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Rusta can be found at the bird statue near the Waterfall in Skyloft before the Wing Ceremony. He comments on the statue's single eye and recommends that Link takes a closer look at it.[1]

After the Wing Ceremony, Rusta can be found at the Lumpy Pumpkin. After Kukiel goes missing, he informs Link about a monster in Skyloft, something many people don't believe.


Parrow lives in the southern part of Skyloft, just below the Skyloft Plaza. Before the Wing Ceremony, Parrow mentions the ramifications of winning the Wing Ceremony to Link, claiming that being able to properly fly a Loftwing is a rite of passage for children to become adults.[2] He then tells Link that to become a Rescue Knight, Link must practice hard and develop his riding technique.[3]

After Link receives the Goddess Sword, Parrow can be found walking around the Skyloft Plaza. He congratulates Link on winning the Wing Ceremony, but notices that the young hero isn't happy about it.[4] He appears in his home at night, saying the same thing.

As a Loftwing aficionado, Parrow's house is decorated with mosaics of Loftwings.


Orielle lives in the southern part of Skyloft, just below the Skyloft Plaza. She can usually be found wandering near the bridge to the residential district of Skyloft. If Link speaks to her before the Wing Ceremony, he asks her if she has seen his Crimson Loftwing, to which she denies and recommends that he look for it from the Statue of the Goddess for a clear view of the whole town.[5]

After Link receives the Goddess Sword, Orielle can be found walking around in front of Pipit's house. She congratulates Link on winning the Wing Ceremony and compliments his new look.[6] She appears in her home at night, saying the same thing.


Before the Wing Ceremony, Goselle can be seen talking with Greba and Mallara about how busy their lives are.[7] While discussing this, they obstruct the bridge to the residential district of Skyloft.


Before the Wing Ceremony, Greba can be seen talking with Goselle and Mallara about how filthy her son, Gondo, is.[8] While discussing this, they obstruct the bridge to the residential district of Skyloft.


Before the Wing Ceremony, Mallara can be seen talking with Greba and Goselle about how she wishes she could get someone else to do her work.[9] While discussing this, they obstruct the bridge to the residential district of Skyloft.


Before the Wing Ceremony, Keet can be found sitting on a bench by the Skyloft Pier. When he learns that Link's Crimson Loftwing has gone missing, he recommends that the young hero talk to Pipit.[10][11]


If Link enters Peatrice's house before the Wing Ceremony, she will criticize him for his habit of entering peoples' homes without knocking,[12] and complain about how bored she is because the Bazaar is closed for the Wing Ceremony.[13]

If Link visits Peatrice's house at night, she audibly voices her dissatisfaction with her inability to find a relationship before noticing Link and asking him to leave her presence.[14]

Peatrice's house is largely comprised of her room, which has a feminine design. Her bed's headboard is heart-shaped and painted with a keyhole on the backside of it. Doilies can be found on her dresser, vanity, table and the dining table, and the base of her chair is adorned with hearts. Like her bed, Peatrice dresses with a keyhole motif, and many pieces of her wardrobe bear keyhole symbols, including her Sailcloth, sash and pants.


Though half of Peater's house is owned by his daughter, his bed space and parts of the dining area retain a masculine design. The dining area is placed on a dark blue and green rug, though the table itself has a doily on it. His bedding area has dark blue curtains and a dark blue bed built with bamboo. Bamboo logs can also be found nearby, lying on the ground.

He appears in his home at night after Link obtains the Goddess Sword and welcomes the young hero.[15] He informs Link that he was once the "most popular guy in the sky," and claims that he was once known as "Mr. Skyloft."[16] Afterwards, he threatens Link to not pursue a relationship with his daughter.[17]


After Link discovers that his Crimson Loftwing is missing, Horwell can be found inside Gaepora's office talking with the headmaster about delaying the Wing Ceremony.[18] Once Link informs Gaepora that Groose is involved in his Loftwing's disappearance, Horwell comments, saying that it's much easier to delay the race knowing who the culprit was.[19]

Horwell's sash bears a feline design on it, relating to his association with Remlits. Strangely, though he is an instructor at the Knight Academy, he does not wear a Sailcloth.


When Link first speaks to Karane, she wishes him luck and informs him that he will be able to ascend to senior class and receive a Knight's uniform if he wins the Wing Ceremony.[20] She compliments him, saying that he would look "handsome" in a Knight's uniform, and alludes to the fact that she has a crush on another senior classman.[21]

After finding out that his Crimson Loftwing has gone missing, Karane will tell Link that she hasn't seen it, as she's been at school the entire time.[22] After confronting Groose, Karane will direct Link to Pipit, saying that he was looking for the young hero.[23]


If Link tries to ask about his Crimson Loftwing to Henya, she will tell the young hero to go away.[24]


  1. "Look at this thing. Who knows how long this statue has been here? And it only has one eye. Poor thing... You probably know this, but you can press C Button to look around!" — Rusta (Skyward Sword)
  2. "Hey, Link! Today's the big day, isn't it? You know, the Wing Ceremony thing! Win this thing, and you'll get bumped up to the senior class. Here in Skyloft, it's being able to ride a Loftwing that separates the kids from the adults." — Parrow (Skyward Sword)
  3. "And if your goal is to become a knight, well, good technique is even more important. All of us learned to fly the hard way: lots of practice." — Parrow (Skyward Sword)
  4. "I heard you won the Wing Ceremony! Congratulations! That's incredible! Hey, you don't seem all that happy about winning. What's the matter?" — Parrow (Skyward Sword)
  5. "What's up, Link? You seem to be in a hurry... What's this about your bird? Oh, that unusual Crimson Loftwing... Have I seen him? I'm sorry, I haven't. Why don't you look for him by the Statue of the Goddess? You'll have a good view of the whole town from way up there. Just check your map using + Button. Knowing you, that's the best way to avoid getting lost...again." — Orielle (Skyward Sword)
  6. "Oh! So you won the Wing Ceremony and graduated to the senior class? I can tell by that handsome knight's uniform you're wearing! It looks very dashing on you. One step closer to knighthood, eh?" — Orielle (Skyward Sword)
  7. "Such a beautiful day, but we're too busy to enjoy it. Some things never change." — Goselle (Skyward Sword)
  8. "Isn't that the truth! The only thing my lug nut of a son is good for is getting grease on his shirt! All I do is laundry, laundry, laundry, laundry. It never ends!" — Greba (Skyward Sword)
  9. "I hear you! And I'm terrible at washing clothes. I wish I could get someone to do it for me." — Mallara (Skyward Sword)
  10. "What's wrong, Link? What?! Your Loftwing is missing? That's terrible! I was so looking forward to seeing that red blur streak through the sky. No, no...I haven't seen him. Hmm... Why not check with Skyloft's bird expert, Pipit? He might be able to help." — Keet (Skyward Sword)
  11. "If you're talking Loftwings, talk to Pipit. That guy knows almost everything about anything with wings. You know Pipit, right? He's one of the top students at the Knight Academy." — Keet (Skyward Sword)
  12. "Ever heard of banging your knuckles against the door? It's called knocking. Barging into someone's house is what most people call...rude." — Peatrice (Skyward Sword)
  13. "Anyway, you're lucky I'm home. I'm usually over at the bazaar working at my stall, but we're closed for the Wing Ceremony. Most days at work all I can think about is how bored I am, but now that I'm not at work, I'm...even more bored! My life is pretty sad..." — Peatrice (Skyward Sword)
  14. "Sigh... Isn't there anyone special out there for me? I wonder... I wish I could find someone to share a beautiful love with... Uhh... Hey, buddy, do you mind? Do you always just walk into people's houses without asking permission?" — Peatrice (Skyward Sword)
  15. "Thanks for stopping by. Welcome to the home of Skyloft's most popular father-and-daughter dream team." — Peater (Skyward Sword)
  16. "What? You tellin' me you don't know who I am? Believe it or not, I used to be the most popular guy in the sky! Mr. Skyloft, that was me. might relate better if I told you I was the proud father of Skyloft's most popular girl: Peatrice, princess of the Item Check. How's that? Does that clear anything up for you, young feller? Ha ha ha ha!" — Peater (Skyward Sword)
  17. "Listen up, pal. I don't want you gettin' too familiar with my little rainbow. And you'd better keep your eyes to yourself too, if you know what I mean." — Peater (Skyward Sword)
  18. "The start of the Wing Ceremony is being delayed until you find your Loftwing. Good news, isn't it?" — Horwell (Skyward Sword)
  19. "...Headmaster, if that is true, then all the better. Groose has made it that much easier to delay the start of the race. I doubt even Groose will have the gall to complain openly, considering it's his fault we had to delay in the first place." — Horwell (Skyward Sword)
  20. "Good morning, Link! Good luck in the Wing Ceremony today! Just think: if you win today, you'll become a senior like us and you'll be a very big step closer to graduating as a knight. You'll even get a knight's uniform like I'm wearing." — Karane (Skyward Sword)
  21. "Something tells me you'll be pretty handsome in it! But still not as dreamy as...him..." — Karane (Skyward Sword)
  22. "Oh! It's you, Link... Say, you look all flustered. Did something happen? What?! You can't find your Loftwing? Umm... I don't know what to tell you. I've been here at school the whole time." — Karane (Skyward Sword)
  23. "Huh? Why do you want to know where Groose hangs out? Is he up to no good again? I have no clue where he hangs out. Pipit probably does, though. You should talk to him. And I think he was looking for you just now... He should be in front of the Sparring Hall." — Karane (Skyward Sword)
  24. "Are you talking to me about your Loftwing? Right now? I'm a little busy here, so buzz off!" — Henya (Skyward Sword)