Xeno is a member of the Zelda Universe forums. He joined back in January 14th of 2006. His contributions towards the community forums of Zelda Universe ended up yielding him moderator status of the General Gaming board and Spinoffs and Cameos board in November 8th of 2008. Due to his dedication towards moderating the forums, he was made moderator of the GameCube & Wii Zelda, Handheld Zelda, N64 Zelda, NES/SNES Zelda board as well in December 12th of 2008. Shortly thereafter, he was made section mod of the Zelda boards in January 2nd of 2009. While not only contributing and helping around the boards, in his spare time, he also works with the site staff by gathering and creating various high resolution models from the Ocarina of Time. These models can be found around the Zelda Wiki as well.