SoulCalibur II/Command List

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This page lists the complete Command List for Link in SoulCalibur II.

Button Explanation

Image Explanation
Horizontal Attack Button Horizontal Attack Button
Hold Horizontal Attack Button Hold Horizontal Attack Button
Vertical Attack Button Vertical Attack Button
Hold Vertical Attack Button Hold Vertical Attack Button
Kick Button Kick Button
Hold Kick Button Hold Kick Button
Guard Button Guard Button
Hold Guard Button Hold Guard Button
Arrow Right Control Pad
Hold Arrow Right Hold Control Pad
Kick Button SlideVertical Attack Button Slide Input
Neutral Neutral

Legend Explanation

Image Explanation
High Attack High Attack
Mid Attack Mid Attack
Special Mid Attack Special Mid Attack
Low Attack Low Attack
Throw Throw
Unblockable Attack Unblockable Attack
Attack Throw Attack Throw
Special Movement Special Movement
Guard Break Guard Break properties
Guard Impact Guard Impact properties
Switch to Stance Switch to stance


Horizontal Attacks

Name Button(s) Attack Properties
Horizontal Slash Horizontal Attack Button High Attack
Horizontal Slash~Spin Attack Hold Horizontal Attack Button High AttackHigh AttackHigh AttackHigh AttackHigh Attack Unblockable Attack
Double Sword Slash (Horizontal) Horizontal Attack Button   Horizontal Attack Button High AttackHigh Attack
Double Sword Slash (Horizontal)~Boomerang Stance Horizontal Attack Button   Hold Horizontal Attack Button High AttackHigh Attack Switch to Stance
Cross Slash Horizontal Attack Button   Vertical Attack Button High AttackMid Attack
Cross Slash~Bomb Stance Horizontal Attack Button   Vertical Attack Button   Vertical Attack Button+Kick Button High AttackMid Attack Switch to Stance
Cross Slash Combo Horizontal Attack Button   Vertical Attack Button   Kick Button High AttackMid AttackHigh Attack
Cross Slash Combo (Delay) Horizontal Attack Button   Vertical Attack Button   Kick Button High AttackMid AttackHigh Attack
Cross Slash Combo~Bomb Stance Horizontal Attack Button   Vertical Attack Button   Hold Kick Button High AttackMid AttackHigh Attack Switch to Stance
Step-in Attack Combo Arrow RightHorizontal Attack Button   Horizontal Attack Button High AttackLow Attack
Step-in Attack Combo (Delay) Arrow RightHorizontal Attack Button   Horizontal Attack Button High AttackLow Attack
Step-in Attack Upper Combo Arrow RightHorizontal Attack Button   Horizontal Attack Button   Vertical Attack Button High AttackMid Attack
Bat Swing Arrow RightArrow RightHorizontal Attack Button Mid Attack
Shoelace Slash Arrow Down RightHorizontal Attack Button Low Attack
Crouching Slash Arrow DownHorizontal Attack Button Special Mid Attack
Sword Trip Arrow Down LeftHorizontal Attack Button Low Attack
Counter Slash Arrow LeftHorizontal Attack Button High Attack
Counter Slash~Boomerang Stance Arrow LeftHold Horizontal Attack Button High Attack Switch to Stance
Cyclone Attack Arrow Up(Arrow Up Left,Arrow Up Right)Horizontal Attack Button Mid Attack
Cyclone Attack (Hold) Arrow Up(Arrow Up Left,Arrow Up Right)Hold Horizontal Attack Button Mid AttackHigh AttackHigh Attack
Spin Attack Arrow DownArrow Down LeftArrow LeftHorizontal Attack Button High AttackHigh Attack
Spin Attack (Hold) Arrow DownArrow Down LeftArrow LeftHold Horizontal Attack Button High AttackHigh AttackHigh AttackHigh Attack Unblockable Attack
Bat Swing Hold Arrow RightHorizontal Attack Button Mid Attack
Force Counter Slash Hold Arrow Down Right(Hold Arrow Up Right)Horizontal Attack Button Mid Attack
Spinning Leap Strike Hold Arrow Down(Hold Arrow Up)Horizontal Attack Button High Attack
Grass Cutter Hold Arrow Down Left(Hold Arrow Up Left)Horizontal Attack Button Low Attack
Grass Cutter (Hold) Hold Arrow Down Left(Hold Arrow Up Left)Hold Horizontal Attack Button Low Attack
Grass Cutter High Feint Hold Arrow Down Left(Hold Arrow Up Left)Horizontal Attack Button   Vertical Attack Button Mid Attack
Counter Slash Hold Arrow LeftHorizontal Attack Button High Attack
Counter Slash~Boomerang Stance Hold Arrow LeftHold Horizontal Attack Button High Attack Switch to Stance
Bow Stance Hold Arrow Right(Hold Arrow Down Right,Hold Arrow Up Right,Hold Arrow Down,Hold Arrow Up,Hold Arrow Down Left,Hold Arrow Up Left,Hold Arrow Left)Horizontal Attack Button+Vertical Attack Button Switch to Stance
Boomerang Stance Hold Arrow Right(Hold Arrow Down Right,Hold Arrow Up Right,Hold Arrow Down,Hold Arrow Up,Hold Arrow Down Left,Hold Arrow Up Left,Hold Arrow Left)Horizontal Attack Button+Kick Button Switch to Stance
Rising Horizontal Slash (While rising) Horizontal Attack Button Mid Attack
Rising Horizontal Slash~Boomerang Stance (While rising) Hold Horizontal Attack Button Mid Attack Switch to Stance

Vertical Attacks

Name Button(s) Attack Properties
Vertical Slash~Bow Stance Hold Vertical Attack Button Mid Attack Switch to Stance
Double Sword Slash (Vertical) Vertical Attack Button   Vertical Attack Button Mid AttackMid Attack
Slash Kick Combo Vertical Attack Button   Kick Button Mid AttackMid Attack
Stab Arrow RightVertical Attack Button Mid Attack
Illusion Stab Combo Arrow RightVertical Attack Button (repeat rapidly) Mid AttackHigh AttackMid AttackSpecial Mid AttackHigh AttackSpecial Mid AttackMid Attack
Running Hack Arrow RightArrow RightVertical Attack Button Mid Attack
Half-Moon Swipe Arrow Down RightVertical Attack Button Mid Attack
Half-Moon Swipe~Bow Stance Arrow Down RightHold Vertical Attack Button Mid Attack Switch to Stance
Sword Plant Arrow DownVertical Attack Button Mid Attack
Down Slash Arrow Down LeftVertical Attack Button Mid Attack
Double Spin Slash Arrow LeftVertical Attack Button   Horizontal Attack Button Mid AttackHigh Attack
Double Spin Slash (Hold) Arrow LeftVertical Attack Button   Hold Horizontal Attack Button Mid AttackHigh Attack
Power Thrust Arrow LeftArrow LeftVertical Attack Button Mid Attack
Power Thrust (Hold) Arrow LeftArrow LeftHold Vertical Attack Button Mid Attack Guard Break
Power Thrust~Bow Stance Arrow LeftArrow LeftHold Vertical Attack Button Mid Attack Guard BreakSwitch to Stance
Rocket Stab Arrow Up(Arrow Up Left,Arrow Up Right)Vertical Attack Button Mid Attack
Hyper Dash Attack Arrow LeftArrow LeftVertical Attack Button+Kick Button Mid AttackMid Attack Guard Break
Hyper Dash Attack (Hold) Arrow LeftArrow LeftHold Vertical Attack Button+Hold Kick Button Mid AttackMid AttackMid Attack Unblockable Attack
Hyper Dash Attack (Cancel) Arrow LeftArrow LeftHold Vertical Attack Button+Hold Kick Button   Guard Button Special Movement
Sword Sweep Vertical Attack Button SlideHorizontal Attack Button Mid Attack Guard Impact
Sword Sweep~Spin Attack Vertical Attack Button SlideHold Horizontal Attack Button Mid AttackHigh AttackHigh AttackHigh AttackHigh Attack Unblockable Attack
Running Spin Slash Arrow RightArrow RightVertical Attack Button SlideHorizontal Attack Button High Attack
Running Spin Slash (Hold) Arrow LeftArrow LeftVertical Attack Button SlideHold Horizontal Attack Button High Attack
Running Hack Hold Arrow Right(Hold Arrow Down Right,Hold Arrow Up Right)Vertical Attack Button Mid Attack
High Launcher Hold Arrow Down(Hold Arrow Up)Vertical Attack Button Mid Attack
High Launcher~Bow Stance Hold Arrow Down(Hold Arrow Up)Hold Vertical Attack Button Mid Attack Switch to Stance
Sword Chop Hold Arrow Down Left(Hold Arrow Up Left)Vertical Attack Button Mid Attack
Power Thrust Hold Arrow LeftVertical Attack Button Mid Attack
Power Thrust (Hold) Hold Arrow LeftHold Vertical Attack Button Mid Attack Guard Break
Power Thrust~Bow Stance Hold Arrow LeftHold Vertical Attack Button Mid Attack Guard BreakSwitch to Stance
Running Spin Slash Hold Arrow Right(Hold Arrow Down Right,Hold Arrow Up Right)Vertical Attack Button SlideHorizontal Attack Button High Attack
Running Spin Slash (Hold) Hold Arrow Right(Hold Arrow Down Right,Hold Arrow Up Right)Vertical Attack Button SlideHold Horizontal Attack Button High Attack
Bomb Stance Hold Arrow Right(Hold Arrow Down Right,Hold Arrow Up Right,Hold Arrow Down,Hold Arrow Up,Hold Arrow Down Left,Hold Arrow Up Left,Hold Arrow Left)Vertical Attack Button+Kick Button Switch to Stance
Rising High Slash (While rising) Vertical Attack Button Mid Attack

Kick Attacks

Name Button(s) Attack Properties
Kick Kick Button High Attack
Kick~Bomb Stance Hold Kick Button High Attack Switch to Stance
Front Kick Arrow RightKick Button High Attack
Front Kick~Bomb Stance Arrow RightHold Kick Button High Attack Switch to Stance
Forward Roll Arrow RightArrow RightKick Button Special Movement
Mid Kick Arrow Down RightKick Button Mid Attack
Low Kick Arrow DownKick Button Low Attack
Double Kick Arrow Down LeftKick Button   Kick Button Low AttackHigh Attack
Kick Out Arrow LeftKick Button Mid Attack
Back Somersault Arrow LeftArrow LeftKick Button Special Movement
Knee Thrust Hold Arrow Down Right(Hold Arrow Up Right,Hold Arrow Down Left,Hold Arrow Up Left)Kick Button Mid Attack
Propeller Kick Hold Arrow Down(Hold Arrow Up)Kick Button High Attack
Propeller Kick~Bomb Stance Hold Arrow Down(Hold Arrow Up)Hold Kick Button High Attack Switch to Stance
Propeller Kick~Forward Roll Hold Arrow Down(Hold Arrow Up)Kick ButtonArrow Right High Attack Special Movement
Propeller Kick~Back Somersault Hold Arrow Down(Hold Arrow Up)Kick ButtonArrow Left High Attack Special Movement
Back Somersault Hold Arrow LeftKick Button Special Movement
Leaping Split Combo (While rising) Kick Button   Arrow DownVertical Attack Button Mid AttackMid Attack


Name Button(s) Attack
Arm Twist (Approach enemy) Horizontal Attack Button+Guard Button Throw
Running Slash (Approach enemy) Vertical Attack Button+Guard Button Throw
Shield Shove (Approach enemy from behind) Horizontal Attack Button+Guard Button or Vertical Attack Button+Guard Button Throw
Piggyback Throw (Approach enemy from the left) Horizontal Attack Button+Guard Button or Vertical Attack Button+Guard Button Throw
Power Roll (Approach enemy from the right) Horizontal Attack Button+Guard Button or Vertical Attack Button+Guard Button Throw
Swing Under (Approach enemy) Arrow RightArrow RightVertical Attack Button+Guard Button Throw

Miscellaneous Attacks

Name Button(s) Attack Properties
Bow Stance Horizontal Attack Button+Vertical Attack Button Switch to Stance
Boomerang Stance (During Bow Stance) Horizontal Attack Button Switch to Stance
Bomb Stance (During Bow Stance) Kick Button Switch to Stance
Bow (During Bow Stance) Vertical Attack Button High Attack Guard Break
Bow (Hold) (During Bow Stance) Hold Vertical Attack Button High Attack Unblockable Attack
Bow (Low) (During Bow Stance) Arrow Down RightVertical Attack Button Low Attack
Bow (High) (During Bow Stance) Arrow Up RightVertical Attack Button High Attack Guard Break
Bomb Stance Vertical Attack Button+Kick Button Switch to Stance
Boomerang Stance (During Bomb Stance) Horizontal Attack Button Switch to Stance
Bow Stance (During Bomb Stance) Vertical Attack Button Switch to Stance
Bomb (During Bomb Stance) Kick Button Mid Attack
Bomb (During Bomb Stance, wait until the last moment) Kick Button Mid Attack Unblockable Attack
Boomerang Stance Horizontal Attack Button+Kick Button Switch to Stance
Boomerang (During Boomerang Stance) Horizontal Attack Button High AttackHigh Attack
Boomerang (Side) (During Boomerang Stance) Arrow Down(Arrow Up)Horizontal Attack Button High AttackHigh Attack
Bow Stance (During Boomerang Stance) Vertical Attack Button Switch to Stance
Bomb Stance (During Boomerang Stance) Kick Button Switch to Stance
Forward Roll Arrow RightArrow RightKick Button Special Movement
Force Counter Slash (During Forward Roll) Horizontal Attack Button Mid Attack
Rocket Stab (During Forward Roll) Vertical Attack Button Mid Attack
Leaping Split Combo (During Forward Roll) Kick Button   Arrow DownVertical Attack Button Mid AttackMid Attack
Side Roll (During Forward Roll) Arrow Down(Arrow Up) Special Movement
Spinning Leap Strike (During Side Roll) Horizontal Attack Button High Attack
Rocket Stab (During Side Roll) Vertical Attack Button Mid Attack
Leaping Split Combo (During Side Roll) Kick Button   Arrow DownVertical Attack Button Mid AttackMid Attack
Back Somersault Arrow LeftArrow LeftKick Button Special Movement
Force Counter Slash (During Back Somersault) Horizontal Attack Button Mid Attack
Leap Strike (During Back Somersault) Vertical Attack Button Mid Attack
Knee Thrust (During Back Somersault) Kick Button Mid Attack

Signature Moves

Name Button(s) Attack Properties
Spin Attack Arrow DownArrow Down LeftArrow LeftHorizontal Attack Button High AttackHigh Attack
Bow (During Bow Stance) Vertical Attack Button High Attack Guard Break
Bomb (During Bomb Stance) Kick Button Mid Attack
Boomerang (During Boomerang Stance) Horizontal Attack Button High AttackHigh Attack

Quick Attacks

Name Button(s) Attack
Double Sword Slash (Horizontal) Horizontal Attack Button   Horizontal Attack Button High AttackHigh Attack
Double Sword Slash (Vertical) Vertical Attack Button   Vertical Attack Button Mid AttackMid Attack
Mid Kick Arrow Down RightKick Button Mid Attack
Step-in Attack Combo Arrow RightHorizontal Attack Button   Horizontal Attack Button High AttackLow Attack

Powerful Attacks

Name Button(s) Attack Properties
Spin Attack (Hold) Arrow DownArrow Down LeftArrow LeftHold Horizontal Attack Button High AttackHigh AttackHigh AttackHigh Attack Unblockable Attack
Cyclone Attack (Hold) Arrow Up(Arrow Up Left,Arrow Up Right)Hold Horizontal Attack Button Mid AttackHigh AttackHigh Attack
Hyper Dash Attack (Hold) Arrow LeftArrow LeftHold Vertical Attack Button+Hold Kick Button Mid AttackMid AttackMid Attack Unblockable Attack
Power Thrust~Bow Stance Arrow LeftArrow LeftHold Vertical Attack Button Mid Attack Guard BreakSwitch to Stance