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Davidius is one of ZU's least known people who've managed to stay active for a year. Use to hang out in the Zelda boards a lot until he realised that a lot of the topics were incredibly dumb, and thought people looked too deeply into a simple series of programming on a disc/cartridge for a system.


Davidius likes to program in Game Maker ( ) and do basic stuff in C++. Enjoys experimenting with computer related languages. Davidius knows:

HTML, XHTML, Some PHP, GML (Game Maker Language), Some C++, Some C, Dosage of Actionscript, Liberty BASIC, Basic Javascript, Some Java, Blitz BASIC, and many more that he's forgotten right now.

Davidius also enjoys smashing huge things like pumpkins, who doesn't? If you don't, you're weird.

ZU History

Davidius was a n00b back when he first joined in August 2004 at the age of 12 (eight days before his 13 birthday), though as a n00b he still disliked the use of shortcuts such as 'u', 'i', 'b', and 'cuz'. He hung around the Zelda bored mostly debating the Timeline information about Twilight Princess, and became pissed off at such comments as 'but tp is on land n ww is on sea how can tp be its seqel????//22?' and 'yeh but tp is clerly based on oot cuz miyamoto sed so which mens the story is based on oot 2!!!!11'.

Then for a long time, nothing much happened, or Davidius forgot, either way it isn't important.

After a very brief absense he came back to start posting again, trying to get more involved with the General discussions this time.

He later completed his first year at ZU, of course, nobody seemed to recognise him, and he was a little sad due to the fact that he hadn't established even a remote reputation in the ZU Community.

Then he became an Obsidian Knight, and has fun looking for filth to report. Horrible filth, but he's mainly doing it for the spiffy banner, look at it, you want one to! But you can't join if you're a n00b (note: there's a difference between n00b and newb!).


Davidius' real name is most obviously 'David'. Davidius was born on the 30th of August 1991. Davidius lives in the Republic of Ireland, in Co.Wicklow. He likes: Programming, Computers, Gaming (Regardless of system), cycling, swimming, and junk food. He dislikes: n00bs with their awful spelling and such, fanboys, people who fail to realise you have an opinion that's just as important as theirs.


PM ME IF YOU WANT TO BE MY FRIEND!!!!!!! Nah, just joking, seriously don't.


Davidius is actually running the whole website using puppets such as Lee, and secretly training trolls, vets, and n00bs to make it look like a functioning site, of course he lets in the unexpected member, makes them a moderator, and then surrounds them with his pawns. Just for sick humour.