Three Trials

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The Three Trials are three different tests Link must pass to reach the Sand Temple in Spirit Tracks. They are told to Link by the Lokomo Rael. These trials include: Passing the Big Eye that Looms in the Shadows, The Twisted Tunnels, and The Impenetrable Fortress.

Bug Eye that Looms in the Shadows

This is the first trial. It is a battle with a Rocktite. You hit this enemy in the eye. When it is chasing you with its eyes closed, preventing you from hitting it, hit the explosives on the wall with bombs when the monster is close to it. This will open its eyes.

The Twisted Tunnels

These are a series of tunnels. Each tunnel leads to a different place depending on if you go through it forwards or backwards.

The Impenetrable Fortress

After you pass the first two trials you appear at the temple, but it is surrounded by cannons. As the sign at the entrance of the temple says, you must shoot down every canon. Once you do this you are free to enter the final temple
