Zelda's Golden Horse

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Zelda's Golden Horse

Zelda's Golden Horse screenshot from Tears of the Kingdom
Quest Giver Penn
Location Snowfield Stable

"Zelda's Golden Horse" is a Side Adventure in Tears of the Kingdom.[1]



Stage Description
1 Penn's research at Snowfield Stable turned up a story about Princess Zelda's golden horse, which has a mane braided with honeycomb plaits. It was being kept there but ran off somewhere to the north.

Harlow can't go look for the horse, given that a huge monster is apparently in the snow fields.
Complete You found the golden horse, and Harlow was beside herself when you returned the gentle creature to the stable. She asked you to take the horse, as it already seems attached to you. Penn flew off to write the story up for the newspaper.


Names in Other Regions
The People's Republic of China
塞尔达所爱的金色的马 (Sàiěrdá suǒ ài de jīnsè de mǎ)[2]
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See Also


  1. Zelda's Golden Horse
    Snowfield Stable
    — Adventure Log (Tears of the Kingdom)
  2. 塞尔达所爱的金色的马 — Adventure Log (Tears of the Kingdom, Simplified Chinese version)