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Revision as of 02:15, 21 October 2007 by Evanicafan@legacy41958055 (talk | contribs) (Hello!)
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Hey everybody! Glad I get myself into this nice web, 'cause I'm a big Zelda fan since I put my hands in a NES, back then I was 5 I think. Well, I'm not going on with the annoying relates of my experience as a green hirulyan hero but I can tell: The Zelda saga rocks my world! I have hold right in my hands every Zelda cartridge/disc excepting for the ones developed in contribution with Capcom (Four Swords, Minish Cap, etc.) the last one I played was Twilight Princess and the ending was a bit sour ('ya know what I mean, huh?) and I'm dying to put my fingers on my DS and start playing Phantom Hourglass, maybe I get mine this next days...

 About me? Ummm... I'm native-american, I'm planning to go studying Graphic Design or Videogames development, wherever it takes, I want to lead a comfy life for me, my family and future wife and kids, I'm 17 (I forget to tell) I play the piano, guitar and flute, I had some degrees on Informatics and Medium Programmer, I'm not into a big things right now but I'm staring at the sky to get some inspiration as our hero does, take care, you can write me to my mail whenever you like, I also have a hi5 and Myspace with the same nick, read you around! =)