User talk:Ando1400@legacy41958204

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Ando1400@legacy41958204 is an Admin.
Ando1400@legacy41958204 is a Zelda Wiki admin that edits frequently. As such, they is a good source of editing advice.

Hey Ando! You probably don't know where to find me, I'm in different sections all the time. Do you know anything about HP computers? If you did I was going to ask you something. If you don't, that's fine.The Sage of Cosmos 21:46, 1 November 2008 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Comma Question Answered

What I am basing the comma rules on are what I was taught in my AP English and university English classes. I just had "comma Nazis" for all of my English classes and you could easily fail a paper due to improper comma usage. This website is very similar to what I have been taught:

I hope you are not offended by my edits because that is how a read it. I don't like to cause trouble and I am sorry if I hurt you in any way.

Ah, ok. Please let me know if I flub up somewhere. I tend to work on the wiki while at work or very late at night, and my attention isn't all here.

just for the record

i never meant to be offenceive and im sorry for some of the more um... "explosive" comments on vairious pages. im just pretty used to admins on bulba treating me like dirt all the time. i know. harsh world.Dragonstetraforce 00:26, 28 September 2008 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Thanks. I understand; jerks can very easily ruin one's perception of other people. It happens all the time. But yeah, I'll definitely try not to be one of those crazy admins -- and it's cool, man. I forgive you. :) User:Ando/sig 01:09, 28 September 2008 (UTC)

thanksDragonstetraforce 15:04, 28 September 2008 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Well, Ando is about the only admin here. No offense intended, but Adam really hasn't be active at all for last few months. He patrols edits from time to time, but rarely makes edits or participates in discussions. Ando, are you sure the power won't go to your head? Zeldapedia has been having admin trouble in the last few months. AuronKaizer got abusive towards members. A couple new admins misused their powers. We don't want that happening here. A few more admins might help.User:Matt/sig 22:08, November 1, 2008 (UTC)
I wouldn't worry about it, guys. Ando is the best admin I know, although I can admit Adam tends to be kinda snobby from time to time...Its just what to deal with when you're a newbie, but eventually...who knows, maybe you'll rise above him someday.--Claire 18:55, 14 December 2008 (UTC)Reply[reply]
"Snobby", eh? High praise indeed! Well, I guess as a bit of a perfectionist (and someone who finds foolishness quite annoying), I suppose I could come across that way. I suppose some more than others bring out that particular aspect of my personality... (P.S. Ando, please forgive me cluttering up your talk with this unnecessarily wry and haughty addendum ;) User:Adamcox82/sig 21:53, 14 December 2008 (UTC)
You'll have to get to know me. I'm an admin here now. I've sort of usurped most of Adam's duties. He still picks up what I miss. And since Ando has heath issues, I have had to do the majority of the admin duties. Becoming an admin isn't an easy thing. You have a lot of power with it. With that power comes a lot of responsibility. An admin should only use his (or her) power when it is called for. Too many time have I seen it abused on other places. We are fare pickier when it comes to admins than most sites. That is an insurance against such abuse.User:Matt/sig 19:26, December 14, 2008 (UTC)
Adam, snobby? I've never thought that, but, uh, okay.
Thanks for the support, though, Claire. :) User:Ando/sig 19:47, 14 December 2008 (UTC)

No offense, Adam, but every time you say something I can't think of anything to say as a reply...--Stalkid 02:31, 15 December 2008 (UTC)Reply[reply]


It was your birthday and you didn't tell us? Seventeen eh? Hmm... Well I hope you had a good time.User:Matt/sig 07:17, October 31, 2008 (UTC)

Seventeen, that's cool. To echo Matt hope you had a good time ;)--User:Mandi/sig 13:48, 31 October 2008 (UTC)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! =O --GoldenChaos 14:17, 31 October 2008 (UTC)Reply[reply]

I'm not sure if you have heard. But if not, then here is a present. It finally has come to the US. Enjoy!User:Matt/sig 14:20, October 31, 2008 (UTC)
Ha, thanks all. Yeah, that's why I wasn't here for half of yesterday. And yeah, Matt, that's actually the one present I asked for this year. :P You read my mind. It was a fairly fun day, though, so don't worry. I had a good time. :D User:Ando/sig 17:11, 31 October 2008 (UTC)
If'n y'all don't mind, I too will wish y'all a happy late birthday. I've been tied up in writing me a Wind Waker fanfic lately, so I haven't been on ZW much recently. I can't help but notice that it and TP don't have a manga yet...
A more worthy gift, the OoT manga, there is not! Besides maybe the LA for me, and the MM manga for y'all ;) --Felicia's Champion 12:46, 1 November 2008 (UTC)Reply[reply]
SERIOUSLY? well, I'm not surprised considering I've been gone for over a year, but I owe you something...--Claire 18:57, 14 December 2008 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Where are you?

Where have you been? I mean you've been gone like three days man. Well, I guess it hasn't been that long but, considering the fact the you're always online it seems like a while. I not trying to sound rude or anything, but just wanted to see where you've been ;)User:Mandi/sig 22:29, 3 November 2008 (UTC)

I'm still here! I've been on less, yeah, maybe around three to four hours each day due to various happenings in life, but I've still been here patrolling edits (proof!). I just haven't made very many edits of my own. I should be around much more for the next while or so (but come November 11 / 13... ohhh man). User:Ando/sig 02:26, 4 November 2008 (UTC)
Patrolling but only a few own edits? You're not going to turn Adam on us are you?User:Matt/sig 02:43, November 4, 2008 (UTC)
Like I said, I had a lot going on the past couple of days, but I should be back in action now. Until the 11th or 13th. >_> User:Ando/sig 03:36, 4 November 2008 (UTC)

I disappear often myself. Heck, after I joined Wiki (sometime in August) I didn't come back for a month!--User:Mandi/sig 13:59, 4 November 2008 (UTC)

Election Day. Today history will be made, good or bad depending on how you view it. I don't meant to discuss politics on your page, I can't vote but, I was just wondering who you wanted to make it for office?--User:Mandi/sig 23:42, 4 November 2008 (UTC)

We've got a big collage showing the views of each candidate right outside my door. I have to say that McCain's views are closest to mine. Actually, all of them are. That hasn't happened in the last two elections. So I'd go for him. I can't vote. I never got around to registering. But I'd go for McCain. Obama just doesn't have the experience and I disagree with all of his views. I hate to go Republican, but go McCain! Now I must go clean out my mouth with soap for saying that. ;)User:Matt/sig 23:52, November 4, 2008 (UTC)

Matt you read my mind. But tonight's going to "make it or break it" who do you think is going to win?--User:Mandi/sig 23:59, 4 November 2008 (UTC)
I see you and Ando have glasses too, so do I. Maybe we should start a club?

You've got to close every <small> by placing a </small> at the end of it. Otherwise everything else after it is small too.User:Matt/sig 00:06, November 5, 2008 (UTC)
Glasses! I knew it! Who else?!? Is this an epidemic? :D
Oh wow, I figured Matt would say Obama just because it's different from what I would choose. :P Let's not discuss this too much, though... don't want a debate starting somehow. It won't matter after tonight anyway, so. User:Ando/sig 00:11, 5 November 2008 (UTC)

Sorry! I shouldn't have brought it up. You're right, it won't matter.--User:Mandi/sig 00:17, 5 November 2008 (UTC)

I have my sig. working, thanks for the link to the help page. Of course, I'm definitely impaired when it comes to the computer. Matt helped me, and someone else gave me a tip. Hopefully I can catch on :D --User:Mandi/sig 19:33, 8 November 2008 (UTC)
That reminds me of something, do you know what movie this quote comes from? It's one of the closing comments: "You win every case but, at the end you have to walk up to someone and say 'thank you.'" Do you know what movie it is? It came out in the late 80s or early 90s :)

Also I noticed that the whole wiki seems....smaller? Maybe it's my computer, I don't think I did it....I hope I didn't do it! Whatever it is, I don't know. :? --User:Mandi/sig 00:46, 9 November 2008 (UTC)


Yeah sorry about the wait. I explained in my reply there. So dude, you've got glasses too! I've got a little secret to tell you, Seablue had them too. Weird. Does Adam have them too?
Yes, it is not very clear in my profile picture. But I've got glasses too. I had them since I was one. My eyes have gotten better every year. I almost don't need them anymore. My secret? Practice a few hours a week without them on. It strengthens the muscles in your eyes and trains them. I used to have a lazy eye and my glasses needed prisms in them to correct them. Not anymore. I can hold them straight on my own without glasses. My trouble now is holding focus. I can see perfectly without glasses for a time. So long as I can remain in focus. Training has increased the amount of time I can go without glasses and reduced the discomfort of going without them. So cheers! Yes this does work. My eye doctor said so. But for some reason they won't tell the patient unless the said patient brings it up. Heh.User:Matt/sig 23:47, November 4, 2008 (UTC)

Glasses. I hate them so much. I need them though to protect my eye, so. :/ NO FREE RIDE FOR ME, I GUESS. D:< I think that pretty much every computer user ever needs glasses at some point. It's like a requirement for existing on the internet. I enjoy training to allow your body to regain its abilities, though. It's fun, especially when you're tripping out the doctor who's like "wtf we have to coach people for months to be able to do that. you figured it out yourself?!?!" User:Ando/sig 00:11, 5 November 2008 (UTC)

STARGATE!!!! YESSS!!! I have finally found another! Did you hear that they are canceling Atlantis?User:Matt/sig 00:19, November 5, 2008 (UTC)
Haha, I'd never have put you as a Stargate fan. :P But yeah... :( I like Atlantis, too. This season's really good. User:Ando/sig 00:47, 5 November 2008 (UTC)

you guys ever watch Angel? It's a vampire series. I watch it every day.The Sage of Cosmos 00:51, 5 November 2008 (UTC)Reply[reply]

So, you haven't looked at my Wikipedia userpage? I have the Stargate userbox. I also left you a message there a couple days ago. Bye the way, go sign the Save Stargate Atlantis petitions if you haven't already. We saved Carson that way.User:Matt/sig 00:54, November 5, 2008 (UTC)

Well Angel is on at 5:00AM and 6:00AM here. I'm a late-nighter, not an early bird. But I have seen it. It was a little too weird. I do watch Charmed right after it though.User:Matt/sig 01:19, November 5, 2008 (UTC)
Last time I went to your Wikipedia page it was barren. Now it is not. Also, Angel? I've never even heard of it. :P Wait, is it part of the whole Buffy universe? User:Ando/sig 01:27, 5 November 2008 (UTC)
I don't think so. But it was made by the same guy, Joss Whedon. His show Firefly was the best one. Those bastards as FOX canceled it.User:Matt/sig 01:31, November 5, 2008 (UTC)

I'm putting up Skype now, so what is your Skype name? Tell me!!!User:Matt/sig 02:18, November 5, 2008 (UTC)

Hey Ando do you have a Facebook?--HeroOfTime6 00:20, 2 December 2008 (UTC)Reply[reply]


How's 'bout we install this extension? RandomSelection It is better than the other random generating thing I suggested. There has been a request for it.User:Matt/sig 07:26, November 8, 2008 (UTC)

New user?

Lately I've been seeing "New user" in the recent changes. Actually, I've seen alot of it. Usually I send out a hi template but, I was wondering, do we really have that many new users, or is it just people that have never really "used" their account?--User:The Sage of Cosmos/sig 04:24, 12 November 2008 (UTC)

Yeah, we've had a recent influx of new members! We installed an extension a while back that allows you to see when a new account is made, so those are all 100% new accounts. User:Ando/sig 04:27, 12 November 2008 (UTC)
So I guess it would be safe for me to continue sending out a template.User:The Sage of Cosmos/sig 04:32, 12 November 2008 (UTC)

I sent out a welcome to Jedi a few weeks ago....only to find out he's been here since last June :P

Indeed it is. ;) User:Ando/sig 04:34, 12 November 2008 (UTC)
Ah, yeah, that would explain why you're asking. :P
Those templates are cool. I mean they're easy to use too :)--User:The Sage of Cosmos/sig 04:39, 12 November 2008 (UTC) I'm rambling. I'm sorry.
I see you're online mostly at night. But then again, that might be due to the fact that I'm usually on at night. I really don't have much time during the day. I know you're in a different state then I am but, do things seem really crazy. Like there is no time in the day, things move too fast but, it also seems like the days and weeks drag out slowly? User:The Sage of Cosmos/sig 05:00, 12 November 2008 (UTC)
Well, I'm ON during the day most of the time, but my editing times will vary depending on the speed of the site (if it's running quickly, I'll delete more stuff, etc.). But the recent changes page is typically open 24/7 for me. I don't have school nor a job so I can do pretty much whatever I want. :P User:Ando/sig 05:07, 12 November 2008 (UTC)
I Hope you don't mind me asking but, are you homeschooled? Were yo homeschooled? I just had to ask. User:The Sage of Cosmos/sig 05:15, 12 November 2008 (UTC)
Aye, I was. Homeschooling is good times. User:Ando/sig 05:18, 12 November 2008 (UTC)

So am I. I'm still homeschooled though, not old enough to graduate. I have been on school field trips, with school kids (I don't like them). I always liked being homeshooled. User:The Sage of Cosmos/sig 05:26, 12 November 2008 (UTC)

I was just wondering, would you mind if I ever e-mailed you? User:The Sage of Cosmos/sig 02:27, 15 November 2008 (UTC)
No problem. That's what the email link is there for, after all! ;) User:Ando/sig 03:09, 15 November 2008 (UTC)
I just wanted an "okey" from you before I e-mailed. I just got my computer fixed, and am setting up e-mail. So, Thank you! User:The Sage of Cosmos/sig 03:21, 15 November 2008 (UTC)


I just created an e-mail account, having some issues with it. I've created e-mail accounts before with success, for some reason my own has decided to give me a problem :/ I recieved a confirmation as soon as I completed the account, that tells me something was working correctly. I sent an e-mail to a friend, just to see how it was working. The friend never recieved the e-mail, and I sent several. Somehow though, my friend sent me an e-mail on the said account, which I recieved. I thought maybe it was slow because it was justcreated so I sent another mail, this one was never recieved either. I also added my e-mail to my wiki preferences, It said it was sending me a confirmation- I never got it :/ I really hate to annoy you with this, But could I send you an e-mail to see if it's working, or vice versa. If you don't want to, that's fine.User:The Sage of Cosmos/sig 02:15, 17 November 2008 (UTC)

You could, though I doubt it would work. :/ I'd love to help, but email is not really my field of expertise. I've never understood why what you've stated happens, though I've seen it happen often... User:Ando/sig 03:22, 17 November 2008 (UTC)
I'm going to try it. My friend was unsure if it was their computer, or my e-mail. You're online, I'm gonna try it real quick. User:The Sage of Cosmos/sig 03:34, 17 November 2008 (UTC)
I sent it. if it goes through, you should get it within a few moments. User:The Sage of Cosmos/sig 03:42, 17 November 2008 (UTC)
WAIT. I got it?! "Testing... 123... testing. Hope this works" I... I wasn't expecting this! User:Ando/sig 03:47, 17 November 2008 (UTC)
Yup! That would be it. Good to see it's working :) I was just wondering, what did it come up as? {{:User:The Sage of

Cosmos/sig}} 03:54, 17 November 2008 (UTC)

I'm gonna email that to ya... Not sure you'd just want (what I assume is) your name plastered here forever... (Maybe you do, I dunno, but better safe than sorry, eh?) User:Ando/sig 03:56, 17 November 2008 (UTC) it........didn't know that was showing up :? I assume that is your name eh? Thanks for not giving all the details of mine. No, I didn't want it all over Zelda wiki, so thank you! But, at least I know it is working. feel free to e-mail me (I'm always online). Sorry to annoy you Ando, thanks so much!!User:The Sage of Cosmos/sig 04:09, 17 November 2008 (UTC)

You like my last name? Really. I actually think your's is quite cool ;) User:The Sage of Cosmos/sig 04:16, 17 November 2008 (UTC)

His originates in England. So that must be where some of his family is from.User:Matt/sig 04:28, November 17, 2008 (UTC)
I have some English in me (though it is hard to trace anything with my family, anybody who would have known anything is dead. Gone.) I just have to ask, I got a confirmation from Zelda Wiki (now you send) It came up in the spam it safe? User:The Sage of Cosmos/sig 04:49, 17 November 2008 (UTC)
Yeah, totally. Your email service just noticed that it was an automatically sent message instead of one written by a real person and so it spam-filtered it. There should be a function somewhere to have all emails from not count as spam. User:Ando/sig 04:58, 17 November 2008 (UTC)
Check man. Thanks :) User:The Sage of Cosmos/sig 05:03, 17 November 2008 (UTC)

Illegal content

So, do you have a link to where I can see what is ilegal and what is not. (you said it was in the policy page?) For example, is a link to a youtube video of a song, or a TV show illegal? Light Knight of ZU 03:52, 19 November 2008 (UTC)Reply[reply]

This is actually an incredibly difficult thing to define - unless you're incredibly adept at legalese, it's almost impossible to tell what is and isn't acceptable based on US law! The second-to-last item here has a very rough guide. I would say that YouTube videos of songs or the show (basically a video of anything but non-retail interviews [ Zelda no Video is an example of a RETAIL interview] or gameplay) would be bad... Now that you mention it, we may need to further refine this and make a separate page detailing what is and isn't okay. For now I'd say just remove what's in the Quality Standards, and the staff will work out the further specifics. User:Ando/sig 04:00, 19 November 2008 (UTC)
Nice. I was totally looking at another page. --Felicia's Champion 04:34, 19 November 2008 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Check. I just saw songs, and acted accordingly according to the post on the page I saw. Next time I'll check if they're MIDI or MP3. --Felicia's Champion 04:37, 19 November 2008 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Looks like you guys was vandaled last night, just saw it in the recent changes. User:The Sage of Cosmos/sig 16:25, 23 November 2008 (UTC)
Someone kept adding fanon to an article. Even after three warnings. So we blocked.User:Matt/sig 16:32, November 23, 2008 (UTC)
Yeah, after I read the one edit I couldn't tell if it was stupidity or just wanting to aggravate someone. Good for you guys blocking, maybe after the vandals see that their work is quickly undone, they'll give up ;) That's pretty much just me talking of the top of my head, they never give up. User:The Sage of Cosmos/sig 16:48, 23 November 2008 (UTC)

They went and added it to Zeldapedia, too. Once I noticed that... It became clear that maybe I should've blocked him for longer. >_> Well, if he comes back I will. User:Ando/sig 04:37, 24 November 2008 (UTC)


Okey, that was nice. I'm sure you see what's going on, maybe block him? I don't know but, that was bad.User:The Sage of Cosmos/sig 05:09, 26 November 2008 (UTC)

Well that was definitely one of the more annoying ones. User:Ando/sig 05:18, 26 November 2008 (UTC)

I was off the site for a minute after I had just given him the hi template, then I seen Matt undo all this stuff I was like "Oh crap that's a vandal". I really don't know who would waste their time like that :? Also, I hope I didn't mess anything up by undoing. You guy's edits looked different then mine, I didn't do something wrong did I? Cause if I did, I'll fix it. User:The Sage of Cosmos/sig 05:24, 26 November 2008 (UTC)

They look different because we're sysops. There was nothing wrong with yours. You saved us a lot of time by reverting the ones that you did. I didn't expect to have to block someone on my first day as a sysop. And yes, that guy was really annoying.User:Matt/sig 05:25, November 26, 2008 (UTC)
You're a sysop now? Congrats! User:The Sage of Cosmos/sig 05:28, 26 November 2008 (UTC)

Also, nice comeback on the vandal's page. There is a new user that just came on, watch them too.

Yeah it's all good. I've been one for about eleven hours now. I spent the whole second half of my day patrolling edits.
I would have blocked that guy sooner, but the site got really slow for me at the worst possible time.User:Matt/sig 05:34, November 26, 2008 (UTC)
The site is acting sort of weird for me too. All the edits are undone right? User:The Sage of Cosmos/sig 05:39, 26 November 2008 (UTC)
Yeah. We patrolled them all. They're gone.User:Matt/sig 05:40, November 26, 2008 (UTC)

Userboxes Page

I started working on it as soon as you left. It only took two hours. But I used abcTajpu to speed up the process immensely. It would have taken another four to six hours, perhaps longer, to do it without it.
Strange that there was a vandal in the middle of my work time. He wasn't that aggressive, of course no one fought him, so I thought that six months would be adequate. It's not like he'd remember his password by then anyway. I bet he expected no one to be around to stop him.User:Matt/sig 08:29, November 28, 2008 (UTC)

Those edit summaries are too nasty though. We're a family site. So it has to be rated PG. ;) I'm modifying the page histories.User:Matt/sig 09:57, November 28, 2008 (UTC)
So I go to bed then a vandal strikes? Go figure.
Well, uh... Thanks for doing the page then. :P I was a little surprised to see it had been done, but whatever, as long as it's done. User:Ando/sig 13:52, 28 November 2008 (UTC)
I figured a vandal would come last night, just because it was a holiday. I was actually online while this was happening. I even went to undo the edit, but for some reason my internet connection died at that moment. Rather impeccable timing I must say :P It connected me later though. Like nothing was ever wrong....go figure? User:The Sage of Cosmos/sig 16:23, 28 November 2008 (UTC)

About That...

Hello, earlier i noticed you told me about making a rude comment. I want you to know that i was kidding, because i know Matt does a lot for this site, i am sorry anyways. I do want to ask why Matt can make an emphasis about my sexuality and get away with it. I think if you are going to talk about rude comments that you should be that way to everyone, and not let your friends loose. I know you are not the only person that can do something about it, but i feel helpless because i'm a noob and can't do much. I will stop with the random comments on voting and things, I am done. Thanks for your time, bye snockums!!--ILoVeSaSuSkE 19:51, 1 December 2008 (UTC)Reply[reply]

I couldn't care less about your preferences. My point was that it was distracting to other members and was not really appropriate content.User:Matt/sig 20:16, December 1, 2008 (UTC)
It was a very un-appropriate vote...or rather.."ending comment". I even was questioning its validity because of that. User:The Sage of Cosmos/sig 20:27, 1 December 2008 (UTC)
Ok, I'll go take me and my half gay butt elsewhere because of all you poo poo heads who keep hurting my feelings--ILoVeSaSuSkE 19:58, 3 December 2008 (UTC)Reply[reply]

What they meant by "inappropriate comment" was that it really had no place there. Whether you think Link is hot or not, it should have no bearing on the voting of an article. We've been having issues lately with people stating things in their votes that have nothing to do with the voting at all, so believe me, it's not just you. They DIDN'T mean that "Link is hot" was an inappropriate comment in and of itself - just that there's a place for everything, and the featured article voting page isn't really it, just like "Kokiri Forest is cool" and "ReDeads are scary!" don't have a place there. It's because they don't say whether the actual article or picture is good or not. I'm sorry if you feel you must leave as a result of some of our members' actions, and I hope that they haven't ruined your perception of Zelda Wiki as a whole (like I said, what a couple of people say isn't usually what the entire site thinks). However, I hope you are happy wherever you end up. User:Ando/sig 20:27, 3 December 2008 (UTC)

Removed my opposition

I've taken back my opposing vote at Zelda Article Nomination. The vote has already been struck through, and I've added a comment at the bottom.--Rdnckj258 23:14, 2 December 2008 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Thank you

I just wanted to quickly say thank you for providing me the help guide on image uploading, while not spamming the Felicia talk page. Thank you. The Goron Moron 23:36, 7 December 2008 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Absolutely, it's why I'm here. ;) User:Ando/sig 03:48, 8 December 2008 (UTC)


It was a comment to go along with my vote. I didn't think one user could vote more then twice, so I just added it as a comment. I will change it right away. -Zien 23:38, 19 December 2008 (UTC)Reply[reply]

An Issue

Its not actually RELATED to zelda wiki, but since you're an admin, I assume you're a good source of advice.

  • There is a hacker all over my favorite game that is hacking many accounts...including mine. He makes levels depicting giant Nazi symbols, claims to be me, somehow gets people's emails and spams them, make threats like "I'm gonna rape ur sister and stab her in the head ten times!". He even makes threats and spam in a fansite that I set up, which I thought was unspammable since its a members-only site. I need help seriously because there are no mods on Block quest and the only admin is offline; I'm the admin on my own site, and there are no internet police so I'm not sure who else to turn to...--Stalkid 00:58, 20 December 2008 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Oh gosh, um... Have you tried changing your password? (Maybe even more than once -- like once or twice a day or something?) Anything I can think of is really more of a temporary fix until the admin can get into the server and ban the guy and his IP (and if you can, contact the admin and suggest that he call the hacker's ISP and try to get his internet shut down). I'm not exactly super-proficient with this sort of thing, so that's really the best I can recommend. Sorry I couldn't be of more help. :( User:Ando/sig 03:16, 20 December 2008 (UTC)
I was hacked once. I'm pretty much just saying what Ando said but, change your password. Maybe your user name too? Though I don't know if that would help. Wish you luck there :P User:The Sage of Cosmos/sig 03:44, 20 December 2008 (UTC)
I have multiple backup alts, which I burn like calories. I can't change my username, but i change my pass regularly. I'm actually wanted highly by a group of hackers, but there is certain info i can't give out.Template:Nosig 21:16 , 21 December 2008 (UTC)


Do you think you would be able to archive my talk page for me? I can't figure out how and it's gotten way to big.--Link hero of light 03:53, 21 December 2008 (UTC)Reply[reply]

I'll do it, yeah, totally. I'll get on that now. But just a quick question: have you seen this? User:Ando/sig 04:04, 21 December 2008 (UTC)
Haha, wait, I just realized something: How do you want it organized? (i.e. by year, by quarter of a year, just until the archives are sufficiently large, etc.) User:Ando/sig 04:07, 21 December 2008 (UTC)

Sorry I didn't reply sooner, can you archive them "just until the archives are sufficiently large"? Thank you very much.--Link hero of light 00:46, 23 December 2008 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Ahh... Tough break Ando. He doesn't want those bizarre-looking archive names. I told you people wouldn't like that.
Anyway. The optimum size you'd want an archive to be is about 30,000 bytes. Your talk page is 25,545 bytes. So it can all go into one archive.User:Matt/sig 01:06, December 23, 2008 (UTC)
I wasn't planning on giving him my silly archive naming style.
No problem, man, I'll get on this. User:Ando/sig 01:42, 23 December 2008 (UTC)

THanks. BTW, do you think my idea about decorating the main page for Chrismas a good idea or a bad idea. --Link hero of light 02:54, 23 December 2008 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Actually, I think it's a fantastic idea. I actually meant to tell you before, but I proposed the idea on the staff boards. The problem is that everyone who could do it is so busy with other stuff (their own sites, Christmas, etc.) that there just isn't time to do it. :/ Perhaps next year, though, now that we can have a little more time to get prepped? User:Ando/sig 02:57, 23 December 2008 (UTC)

Too bad. Oh well, at least I know my idea wasn't awful. Infact, I thougt it was going to get negative feedback.--Link hero of light 04:39, 23 December 2008 (UTC)Reply[reply]

I'm sure that Steven could do it. He could make the changes in the sandbox and then one of us could implement them.User:Matt/sig 04:46, December 23, 2008 (UTC)

I was going to say the same thing, but I din't want to bother him. But if you think it's a good idea, I'll ask him.--Link hero of light 04:57, 23 December 2008 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Or should a sysop do that? Either way, someone should ask him tonight.--Link hero of light 05:00, 23 December 2008 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Matt, do we even have that power? I'm not sure that the FTP access we have gives us access to the images (though I haven't actually looked, so I might be wrong). User:Ando/sig 05:41, 23 December 2008 (UTC)
There are simple wiki methods to do it. Just look at Steven's page.User:Matt/sig 06:02, December 23, 2008 (UTC)


Yeaah thanks. I like this wiki, it has a nice feeling to it. Plumber (Talk) 22:58, 1 January 2009 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Help Guide

Hi there, just wanted to get your thoughts on a few points since the new-fangled Help Guide is your project ;)
As you know, for a long time Help:Editing was our only real help page, and a stopgap until we got something better (like now!) Clearly it's almost redundant now, hence it not being linked from the Help template, but I was wondering what should be done with it? It still has some information not covered in other sections (although I haven't read it all, so I can't say exactly what.) Based on that, I'm not sure if it should just be cut down and simplified, or broken up into sections and incorporated into the main guide, or just deleted!
Also, we still have Help:Changing featured content, which I wrote a while back when I was the only one with all the steps in my head! Despite the fact that the process has changed with the new Featured rotation templates, there's still stuff in there related to the actual administrative task of shifting and reformatting text from the voting page to the archive etc. I was wondering if maybe we should take that and incorporate it into another help page all about Featured content (voting procedures and rules, administrative stuff like this, disqualification and related procedures, replacement of existing images etc...) User:Adam/sig 08:35, 4 January 2009 (UTC)

Righto, hmm...
Pretty much the only content covered on Help:Editing that isn't covered elsewhere is the __NOEDITSECTION__ code and variables such as NUMBEROFARTICLES. So really I'm not sure that it could co-exist with the guide on its own with so little content; a merging with one of the current help guide pages would make more sense to me. Probably Help:Getting Started or something.
As for Help:Changing featured content, your idea of a Featured Content page explaining what it all is, voting rules, and all of that other stuff sounds like a great idea. I'm not sure why I didn't think of it myself! :P I say we do that. User:Ando/sig 14:13, 5 January 2009 (UTC)
I've merged a few bits of useful stuff from Help:Editing into Help:Getting Started, and removed what seemed unnecessary. I'll find a home for what's left soon. I think I'll leave the writing of Help:Featured Content to you, since you're clearly better at this stuff! You're good at simplifying, whereas I go into too much detail and end up making it more complicated :/ User:Adam/sig 20:38, 5 January 2009 (UTC)
Heh, I clicked to edit Help:Getting Started anyway to fix a couple of issues I'd missed before and just happened to get this message. But yes! You seem to have merged all of the good stuff (and some of the stuff I forgot about entirely >_>). I'll work on touching it up as much as I can.
Also, thanks. :D Yeah, I'll do the Help:Featured Content page. User:Ando/sig 20:46, 5 January 2009 (UTC)