Zelda Wiki:Errors

From Zelda Wiki, the Zelda encyclopedia

An error can occur on a wiki page when a template is used incorrectly.

Types of Errors

Validation Errors

The most common type of error, a validation error occurs when the template itself detects that it is being used incorrectly—in other words, it's a kind of error that the makers of the template anticipated.

These errors use Module:Error to generate an error message on the page. Additional details about the error, including information on how to fix it, can be seen by editors when previewing the page.

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Error details appear above the preview area if the Show previews without reloading the page preferences is disabled. This information can also be viewed in the Lua logs at the very bottom of the preview page beneath the editing area, under "parser profiling data." Unfortunately, the error details cannot be viewed when using VisualEditor, even in source mode. To switch to the regular source editor, go to Special:Preferences, Editing tab, and from the Preferred editor dropdown select Source editor.

Validation errors should cause the page to be added to one of the following categories:


Warnings are a type of validation error that are only visible to editors when previewing the page. Generally, errors are only shown to readers when hiding them would confuse or mislead.

Script Errors

A script error may occur as the result of a defect in a template's Lua programming, the problem lying not with how the template is used but how it's built. While these kinds of errors can be thrown itentionally with the error function, Zelda Wiki encourages its module developers to use Module:Error instead. This allows critical bugs to be tracked separately from foreseen (and usually minor) validation errors.

Pages with script errors are automatically added to Category:Pages with script errors by MediaWiki.

MediaWiki Errors

MediaWiki may report errors when it's being used incorrectly. These errors may be displayed on the page or as a page preview warning. These errors are automatically added to built-in categories such as: