
From Zelda Wiki, the Zelda encyclopedia
Revision as of 13:32, 30 June 2017 by KokoroSenshi (talk | contribs) (See if I can fix MediaWiki:UploadPreview.js)
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// <source lang="javascript">

  Preview button for file uploads. Adapted from by Lupo, March 2008. 
  Adaptation by
  Modified for compatibility with Zelda Wiki's FileInfo template.
  License: GPL

var canonicalNamespace = mw.config.get("wgCanonicalNamespace");
var canonicalSpecialPageName = mw.config.get("wgCanonicalSpecialPageName");
var script = mw.config.get("wgScript");
var scriptPath = mw.config.get("wgScriptPath");
var articlePath = mw.config.get("wgArticlePath");
var server = mw.config.get("wgServer");

var wpPreviewUploadLbl = "Show preview";
var wpPreviewUploadTooltip = "Preview your changes, please use this before saving!";
var wpPreviewOverwriteError ='You will upload over an already existing file.'
     +'If you proceed, the information in this form will not appear on the description page.';

var wpCategoriesUploadLbl = "Categories:";

if (typeof (UploadForm) == 'undefined') {

var UploadForm = {

  isInstalled : false,
  isReupload : false,
  the_form : null,

  install : function() {
    if (UploadForm.isInstalled) return; // Do this only once per page!
    UploadForm.isInstalled = true;

    if (document.URL.indexOf ('uploadpreview=disabled') >= 0) return; // We're disabled

    //Only on Special:Upload
    if (canonicalNamespace != 'Special' || canonicalSpecialPageName != 'Upload') return;
    var form =    document.getElementById ('upload')
               || document.getElementById ('mw-upload-form');
    var original_desc = document.getElementById ('wpUploadDescription');
    if (!form || !original_desc) return; // Oops. Not good: bail out; don't do anything.
    var reupload = document.getElementById ('wpForReUpload');
    var destFile = document.getElementById ('wpDestFile');
    if (reupload)
      UploadForm.isReupload = !!reupload.value;
    else {
      UploadForm.isReupload = destFile && (destFile.disabled || destFile.readOnly);
    if (destFile && !!destFile.disabled) {
      destFile.readOnly = true;
      destFile.disabled = false;
    if (destFile && UploadForm.isReupload) {
      destFile.onkeyup = function (evt) {};
      destFile.onchange = function (evt) {};
    UploadForm.the_form = form;
    if (!UploadForm.isReupload) {
      UploadForm.check_initial_dest_file ();

  check_initial_dest_file : function ()
    var dest_file = document.getElementById ('wpDestFile');
    if (   dest_file && dest_file.value && dest_file.value.length > 0
        && wgUploadWarningObj && typeof (wgUploadWarningObj.keypress) == 'function')

  makePreview : function (description, is_overwrite)
    if ( is_overwrite )
      UploadForm.showPreview (
          '\<div style="border:1px solid red; padding:0.5em;"\>'
        + '\<div class="error"\>'
        + wpPreviewOverwriteError
        + '\<\/div\>'
        + '\<\/div\>'
    } else {
      var text = '\<div style="border:1px solid red; padding:0.5em;"\>\n'
               + '\<div class="previewnote"\>\n'
               + '\{\{int:previewnote\}\}\n'
               + '\<\/div>\n';
      var source   = document.getElementsByName("wpsource")[0].value;
      var game =  document.getElementById ('wpgames');
      var game_text = '';
      if (   game != null && game.selectedIndex >= 0
          && game.options[game.selectedIndex].value.length > 0) {
        game_text = game.options[game.selectedIndex].value;
      var filetype =  document.getElementById ('wpfiletype');
      var filetype_text = null;
      if (   filetype != null && filetype.selectedIndex >= 0
          && filetype.options[filetype.selectedIndex].value.length > 0) {
        filetype_text = filetype.options[filetype.selectedIndex].value;
      var license = document.getElementById ('wplicenses');
      var license_text = null;
      if (   license != null && license.selectedIndex >= 0
          && license.options[license.selectedIndex].value.length > 0) {
        license_text = license.options[license.selectedIndex].value;

      text = "<h2>Preview</h2>\n{{FileInfo|summary=" + description + "|type=" + filetype_text + "|source=" + source +  "|game=" + game_text + "|licensing=" + license_text + "}}";
      // Make the Ajax call
      var req = sajax_init_object ();
      if (!req) return;
      var button = document.getElementById ('wpUploadPreview');
      var page   = document.getElementById ('wpDestFile');
      if (page) page = page.value;
      if (page != null && page.length == 0) page = null;
      if (button && typeof (injectSpinner) == 'function')
        injectSpinner (button, 'wpUploadPreviewSpinner');
      var uri  = server + scriptPath + '/api.php';
      var args = 'action=parse&pst&text=' + encodeURIComponent (text)
               + (page ? '&title=File:' + encodeURIComponent (page.replace (/ /g, '_')) : "")
               + '&prop=text|categories&format=json';
      // "&pst" is "Pre-save transform": tilde replacement, pipe magic for links like [[foo|foo]].
      // Don't use a callback directly, add the function call ourselves *after* the call, since
      // the API somehow resolves tildes to an IP number instead of the username if a callback
      // is used. C.f.
      // Apparently, that's a feature, not a bug...
      var request_length = uri.length + args.length + 1;
      if (!!window.ActiveXObject && request_length > 2000 || request_length > 8100) {
        // IE has a URL limit of 2083 character (2048 in the path), WMF servers appear to have an 8kB
        // limit; ('POST', uri, true);
        req.setRequestHeader ('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
      } else {
        uri += '?' + args; args = null; ('GET', uri, true);
      req.setRequestHeader ('Pragma', 'cache=no');
      req.setRequestHeader ('Cache-Control', 'no-transform');
      req.onreadystatechange =
        function ()
          if (req.readyState != 4) return;
          if (typeof (removeSpinner) == 'function') removeSpinner ('wpUploadPreviewSpinner');
          if (req.status != 200) return;
          // Add the "callback"...
          if (req.responseText && req.responseText.indexOf ('{') == 0)
            // Primitive sanity check. If the response text does *not* start with '{', it might have been
            // spoofed and contain a function call... of course, this simple check cannot catch more
            // elaborate spoof attempts.
            eval ('UploadForm.jsonPreview (' + req.responseText + ')');
      req.send (args);

  jsonPreview : function (result)
    if (result && result.parse && result.parse.text && result.parse.text['*'] != null) {
      var txt = result.parse.text['*'];
      var categories = result.parse.categories;
      if (categories && categories.length > 0) {
        // Add a mock-up of a category bar. We don't care about non-existing categories, and we
        // can't identify hidden categories.
        var catbar = '<div class="catlinks"><div id="mw-normal-catlinks">'
                   + wpCategoriesUploadLbl;
        categories.sort (
          function (a, b) {
            var key_a = a['*'].toLowerCase (), key_b = b['*'].toLowerCase ();
            if (key_a < key_b) return -1;
            if (key_a > key_b) return 1;
            return 0;
        for (var i = 0; i < categories.length; i++) {
          var catname = categories[i]['*'];
          if (catname && catname.length > 0) {
            if (i > 0) catbar += ' |';
            catbar += ' <a ' + 'href="/Category:' + encodeURI (catname) + '">'
                      + catname.replace(/_/g, ' ') + '</a>';
        catbar += '</div></div>';
        // Now insert it into text.
        var end = txt.lastIndexOf ('</div>');
        txt += catbar;
      UploadForm.showPreview (txt);

  isOverwrite : function () {
    if (document.getElementById ('wpUploadWarningFileexists') != null) return true;
    var destfile_warning = document.getElementById ('wpDestFile-warning');
    if (destfile_warning == null) return false;
    var dest_file = document.getElementById ('wpDestFile');
    if (dest_file == null || dest_file.value == null || dest_file.value.length == 0) return false;
    var lks = destfile_warning.getElementsByTagName ('a');
    if (lks == null || lks.length == 0) return false;
    var fn1 =
      dest_file.value.replace(/^\s\s*/, '').replace(/\s\s*$/, '').replace(/ /g, '_');
    fn1     = fn1.substr (0, 1).toUpperCase () + fn1.substring (1);
    var fn0 = 'Image:' + fn1;
    fn1     = 'File:' + fn1;
    // Trimmed, blanks replaced by underscores, first character capitalized

    for (var i = 0; i < lks.length; i++) {
      var href = lks[i].getAttribute ('href', 2);
      if (href.indexOf (script + '?') == 0 || href.indexOf (server + script + '?') == 0) {
        var m = /[&?]title=([^&]*)/.exec (href);
        if (m && m.length > 1) href = m[1]; else href = null;
      } else {
        var prefix = articlePath.replace ('$1', "");
        if (href.indexOf (prefix) != 0) prefix = server + prefix; // Fully expanded URL?
        if (href.indexOf (prefix) == 0) href = href.substring (prefix.length); else href = null;
      if (!href) continue;
      href = decodeURIComponent (href).replace (/ /g, '_');
      if (href == fn0 || href == fn1) return true;
    return false;

  isChildOf : function (child, ancestor)
    if (!ancestor) return false;
    while (child && child != ancestor) child = child.parentNode;
    return (child == ancestor);

  showPreview : function (result)
    var preview = document.getElementById ('wpUploadPreviewDisplay');
    if (preview == null) {
      var before = document.getElementById ('mw-upload-permitted');
      if (!before || UploadForm.isChildOf (before, UploadForm.the_form))
        before = UploadForm.the_form;
          if (!before) return; // Don't know where to insert preview display. Error message here?
        preview = document.createElement ('div');
        preview.setAttribute ('id', 'wpUploadPreviewDisplay');
        before.parentNode.insertBefore (preview, before);
    try {
      preview.innerHTML = result;
    } catch (ex) {
      preview.innerHTML = ""; // Error message here instead?
    } = ""; // Show it

  addPreviewButton : function ()
    var request = sajax_init_object ();
    // If we don't have Ajax, our preview won't work anyway.
    if (request == null) return;
    var uploadButton = document.getElementsByName ('wpUpload')[0]; // Has no ID...
    // If we can't find the upload button, we don't know where to insert the preview button.
    if (uploadButton == null) return;

    var previewButton = document.createElement ('input');
    previewButton.setAttribute ('id', 'wpUploadPreview');
    previewButton.setAttribute ('name', 'wpUploadPreview');
    previewButton.type    = 'button';
    previewButton.accessKey = 'p';
    previewButton.value   = wpPreviewUploadLbl;
    previewButton.title   = wpPreviewUploadTooltip + ' [p]';
    previewButton.onclick = UploadForm.preview;

    previewButton.setAttribute ('style', 'margin-left: 0.5em;');
    uploadButton.parentNode.insertBefore (previewButton, uploadButton.nextSibling);

  preview : function (evt)
    var overwrite = UploadForm.isOverwrite ();
    var desc = document.getElementById ('wpUploadDescription');
    UploadForm.makePreview (desc.value, overwrite);
    return true;



// </source>