Ride the Giant Horse

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Ride the Giant Horse

Quest Giver Baddek
Location Faron Grasslands
Reward Ishokin Shrine

"Ride the Giant Horse" is a Shrine Quest in Tears of the Kingdom.[1]



Stage Description
1 You ran into Baddek, a horse-lover who found a beautiful crystal in the mountains southwest of the Faron Grasslands.

Baddek said he'll give the crystal to you if you bring him the giant horse that's rumored to be in the area.

Ask near Highland Stable east of the grasslands to see if anyone knows about this giant horse.
2 Impressed with the giant horse, Baddek gave you the crystal, which emits a faint light.

The next step is to figure out what the crystal might be used for.
3 Baddek gave you a crystal after you brought him the giant horse. It seems that you can enter a Shrine of Light if you offer up a crystal.

Follow the ray of light, and offer up the crystal at the shrine.
Complete You brought the giant horse to Baddek, and he gave you a crystal in return. You offered up the crystal and can now enter the Shrine of Light.


Names in Other Regions
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See Also


  1. Ride the Giant Horse
    Faron Grasslands
    — Adventure Log (Tears of the Kingdom)