outpost Chests. All Outpost Chests are initially locked and will glow with a purple light until the Enemies nearby have been defeated. After this point, an Outpost Chest will unlock and will remain unlocked even if the Enemies around them reappear.

Two kinds of Outpost Chest may be found. Inside Monster Strongholds, Outpost Chests resemble skulls and will glow with a yellow light when unlocked. Inside Construct camps, Outpost Chests resemble Owls instead and will glow green when unlocked.

Echoes of Wisdom

Outpost Chests can be found in Monster camps. When all of the Enemies inside the camps are defeated, their locks will disappear.

Other Appearances

Cadence of Hyrule

The following section is not part of the Zelda canon and should not be taken as such.

In Cadence of Hyrule, Outpost Chests are found in various locations across the map. Regular outpost chests resemble standard chests but feature a skull design and can only be unlocked once all enemies on the screen have been defeated. There is also a variant of the outpost chest with a purple color, still featuring the skull design. To unlock this variant, the player must eliminate every enemy on the screen while maintaining the rhythm without missing a beat. For both types of chests, once unlocked, the skull disappears, making the chest accessible.

Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity

The following section is not part of the Zelda canon and should not be taken as such.

Outpost Chests appear inside Monster Strongholds, where they sit locked until a sufficient number of Enemies inside it are defeated. They resemble skulls and glow with a purple light while locked. When they are unlocked, they will instead glow with a yellow light. They may contain any type of Weapon that has already been obtained or any random Materials.


Names in Other Regions
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See Also
