The Lost Pilgrimage

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The Lost Pilgrimage

Quest Giver Tasho
Location Korok Forest
Reward Daag Chokah Shrine

"The Lost Pilgrimage" is a Shrine Quest in Breath of the Wild.[1]


"The Lost Pilgrimage" is one of three Shrine Quests that are needed to complete "The Korok Trials" Side Quest. In the northwest portion of the Korok Forest, Link can meet a Korok named Tasho, who appears concerned.[2] When Link speaks to them, they recognize him as the hero and ask if he is planning on attempting the Korok Trials.[3]

If Link confirms he is doing the Trial, Tasho has a favor they would like to ask of him.[4] Another Korok, Oaki, has just set off on the Korok Trial.[5] While he insisted on going on his own, Tasho is worried about him.[6] Therefore, Tasho asks Link to secretly keep an eye on Oaki while he attempts the Trial.[7] With this, the Shrine Quest begins.

In order to find the end of the Korok Trial, Link must silently follow Oaki through the Lost Woods. If Link gets too close to Oaki or draws attention to himself, Oaki will initially believe he is a ghost.[8] However, once he realizes Link is alive, he becomes angry that he was followed.[9] He insists on starting over again on his own.[10] Back at the start of the path, Tasho notes that Oaki tends to get nervous on occasion.[11] Since Oaki is planning on leaving again, Link will have another chance to follow him all the way.[12]

As Link follows Oaki, they will express fear over being alone,[13][14] though he attempts to calm their nerves by assuring himself or inspecting the scenery.[15][16][17][18] On his journey, Oaki will also make remarks about familiar landmarks or his memory of the path.[19][20][21][22] Certain occurrences, such as Tree Branches falling from Trees, will cause Oaki to turn around, which Link must be prepared for.

After passing through a giant fallen Tree, Oaki will become scared that someone else is there,[23] and he will retreat back down the path when he thinks they have seen a ghost.[24] In this instance, Link can use the Tree to hide from Oaki. When he realizes it was simply a shadow, he continues his Trial.[25] Additionally, as Oaki reaches the end of the Korok Trial, he passes by a pack of Maraudo Wolves. Link must either dispatch or evade them without alerting Oaki to his presence.

Once Oaki has reached Daag Chokah Shrine, he will cheer about his victory.[26][27][28][note 1] Finally noticing Link, Oaki recognizes him as the hero.[29] He excitedly shares with Link that he was able to complete the Korok Trial on his own.[30] Realizing that Link likely intends to utilize the Ancient Shrine,[31] Oaki allows him to go ahead and look.[32] After he is done speaking, the Shrine Quest will be completed.


Stage Description
1 You've been recruited to watch over Oaki's first trial.

Follow Oaki without being seen.
2 Oaki has set off to face the trial alone.

Follow along without being seen. Take care to avoid being discovered!
Complete Oaki arrived safely at the destination and succeeded in the first trial!

It turns out the destination was one of the shrines dotting Hyrule!


Names in Other Regions
はじめての しれん (Hajimete no shiren) 
The Republic of ChinaThe Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of ChinaThe Macao Special Administrative Region of China
最初的考驗 (Zuìchū de kǎoyàn) 
The People's Republic of China
最初的试练 (Zuìchū de shìliàn) 
The Kingdom of the Netherlands
De eerste pelgrimstocht[33]The First Pilgrimage
The French Republic
L'épreuve des fleurs 
The Federal Republic of Germany
Der Pilgerweg 
The Italian Republic
La prova del coraggioTrial of the courage
The Republic of Korea
시작의 시련 (Sijagui siryeon) 
The Russian Federation
«Первое испытание» («Pervoye ispytaniye») 
Latin America
SpanishLALatin American
El peregrinaje 
This table was generated using translation pages.
To request an addition, please contact a staff member with a reference.


See Also


  1. It is possible to reach Daag Chokah Shrine without following Oaki by slipping ahead of them and following the path.


  1. The Lost Pilgrimage
    Korok Forest
    — Adventure Log (Breath of the Wild)
  2. Going alone? I dunno... — Tasho (Breath of the Wild)
  3. Oh! You! You're Mr. Hero, right? You're gonna do the Korok Trial, yes, yes? — Tasho (Breath of the Wild)
  4. [Sure.] I knew it!
    I'd like to ask you a favor, then!
    — Tasho (Breath of the Wild)
  5. My little Oaki just now set off to do the Korok Trial... — Tasho (Breath of the Wild)
  6. Normally, I'd go along, too, but Oaki insisted on going alone. I let Oaki go, but...well, I'm just getting worried! — Tasho (Breath of the Wild)
  7. Could you please follow Oaki without being seen? I want to be sure nothing bad happens... — Tasho (Breath of the Wild)
  8. KYAAH! A ghost! — Oaki (Breath of the Wild)
  9. ...Wait, you're not a ghost!
    Were you following me? I said I could do this by myself!
    — Oaki (Breath of the Wild)
  10. Ugh, and now I'm not by myself... I'll have to do it all over again. — Oaki (Breath of the Wild)
  11. Oooh, Oaki saw you, huh?
    Oaki can get a little nervous or antsy sometimes, that's for sure...
    — Tasho (Breath of the Wild)
  12. Luckily, Oaki is planning on going to do the trial again, so you've got another chance to stealthily follow. That's OK, right? It's OK? Good! I'm counting on you! — Tasho (Breath of the Wild)
  13. What was that? — Oaki (Breath of the Wild)
  14. OK... I'm a little bit scared. — Oaki (Breath of the Wild)
  15. Everything is A-OK! — Oaki (Breath of the Wild)
  16. Oooh, pretty flowers! — Oaki (Breath of the Wild)
  17. This isn't so bad... — Oaki (Breath of the Wild)
  18. I'm not scared one bit. — Oaki (Breath of the Wild)
  19. I remember this tree! — Oaki (Breath of the Wild)
  20. This is the right way... — Oaki (Breath of the Wild)
  21. Halfway there! — Oaki (Breath of the Wild)
  22. I'm almost there! — Oaki (Breath of the Wild)
  23. Is... is someone there? — Oaki (Breath of the Wild)
  24. AHH! A ghost! — Oaki (Breath of the Wild)
  25. Oh. It was just a shadow... — Oaki (Breath of the Wild)
  26. Aha! There's the shrine! — Oaki (Breath of the Wild)
  27. Woo! I've finally made it! — Oaki (Breath of the Wild)
  28. Yay! I made it! I finished the trial! — Oaki (Breath of the Wild)
  29. Wha? Who's there?
    Hey! Are you that hero guy? You know—Mr. Hero?
    — Oaki (Breath of the Wild)
  30. Guess what, Mr. Hero! I did the trial all by myself! Aren't I brave? — Oaki (Breath of the Wild)
  31. Oh, yeah! You're probably here for the shrine. — Oaki (Breath of the Wild)
  32. The Great Deku Tree said that the monk's blessing is waiting in the shrine ahead! Why don't you go take a look? — Oaki (Breath of the Wild)
  33. De eerste pelgrimstocht — Adventure Log (Breath of the Wild)