Zelda Wiki:Becoming a Part of Zelda Wiki

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This is us. Well, our logo anyway.

So, you want your Zelda fan site to use Zelda Wiki.org as its wiki? Smart move! Zelda Wiki.org, if you did not already know, is the internet's largest collaborative project between Zelda fan sites of all shapes and sizes. Together we have created one definitive Zelda Wiki across the internet and abolished the many scattered useless wikis that once populated the far corners of the web. With that said, a bunch of the sites that use this Wiki previously had smaller or failing Wikis of their own - some of them, such as Zelda Legends, had a huge wiki now being merged into this one. This is not to say you must have had a wiki previously to join up - in fact, it might be good that you haven't. Maybe you just want a wiki for your Zelda site.

Zelda Wiki.org uses a special kind of affiliation that we call "true" affiliation: literally one site helping another site. We all help each other; ZW.org helps your site, and you help ZW.org - we don't do it because that's what we agreed upon, but because that's what we want to do. And we always want to, so there's never malice between webmasters - only constructive discussion. The moment that a Zelda site or webmaster is shunned for frivolous reasons is the day that the entire foundations of the wiki collapses.

That being said, you should be enthusiastic about helping the wiki out if you want your site to be a part of it. You should also have a good grasp of the English language, because one of the objects of an encyclopedia is readability. If we can't understand the writing on your website, there might be a problem; it means that your site would have trouble properly contributing to the wiki. Remember, this is a collaborative project - we're nothing without the sites that make us up and what those sites contribute. We accept everyone we can, and all you have to do to get your site into the Masterminds list is send an email to one of the Zelda Wiki Administrators, act a little enthusiastic, and a few other things that, all in all, aren't too hard to grasp. After that, it's up to you to get your community enthused about contributing to the wiki. It's become an integral part of all of our communities, and hopefully it will become an integral part of yours as well as we build up what we believe is the definitive collaborative Zelda Wiki on the internet.

From all of us, thanks for even considering helping out the project; we are the sites that make up the wiki, and the more participants the better!