Zelda Wiki:Latest Announcements

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Revision as of 18:31, 2 September 2014 by Justin Folvarcik (talk | contribs) (Feel like a boss. Aw yeah.)
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Announcement Archives


Latest Announcements

  • September 2, 2014: Our server woes have ended for the most part. Many of the issues which were present before are now fixed, and any new ones will be dealt with swiftly. Be sure to let Justin know if you find any bugs!
  • August 18, 2014: Zelda Wiki now has its very own discussion forum! This board is for discussion, planning, questions, news and updates, and most of all collaboration to ensure that Zelda Wiki remains the most comprehensive resource for Legend of Zelda information online. Click here to join and discuss away!
  • August 12, 2014: Justin has released an update about the status of the site's issues. You can read the full update here.
  • August 8, 2014: The missing images have been restored, and there should not be any more "broken" images. However, the site's javascript has failed, causing some features to become nonfunctional. Justin is now investigating this issue and should have it fixed within the next week.
  • August 7, 2014: Due to recent server issues, any images or files uploaded within the last 2 or 3 weeks prior to the first of August are missing from the server. Justin is currently working on restoring these files. Until then, please refrain from re-uploading them until this issue has been resolved.


  • July 26, 2014: NOW HIRING!
Zelda Wiki is now hiring! Are you passionate about The Legend of Zelda and want to share your knowledge of the series? Then consider helping out the internet's largest resource for information about all things Zelda. Anyone can edit, but we need experts to ensure that our articles are correct and meet certain quality standards. Click here to find out more!