Info |
Well... I'll start with my profile I guess?
Real Name: Joshua
Born: Nottingham
DOB: 05/08/??
Why I joined: Well, I joined for many reasons, the main being I thought if I helped lower the amount minor problems such as stubs we and wording errors then It would make the website look a lot more professional and polished. I hoped that later on as my knowledge and experience improved that I would migrate onto larger scale articles, especially with the release of new games. The most important reason however was that I thought that contributing to this wiki would allow me to be able to tell my mum with the highest degree of confidence that all those hours I spent playing Zelda weren't "completely useless" (Mother, 2017).
The old, the outdated, and the ugly (circa, 2009)
I usually help out with stubs and try to improve them and such, as well as correct misakes on pages (the worst being when someone said Mutoh's Temple was the sixth dungeon when its the seventh.. i will find you!) although i did make a page on the "Beta Forest" although it was largally edited and improved by my friend Ando,who also taught me how to upload pictures (which I am truly gratful for), and hope to make more pages about "beta" in the future.
Sorry I haven't been around for a while.... wait What you didn't even NOTICE!!!! anyway I've been busy helping another website called anyway its still incomplete I thought I'd help speed up the process xo far so good theres so much to do, I feel I"ve done everything now I had to do an articule on cheese, CHEESE OF ALL THINGS! but it was fun. anyway I'm back and ready to help on this website aswell so i'll be helping with both so i wont be around much, dont't cry please.