
From Zelda Wiki, the Zelda encyclopedia

PureZC was a website that spawned after the creation of Zelda Classic. The Zelda Classic game editor, known as ZQuest, allowed for fan-created quests to be created and played on the Zelda Classic Application. PureZC hosts over 200 of these downloadable fan quests as well as over 60 tile sets and 1000 tiles that could be used to create a fan game. PureZC also has a popular forum with over 274,000 total posts.

PureZC is known mostly for being a more relaxed forum where Zelda fans converse.


This is the main page in the site. Here, new "quests" (fan games) are announced, and the latest version of "On the Greens" (The newsletter) is posted.


This is where all the communication is done. There is a chat room, and also a forum, with a bunch of sub-forums.

Site Related

This is where anything that has to do with the site is announced, and where contests are held.


This is where the staff post announcements related to the site.


Contests happen here.

Screenshot of the week

Design a nice looking screen, and post it here. Weekly winners.

Screenshot of the month

Design a really nice looking screen, and post it here. Monthly winners.

Screenshot: Challenge Accepted

Design a good looking screen that fits the requirements, and post it here. Weekly winners.

Enemy of the month

Make your own custom enemy, and face off against other people.

Zelda Classic

This is where everything related to Zelda Classic happens.

General ZC Discussion

Talk about Zelda Classic in general.

Custom Quest Discussion

Talk about fangames here.

Quest Project Updates

Post updates for a Fangame project here.

ZQuest Editor Help

Ask for help with the fangame editor/maker here.


Find helpful little tutorials here.

Quest Design Help

Ask for help with elements of your quest here.

Developer's Exchange

Discuss or request Resources here.

Scripting Discussion

Talk about the custom programming language used for Zelda Classic here.

Script Requests

Request scripts here.


General stuff, unrelated to Zelda Classic.

General Discussion

General offtopic.

Member related

Anything related to members goes here.

General Entertainment

General offtopic related to entertainment.

Let's Play!

Let's Plays (User playthroughs of games) can be found here, whether they are related to Zelda Classic or not.

General Computer Aid

Ask for help with computer issues here.

Message Board Games

Play forum games here.


A general archive of everything on the site. Subforums are not really needed here, as they only serve for organization purposes.


Database of any files related to Zelda Classic.


Database of fan games.


Database of loose tiles.


Database of tile packs, AKA "Tilesets".


Database of custom made Midi's


Database of scripts.

Quest Projects

This is where quest projects can be found. Includes updates, pages, and more.

External Links

Official Website