Red Water of Life

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Red Water of Life,(SeriesThe Legend of Zelda Series)[1] also known as 2nd Potions,(TLoZThe Legend of Zelda)[1] are items in The Legend of Zelda.

Locations and Uses

Descriptionshide ▲
The Legend of Zelda instruction booklet
Water of life
Drink this and all of Link's LIFE hearts will turn red. Red water turns blue when Link sips it. Drink the blue water and that's the last of the water.
A Shop selling a 2nd Potion

2nd Potions are red, bottled drinks that Link can purchase for 68 Rupees from any Old Woman in a Cave after he has shown one of them the Letter.[2] They can also be obtained from Old Men who offer Link a choice between a Heart Container and a 2nd Potion.[3] However, if Link chooses the 2nd Potion, he will permanently miss the Heart Container. If Link drinks a 2nd Potion, it will restore all of his Hearts,[4] then it will change into a Life Potion.[5]


Names in Other Regions
  • イノチミズ アカ (Inochi Mizu Aka)[8]
  • 命の水 (Inochi no Mizu)[9]
  • Water of Life (Red)
  • Water of Life
The People's Republic of China
  • 生命之水(红) (Shēngmìng zhī shuǐ (hóng))[11]
  • 双倍生命药水 (Shuāng bèi shēng mìng yào shuǐ)[12]
  • Water of Life (Red)
  • Water of Life (Red)
The Kingdom of the Netherlands
The French Republic
Eau de vie[10]Water of life
The Italian Republic
  • Acqua della vita rossa[6]
  • Seconda pozione[7]
  • Red water of life
  • Red water of life
This table was generated using translation pages.
To request an addition, please contact a staff member with a reference.

Other Names

These names, though from official English sources, are not considered Canon by Zelda Wiki as they contradict a name or names from a higher-priority source.
Water of Life[13]
Applies to
Superseded by
NameApplies toSourceSuperseded by
Water of Life[13]


See Also


  1. 1.0 1.1 Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 142 (SeriesThe Legend of Zelda Series | TLoZThe Legend of Zelda)
  2. When you choose this letter at the sub menu and press button B, Link can show the letter to the little old lady who lives inside one of the many caves. (The Legend of Zelda manual, pg. 23)
  3. TAKE ANY ONE YOU WANT. — Old Man (The Legend of Zelda)
  4. Drink this and all of Link's LIFE hearts will turn red. (The Legend of Zelda manual, pg. 25)
  5. Red water turns blue when Link sips it. Drink the blue water and that's the last of the water. (The Legend of Zelda manual, pg. 25)
  6. L'arte di una leggenda, Magazzini Salani, pg. 383
  7. Enciclopedia di Hyrule, Magazzini Salani, pg. 142
  8. Hyrule Encyclopedia, Tokuma Shoten Publishing Co., Ltd., pg. 113 (TLoZThe Legend of Zelda)
  9. The Legend of Zelda manual, pg. 24
  10. 10.0 10.1 The Legend of Zelda manual, pg. 25
  11. 塞尔达传说:百科全书, New Star Press, pg. 134
  12. 塞尔达传说:百科全书, New Star Press, pg. 135
  13. Drink the Water of Life to fully replenish your health. After one use, the liquid will turn from red to blue. (The Legend of Zelda manual, pg. 23)