Tips from the Wild

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Tips from the Wild was a promotional service for the Nintendo Switch version of Breath of the Wild.[1]


Tips from the Wild was a weekly promotional service for the Nintendo Switch that distributed tips and items digitally via the eponymous News Channel.[2] Tips from the Wild was presented by the director of Breath of the Wild, Hidemaro Fujibayashi.[1]

There were certain limitations on receiving tips and items from the Tips from the Wild Channel:

Additionally, Tips from the Wild was regionally locked and therefore intended only for the regions listed in given posts.[6]
The final article was released on December 26, 2017.

List of Promotions

Banner Date Subject Gift
August 9, 2017[7] Befriend a dog with these free, in-game treats for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild ×2 Apples
×1 Raw Meat
August 22, 2017[8] Restore Link's stamina with a simple recipe for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. ×2 Courser Bee Honey
August 29, 2017[9] Practice your catching skills with this free weapon for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Treasure Chest containing a Boomerang
September 5, 2017[10] An egg-citing look at eggs in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. ×3 Bird Eggs
September 12, 2017[11] How to shield surf in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Treasure Chest containing an Emblazoned Shield
September 19, 2017[12] A burst of stamina in a pinch. ×1 Bright-Eyed Crab
×2 Stamella Shrooms
September 26, 2017[13] Cooking with nature! ×1 Hyrule Bass
×2 Hylian Shrooms
×1 Raw Bird Drumstick
October 3, 2017[14] Keep yourself warm with the Fire Rod. Treasure Chest containing a Fire Rod
October 11, 2017[15] Rock on with the Rock Octorok's hidden ability. Treasure Chest containing a Rusty Broadsword
October 17, 2017[16] The key to taking expressive selfies. N/A
October 24, 2017[17] Lure fish to you with fish food! ×1 Voltfruit
×1 Cool Safflina
×1 Spicy Pepper
October 31, 2017[18] Prepare for battle with this tasty meal. ×1 Razorclaw Crab
×1 Mighty Porgy
×1 Mighty Bananas
×1 Rock Salt
November 7, 2017[19] Level up your armor! ×3 Yellow Chuchu Jelly
×3 Electric Keese Wings
November 14, 2017[20] Stop horsing around and practice your archery skills! ×5 Arrows
November 21, 2017[21] A little detail to treasure. Treasure Chest containing a Gerudo Scimitar
November 28, 2017[22] Hold your horses! Here's a quick tip about horse taming. ×1 Swift Carrot
×2 Endura Carrots
×2 Apples
December 5, 2017[23] Go nuts with this nutty recipe. ×2 Acorns
×3 Chickaloo Tree Nuts
December 12, 2017[24] How to enjoy The Champions' Ballad DLC Pack 2 - Part 1. ×3 Silent Shrooms
×1 Stealthfin Trout
×1 Silent Princess
December 19, 2017[25] How to enjoy The Champions' Ballad DLC Pack 2 - Part 2. ×2 Roasted Bird Drumsticks
×2 Raw Bird Drumsticks
December 26, 2017[26] How to enjoy The Champions' Ballad DLC Pack 2 - Part 3. ×2 Ancient Screws
×1 Ancient Shaft
×1 Arrow



  1. 1.0 1.1 "Director Hidemaro Fujibayashi shares some useful tips that may help you along your journey." — Nintendo, The Legend of Zelda™: Breath of the Wild - Tips from the Wild , , published August 8, 2017, retrieved November 16, 2017.
  2. "Hello everyone.

    I'm Hidemaro Fujibayashi, Director of The Legend of Zelda™: Breath of the Wild.

    Welcome to our new channel for the game, where I hope to share some helpful game tips. People have already found all sorts of things to do in the game, but maybe you will learn something new.

    And as a special thank you, if you own The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (either as a physical game card or the digital version), you will be able to receive items directly from some articles*. For example, an article about a recipe may also gift you a few of the ingredients to get you started.

    Thank you very much for your interest in the game. Please look forward to more articles!

    *This feature is compatible with Version 1.3.1 and above of the game. You can update your game by highlighting the game icon from the Home Menu, pressing the + button, and selecting "Software Update." Internet connection required."
    — Hidemaro Fujibayashi, Welcome to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild tips channel. , , published August 8, 2017, retrieved October 5, 2017.
  3. - In order to receive the items, you must already have the paraglider item. — Tips from the Wild (Breath of the Wild)
  4. -There are some locations in the game where you cannot receive these items, such as shrines, dungeons, and certain terrain. — Tips from the Wild (Breath of the Wild)
  5. This feature is compatible with Version 1.3.1 and above. You can update your game by highlighting the game icon from the HOME Menu, pressing the + Button, and selecting Software Update. Internet connection required. — Tips from the Wild (Breath of the Wild)
  6. This news is distributed by Nintendo for our Nintendo Account holders in the Americas. — Tips from the Wild (Breath of the Wild)
  7. "Hello, everyone.

    I'm Hidemaro Fujibayashi, director of The Legend of Zelda™: Breath of the Wild.

    I'll be updating you with some useful tips about the game. And if you own the game, you may even get some free in-game items for reading. I hope you all look forward to it!

    Now, today's useful tip is about dogs.

    Spoilers ahead!


    On your journey, you may have already come across some of the many stables dotted across Hyrule. But did you know that you can befriend the dogs at these stables? The dogs will start to like you if you spend some time with them, so stand nearby and be good company. Once they are happy, try feeding them three pieces of meat or three pieces of fruit. They may even find a nice surprise for you!

    To get you on your way, please accept this in-game gift of two apples and one piece of meat. If you start your game by using the link below, the items will appear in your game. Just make sure that you either have the game card inserted or the digital version of the game on your system.

    We hope to enjoy making some furry friends!"
    — Hidemaro Fujibayashi, Befriend a dog with these free, in-game treats for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild , , published August 9, 2017, retrieved October 5, 2017.
  8. "Hello, everyone.

    I'm Hidemaro Fujibayashi, director of The Legend of Zelda™: Breath of the Wild.

    Today I'd like to tell you about a useful recipe.

    Spoilers ahead!


    This recipe lets you make Energizing Honey Candy, a natural sweet that's delicious and nutritious! It's made by stewing fresh honey gathered from honeycombs.

    I recommend this recipe because it only requires one ingredient - you guessed it, Courser Bee Honey! When used, Energizing Honey Candy will instantly refill some of Link's Stamina Wheel. The more Courser Bee Honey you add to the cooking pot, the more stamina Link will regain.

    Please accept this in-game gift of two combs of Courser Bee Honey so that you can try making Energizing Honey Candy for yourself. The items will appear in your game if you open it using the link below. Just make sure that you either have the game card inserted or the downloadable version of the software installed on your system.

    Have fun cooking!"
    — Hidemaro Fujibayashi, Restore Link's stamina with a simple recipe for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. , , published August 22, 2017, retrieved October 5, 2017.
  9. "Hello everyone. I'm Hidemaro Fujibayashi, director of The Legend of Zelda™: Breath of the Wild.

    Today's useful tip is about the boomerang.

    Spoilers ahead!


    This game has a large variety of weapons, including the boomerang. Have you tried throwing it by pressing the R Button? Unlike other weapons, this weapon will circle around and return to your hand, just like a real boomerang (just don't forget to catch it by pressing the A button). You can even get creative and use it to distract your enemies.

    If you have the game and want to practice using the boomerang item, please accept a free one from us. If you start your game by using the link below, the weapon will appear in your game. Just make sure that you either have the game card inserted or the digital version of the game on your system.

    I hope that people who haven't tried it before will give it a shot!"
    — Hidemaro Fujibayashi, Practice your catching skills with this free weapon for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. , , published August 29, 2017, retrieved October 5, 2017.
  10. "Hello everyone. I'm Hidemaro Fujibayashi, director of The Legend of Zelda™: Breath of the Wild.

    Today's useful tip is about cooking eggs.

    Spoilers ahead!


    The lake you see in the picture is located in the Hebra Mountains region. But this is no ordinary lake: it's actually a hot spring where an injured Link can recover his hearts when he soaks in it. However, did you know that if you place a Bird Egg in a hot spring, you can cook it to make something else? Give it a try!

    If you have the game and want to experiment with eggs, please accept this in-game gift of three Bird Eggs by pressing the button below. And since eggs are very delicate, you may want to find a safe place where you can retrieve the eggs without them breaking. Of course, you can always buy Bird Eggs at the High Spirits Produce shop in Kakariko Village.

    Please make sure that you either have the game card inserted or the digital version of the game on your system.

    Thank you for reading about eggs. Stay tuned for more articles!"
    — Hidemaro Fujibayashi, An egg-citing look at eggs in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. , , published September 5, 2017, retrieved October 5, 2017.
  11. "Hello everyone. I'm Hidemaro Fujibayashi, director of The Legend of Zelda™: Breath of the Wild.

    Today's useful tip is about shields.

    Spoilers ahead!


    So how do you use your shields? Are you just using them to defend yourself against enemies? Well there's another use too - it's called shield surfing!

    When you're on the slope of a mountain or hill, hold up your shield with the ZL Button, jump with the X Button, and then jump onto the shield with the A Button. And off you go!

    While you're shield surfing, you can also do some special tricks by pressing the Y Button. You can even use this move to damage enemies if you time it correctly.

    If you would like to try this out, please press the button below to accept an Emblazoned Shield. To accept this in-game gift, please make sure that you either have the game card inserted or the digital version of the game on your system.

    I hope you enjoy shield surfing!"
    — Hidemaro Fujibayashi, How to shield surf in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. , , published September 12, 2017, retrieved October 5, 2017.
  12. "Hello everyone. I'm Hidemaro Fujibayashi, director of The Legend of Zelda™: Breath of the Wild.

    Today's useful tip is about scaling cliffs.

    Spoilers ahead!


    Have you ever run out of stamina and fallen off a mountain just before you climbed to the top?

    I'll let you in on a handy tip. If you jump when the Stamina Wheel is red, Link will summon his final strength and jump twice as high! This is very handy if you're running out of stamina near the peak.

    Another way to keep your stamina up is by cooking meals with special ingredients. If you would like to experiment with some of these special ingredients, please press the button below. You will receive one Bright-Eyed Crab and two Stamella Shrooms (just make sure that you either have the game card inserted or the digital version of the game on your system).

    Thank you for reading. I hope you look forward to more articles!"
    — Hidemaro Fujibayashi, A burst of stamina in a pinch. , , published September 19, 2017, retrieved October 5, 2017.
  13. "Hello everyone. I'm Hidemaro Fujibayashi, director of The Legend of Zelda™: Breath of the Wild.

    Today's useful tip is about cooking methods.

    Spoilers ahead!


    Do you only use pots to cook your food? Well, there are other options to try!

    In extreme climates - like hot areas where you catch on fire or frozen places that make you shiver - you can make easy dishes by putting ingredients on the ground. Ingredients like fish or meat will naturally turn into dishes such as Roasted Bass and Frozen Bird Drumstick.

    I would also like to highlight that frozen dishes give you a cooling boost. It's quite convenient if you need protection from the heat.

    If you want to practice these cooking techniques, please press the button below to receive 1 Hyrule Bass, 2 Hyrule Shrooms, and 1 Raw Bird Drumstick (just make sure that you either have the game card inserted or the digital version of the game on your system).

    I hope you give these cooking methods a try!"
    — Hidemaro Fujibayashi, Cooking with nature! , , published September 26, 2017, retrieved October 5, 2017.
  14. "Hello everyone. I'm Hidemaro Fujibayashi, director of The Legend of Zelda™: Breath of the Wild.

    Today's useful tip is about the Fire Rod.

    Spoilers ahead!


    Have you ever been, stranded in a cold area without any warm clothes or special food? Poor Link! Well, there is an easy solution. Today I would like to introduce a handy weapon called the Fire Rod.

    Not only does this magical rod shoot fireballs when swung, it can also keep you warm! All you have to do is keep it equipped, and the magic will keep Link warm.

    If you would like to try this out for yourself, please press the button below to receive a Fire Rod (just make sure that you either have the game card inserted or the digital version of the game on your system).

    Thank you for reading. Please look forward to more articles."
    — Hidemaro Fujibayashi, Keep yourself warm with the Fire Rod. , , published October 3, 2017, retrieved October 5, 2017.
  15. "Hello everyone. I'm Hidemaro Fujibayashi, director of The Legend of Zelda™: Breath of the Wild.

    Today's useful tip is about Rock Octoroks.

    Spoilers ahead!


    Have you been to this place? It's a lava lake near Death Mountain that has many rusty weapons stabbed into the ground. It's also a spot where you'll find the dreaded Rock Octoroks.

    These enemies are very troublesome because they shoot out rocks that they've inhaled. However, there's also a benefit to this! If they inhale a rusty weapon, they will spit it back out squeaky clean and good as new. Try throwing a rusty weapon at them to see it in action.

    If you would like to try this out, please press the button below. You will receive one Rusty Broadsword if you either have the game card inserted or the digital version of the game on your system.

    Thank you for reading. I hope you look forward to more articles!"
    — Hidemaro Fujibayashi, Rock on with the Rock Octorok's hidden ability. , , published October 11, 2017, retrieved October 11, 2017.
  16. "Hello everyone. I'm Hidemaro Fujibayashi, director of The Legend of Zelda™: Breath of the Wild.

    Today's useful tip is about selfies.

    Spoilers ahead!


    Before I start, I would like to apologize for not giving out any items in this article. However, I think this tip is still quite useful!

    Many of you already know that if you press the X button while using the Camera Rune, you can switch to Self-Portrait mode. But did you know that if you move the Left Stick in four different directions, Link will pose in four different ways? And if you hold down the ZL Button while moving the Left Stick, you can pose in four more ways? That's eight poses altogether! This really makes selfies much more fun.

    Thank you for reading about selfies. I hope you try it out."
    — Hidemaro Fujibayashi, The key to taking expressive selfies. , , published October 17, 2017, retrieved October 18, 2017.
  17. "Hello everyone. I'm Hidemaro Fujibayashi, director of The Legend of Zelda™: Breath of the Wild.

    Today's useful tip is about fish food.

    Spoilers ahead!


    Did you know that different kinds of fish like different types of food?

    For example, Hearty Bass are attracted to ingredients that increase maximum hearts, while Chillfin Trout prefer ingredients that boost your heat resistance. If you drop these ingredients into the water, you may be able to catch fish much easier that you expect!

    However, there are exceptions to what fish may be attracted to, so we recommend testing it out with your surplus ingredients. If you want to try it out, please press the button below to receive a Voltfruit, Cool Safflina, and a Spicy Pepper (just make sure you either have the game card inserted or the digital version of the game on your system).

    Thank you for reading. I hope you look forward to more articles!"
    — Hidemaro Fujibayashi, Lure fish to you with fish food! , , published October 24, 2017, retrieved October 27, 2017.
  18. "Hello everyone. I'm Hidemaro Fujibayashi, director of The Legend of Zelda™: Breath of the Wild.

    Today's useful tip is about attack boosting meals.

    Spoilers ahead!


    So what kind of meals do you eat before going into a tough battle? I'm assuming you want something that will give you some advantage for your fight. You can't win on an empty stomach, after all!

    Today, I'd like to introduce a recipe that gives you +3 for strength: the Mighty Salt-Grilled Crab recipe.

    If you want to try it out, please press the button below to receive a Razorclaw Crab, Mighty Porgy, Mighty Bananas, and Rock Salt (just make sure you either have the game card inserted or the digital version of the game on your system). Cook these ingredients together for the powerful dish.

    Thank you for reading. I hope you look forward to more articles!"
    — Hidemaro Fujibayashi, Prepare for battle with this tasty meal. , , published October 31, 2017, retrieved November 1, 2017.
  19. "Hello everyone. I'm Hidemaro Fujibayashi, director of The Legend of Zelda™: Breath of the Wild.

    Today's useful tip is about leveling up your armor.

    Spoilers ahead!


    Did you know about set bonuses for armor? They are very important!

    There are four Great Fairy Fountains located in Hyrule. At these locations, the Great Fairy (like in the picture above) can level up your armor with materials that you collect.

    There are also sets of armors that you can find that are made up of armor for your head, chest, and legs. Leveling up pieces of armor will give you better stats, but if you level up a complete set two times, you may also get a special bonus effect.

    For example, levelling up the Rubber Armor set twice will give it the "Shockproof" effect. So level up your favorite armor and you may be surprised with a special effect that you weren't expecting!

    If you would like some materials that can be used for armor upgrades, please press the button below to receive Yellow Chuchu Jelly (x3) and Electric Keese Wing (x3). Just make sure that you either have the game card inserted or the digital version of the game on your system.

    Thank you for reading. Please look forward to more articles!"
    — Hidemaro Fujibayashi, Level up your armor! , , published November 7, 2017, retrieved November 8, 2017.
  20. "Hello everyone. I'm Hidemaro Fujibayashi, director of The Legend of Zelda™: Breath of the Wild.

    Today's useful tip is about mounted archery.

    Spoilers ahead!


    Have you found this location yet? It's called the Mounted Archery Camp.

    Here you can attempt the Mounted Archery Challenge by talking to Jini. With a good enough score, you can be awarded with two pieces of gear for your horse: the Knight's Bridle and Knight's Saddle.

    This will take much practice, so please press the button below to receive 5 arrows. Just make sure that you either have the game card inserted or the digital version of the game on your system.

    Good luck practicing! Please look forward to more articles."
    — Hidemaro Fujibayashi, Stop horsing around and practice your archery skills! , , published November 14, 2017, retrieved November 15, 2017.
  21. "Hello everyone. I'm Hidemaro Fujibayashi, director of The Legend of Zelda™: Breath of the Wild.

    Today's fun detail is about opening treasure chests.

    Spoilers ahead!


    Today I would like to share a not-so-widely known detail (at least I think it's not so widely known!).

    Before opening a treasure chest, try crouching down and opening it from the back or the side. Link's reaction is quite entertaining.

    If you want to try this yourself, please press the button below to receive a chest that contains a Gerudo Scimitar. Just make sure that you either have the game card inserted or the digital version of the game on your system.

    Thank you for reading. Please look forward to more articles!"
    — Hidemaro Fujibayashi, A little detail to treasure. , , published November 21, 2017, retrieved November 22, 2017.
  22. "Hello everyone. I'm Hidemaro Fujibayashi, director of The Legend of Zelda™: Breath of the Wild.

    Today's useful tip is about horse taming.

    Spoilers ahead!


    How good are you at taming horses? It's important because the tamer a horse is, the better they'll listen to your directions while galloping!

    If you need help, feeding them Swift Carrots and Apples will help you tame them. Also, feeding them Endura Carrots will temporarily give them additional spurs while you're riding them.

    If you would like to try out these taming techniques, please press the button below to receive a Swift Carrot, Endura Carrots (x2), and Apples (x2). Just make sure that you either have the game card inserted or the digital version of the game on your system.

    Thank you for reading. Please look forward to more articles!"
    — Hidemaro Fujibayashi, Hold your horses! Here's a quick tip about horse taming. , , published November 28, 2017, retrieved November 29, 2017.
  23. "Hello everyone. I'm Hidemaro Fujibayashi, director of The Legend of Zelda™: Breath of the Wild.

    Today's useful tip is about Sautéed Nuts.

    Spoilers ahead!


    Today, I would like to introduce the Sautéed Nuts recipe. It's made by either cooking Acorns or Chickaloo Tree Nuts by themselves or by combining them together. Legend says that the fairies of the forest created this dish to welcome human guests.

    This is a very healthy recipe with ingredients that can be easily gathered in the forest. For such a simple recipe, it also recovers more hearts than you may expect! We recommend that Link eats them when he's already almost at full hearts.

    If you want to try out this recipe, please press the button below to receive Acorns (x2) and Chickaloo Tree Nuts (x3). Just make sure that you either have the game card inserted or the digital version of the game on your system.

    I hope you give recipe a try!"
    — Hidemaro Fujibayashi, Go nuts with this nutty recipe. , , published December 5, 2017, retrieved December 7, 2017.
  24. "Hello everyone. I'm Hidemaro Fujibayashi, director of The Legend of Zelda™: Breath of the Wild.

    Today's useful tip is about The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild DLC Pack 2: The Champions' Ballad.

    Spoilers ahead!


    Are you all enjoying The Champions' Ballad DLC Pack 2? It is available now, if you weren't aware.

    In The Champions' Ballad, there are many additions such as new shrines and challenges, and you can watch previously unknown episodes about the Champions.

    In addition, nine types of armor have been added, including the Island Lobster Shirt. I hope you give it a try if you're not playing yet.

    Today, I would like to share some ingredients for a dish called Sneaky Steamed Fish that may help you during one of the earlier challenges in The Champions' Ballad.

    By starting the game with the button below, you can receive Silent Shroom (x3), Stealthfin Trout (x1), and Silent Princess (x1). Just make sure that you either have the game card inserted or the digital version of the game on your system.

    I hope you put that recipe to good use!"
    — Hidemaro Fujibayashi, How to enjoy The Champions' Ballad DLC Pack 2 - Part 1. , , published December 12, 2017, retrieved December 13, 2017.
  25. "Hello everyone. I'm Hidemaro Fujibayashi, director of The Legend of Zelda™: Breath of the Wild.

    Today's useful tip is about Kass's songs.

    Spoilers ahead!


    In The Champions' Ballad DLC Pack 2, Kass acts as the storyteller and sometimes appears near a Divine Beast to recite a ballad.

    After listening to one of Kass's ballads, you may want to hurry along to the next challenge. However, I advise you to take a moment and talk to Kass a second time for a special performance. Once you leave the area, Kass will also leave, and the opportunity to hear this special song will be lost. So please remember this!

    Also, today we are giving out two types of items: Roasted Bird Drumstick (x2) and Raw Bird Drumstick (x2). You can receive them by starting the game from the button below. Just make sure that you either have the game card inserted or the digital version of the game on your system.

    Hopefully Kass won't mind too much!"
    — Hidemaro Fujibayashi, How to enjoy The Champions' Ballad DLC Pack 2 - Part 2. , , published December 19, 2017, retrieved December 20, 2017.
  26. "Hello everyone. I'm Hidemaro Fujibayashi, director of The Legend of Zelda™: Breath of the Wild.

    Today's interesting detail is about the color of Guardians.

    Spoilers ahead!


    In The Champions' Ballad DLC Pack 2, Kass acts as the storyteller and sometimes appears near a Divine Beast to recite a ballad.

    In one of the challenges in The Champions' Ballad DLC Pack 2, you will encounter a Guardian that glows a shade closer to orange instead of the common reddish color. This is actually a Guardian that hasn't been corrupted by Calamity Ganon.

    If you look carefully at the small Guardians that appear in the Shrines of Trials, they also glow orange. This means that these Guardians were prepared by the Sheikah Monks for the trials, and diligently fulfill their tasks.

    To help you fight Guardians, here are the materials to create one Ancient Arrow: Ancient Screw (x2) Ancient Shaft (x1), and Arrow (x1). You can receive them by starting up the game with the button below. Just make sure that you either have the game card inserted or the digital version of the game on your system.

    We hope this helps!"
    — Hidemaro Fujibayashi, How to enjoy The Champions' Ballad DLC Pack 2 - Part 3. , , published December 26, 2017, retrieved December 28, 2017.