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Tiroth is a young red dragon well-known for incinerating those who cross him. Rumours abound that the fire-breath he uses for this is pathetically weak, as none have died from this act, but others suspect that the dragon has yet to use more than a fraction of his full power. Possibly because of this, he is commonly referred to by others as "Tiwoth the Pink Fwuffy Dwagon", a nickname he is known to despise.

Human records show Tiroth's birth date as 27th November 1986; however, due to his status as a dragon, it is unknown whether or not he is actually older than this. His tendency to refer to humans born before then as old or ancient would suggest that it at least represents his relative age in draconic terms.

Positions of Authority

Tiroth has been a member of Zelda Universe for many years, and a moderator for most of that time. His major positions of authority on Zelda Universe are as follows.

Lord of the Clan of Power

In late October 2005, after being a member of the Clan for a full year, Tiroth succeeded Lioness as the primary moderator of Din, a position which he holds to this day. This makes Tiroth the longest-serving active Clan mod; if past Clan moderators are inlcuded, then only Lioness has served longer.

In recent times, Panique has joined Lord Tiroth as moderator of Din.

Battle Arena Councilor

Tiroth became a member of the Battle Arena Council in early December 2005, after Ryorinin-san (who did most of the day-to-day running of the BA) first left ZU. Due to prolific activity in the Character Approval forum, Tiroth was dubbed the "Omnipresent Approver" by one of his colleagues, a title that he attempted to maintain until he resigned from the Council at the end of January 2007. However, the dragon has been known to poke his scaley nose in from time to time to offer advice to the current members of the Council.

Community Section Moderator

Around the end of August 2006, Tiroth was without regular internet access, and so was unable to access ZU properly for some time. When his internet connection was finally restored, the dragon discovered that someone had promoted him from forum to section moderator, with responsibility over the highly active Community forums. To this day, he is uncertain who exactly was responsible for this, and still wishes to give the culprit a verbal beating for not asking him about it first.


  • Upon doing something that may anger their Lord, several members of the Din Clan have incinerated themselves. Current theories suggest that this is an act of desperation intended to appease the dragon.
  • Tiroth was the winner of the first ever Zelda Universe User-Created Challenge: Writing Round, beating several prominent writers. He then went on to judge the second ZUCWR, and helped organise the third.
  • Tiroth's favourite quote comes from a post in the Din Community Thread by the Dinnies of Awesomeness: I can't be bothered to procrastinate. Maybe I'll do it later.
  • Lord Tiroth's username comes from a series of books called Dragonriders of Pern that he used to read a great deal. He used the name of a bronze dragon for his first ever e-mail account, and saw no need to create a new name when he joined ZU.

Asia's Highlight Member

Tiroth was once featured as Asia's Highlight Member:

Tiroth/Pink fwuffy dwagon :3 is Asia's Highlight Member for the day: A self-proclaimed dragon guarding Din from the invading forces and from self-incinerating itself =D A witty, humorous, friendly and kick-ass guy all round, it's been an honour and a pleasure to have met you twice so far. I'll admit that I find you extremely endearing though that is NOT and will never be a case for allowing you to blast past me with those points.. NEVAR!

However, Tiroth has since blasted past her in points, much to Asia's chagrin.